Reading List:

Everything on this list is web accessible and is not password protected.  Unless otherwise noted by me, your readings will be on line.  Every once in a while a reading will be Xeroxed and given to you in class. FYI: please do remember that these first few pieces will be DIFFICULT READING .  I willnot expect you to understand everything right away...or even some of the things.  But i would like you to persevere and to understand that the writers in question are trying to do something stylistically, as well as rhetorically and theoretically.

1.  Walter Benjamin, " The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction

2.  Theodor Adorno, "On Popular Music"

3. Fredric Jameson, "Postmodernism, or The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism

4.  Brian Eno, "A Big Theory of Culture"

5.  Brian Eno, "Generative Music"

6.  Brian Eno, "Ambient Reflections"

7.  Brian Eno, "Graduation Address"

8. Laurie Spiegel, "Music and Media"

9. Paul Miller, "Fluid Neon Bright Shadows"

10.  Paul Miller,"Uncanny/Unwoven"

11.  Paul Miller. "Material Memories"

12.  Chris Melchior, "Ambient Music: Beginnings and Implications"

13.  Bobby DeVito, "But is it MUZAAAK??!!"

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