
Catullus 13

Catullus invites his friend Fabullus to his house for a Stone Soup party.

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Cenabis bene, mi Fabulle, apud me
paucis, si tibi di favent, diebus,
si tecum attuleris bonam atque magnam
cenam, non sine candida puella
et vino et sale et omnibus cachinnis...................5
haec si, inquam, attuleris, venuste noster,
cenabis bene; nam tui Catulli
plenus sacculus est aranearum.
sed contra accipies meros amores
seu quid suavius elegantiusve est:.....................10
nam unguentum dabo, quod meae puellae
donarunt Veneres Cupidinesque,
quod tu cum olfacies, deos rogabis,
totum et te faciant, Fabulle, nasum.

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Meter: hendecasyllabics.
2. paucis...diebus: hyperbaton; also found on lines 3-4, 8 and 14.
6. noster: use of plural for singular meus.
10. seu quid: vel si quid; quid is an indefinite pronoun, i.e., aliquid.
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last updated October 17, 2003
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