Lesson 2 Words


ALIEN- of another

alienate, to make unfriendly or withdrawn
alienation, emotional isolation
inalienable, not able to be given away or sold

ART- art, skill

artificial, made by human skill, simulated
artisan, artist in industrial crafts (e.g., glass, jewelry)
artifact, any object made by human work
artiste, public performer, esp. a singer or dancer; with artistic pretensions
artillery, large-caliber weapons operated by crews
artifice, subtle but base deception, trickery
artful, skillful; tricky
artless, free of artificiality; natural; also, uncultured, ignorant

FIN- end, limit

confine, to restrict, keep within limits
define, to determine the limits or nature of
definite, w/ distinct limits; certain; explicitly precise
affinity, natural attraction or feeling of kinship
final, last
finale, ending
finality, conclusiveness
finalize, complete, conclude
finance, science of money mgmt; (to end, settle)
fine, of superior quality (finis honorum); very small in size, weight, or thickness; penalty
finery, elaborate clothing and accessories
finesse, artful delicacy in performance; craftiness
finish, to complete
finite, having limits
infinite, not limited
infinity, unbounded space, time, or quantity
paraffin, waxy material (parum "too little" +, combines poorly with other things)
refine, purify
refinery, a place for purifying a crude material, such as petroleum or sugar

FIRM- strong, firm

firmament, the sky viewed poetically as a solid arch
confirm, to give formal approval, prove the truth of
infirm, unwell, weak, feeble
affirm, declare positively; uphold the validity of
affirmation, a declaration of support
affirmative, asserting something is true or correct
infirmary, a small hospital
infirmity, sickness

FORT- strong

fortify, strengthen
fortitude, patient endurance of suffering or pain
comfort, to sooth in distress; (n.) a state which provides ease and quiet enjoyment
effort, use of physical or mental energy to do something; an earnest attempt
fort, permanent army post
forte, something in which a person excels
pianoforte, a piano
perforce, by necessity; by force of circumstance

GRAND- great

grandeur, spendor, magnificence
grandiloquent, using fancy words, pompous
grandiose, imposing, pompous
aggrandize, make greater in power, influence; make appear greater; exaggerate
grandam, (dame) grandmother, old woman

GRAV- heavy

grave, serious (illness),
(not "hole in ground" [<OE grafan, dig])
gravid, full of ripe eggs and distended from fullness
gravity, attractive force; seriousness
grievance, justifiable complaint
grief, deep sorrow, remorse
aggravate, make worse
[not gravy (< gran)]

LINE- line

align, bring into a straight line
delineate, draw, depict, sketch
ineage, ancestry
linear, straight, having only one dimension
linen, thread made from fibers of the flax plant (< L. linum)
lingerie, women's underwear, orig. out of linen
crinoline, stiff fabric of cotton or horsehair used esp. to line and stiffen hats and garments

NIHIL- nothing

annihilate, to destroy
nihilism, rejection of all traditional beliefs
nil, nothing

NUL(L) nothing

annul, to do away with, deprive of legal force
nullify, to make invalid, cancel out
null, (Math.) a set having no members

PART- part

apart, separate
apartment, a separate living quarter among others in the same building
compartment, one of the spaces into which an area is subdivided
counterpart, one of two parts that fit and complete each other
depart, leave
impart, to grant a share of; bestow, give
impartial, not taking sides, not biased
partition, devision
partial, affecting only a part; having a particular liking, biased
partisan, fervent, sometimes militant supporter
participate, share in something
particle, very small piece or portion
party, social gathering; an established political group
particular, assoc'd with a specific group or category; distinct or separate
partner, one that is associated with others in an activity or a sphere of common interest
repartee, a swift, witty reply; conversation marked by witty retorts
tripartite, composed of three parts

VERB- word

verb, action word
adverb, a word which describes verbs, adjs and advs
verbatim, word for word
proverb, short, pithy saying in widespread use that expresses a basic truth
verbal, expressed in spoken rather than written words
verbose, containing an excessive number of words
verbosity, wordiness
verbiage, an excess of words for the purpose; manner in which something is worded

VEST- garment

vestment, a garment, especially a robe or gown worn an indication of office
invest, to install in robes of office; to give authority, power or money to
investiture, formal ceremony of conferring the authority and symbols of a high office
divest, to sell off or otherwise dispose of
travesty, an exaggerated or grotesque imitation, such as a parody of a literary work
vestry, room in a church where the clergy put on store their vestments; a sacristy
vesture, clothing; apparel
vestibule, "cloakroom," passage/hall between outer door and inside of building

