
Verbs (under construction)

First Conjugation
  • practice Present, Imperfect and Future forms, Active and Passive, on Quia.com
Second Conjugation
  • practice Present, Imperfect and Future forms, Active and Passive, on Quia.com

Third Conjugation

  • practice Present, Imperfect and Future forms, Active and Passive, on Quia.com

Third-io Conjugation

  • practice Present, Imperfect and Future forms, Active and Passive, on Quia.com

Fourth Conjugation

  • practice Present, Imperfect and Future forms, Active and Passive, on Quia.com


  • practice Present, Imperfect, Future, Perfect, Pluperfect, and Future Perfect forms on Quia.com
last updated October 10, 2003
comments, corrections?