
Let’s do it! 1.2

(New York Times, 1/21/1997) Winter can give you a cold because it forces you indoors with coughers, sneezers, and wheezers. Toddlers can give you a cold because they are the original Germs “R” Us. But, can going postal with the boss or fretting about marriage give a person a post-nasal drip?

Yes, say a growing number of researchers. A psychology professor at Carnegie Mellon University, Dr. Sheldon Cohen, said his most recent studies suggest that stress doubles a person’s risk of getting a cold.

The percentage of people exposed to a cold virus who actually get a cold is 40%. The researcher would like to assess if stress increases this percentage. So, the population of interest is people who are under stress. State the appropriate hypotheses for assessing the researcher’s theory regarding the population.