The Minkowski (power) metric from a point p to a point pi in Rm is defined by
dLp(p, pi) = [j=1∑m | xj - xij |p]1/p --------------- 1
where (x1, x2, . . . , xm) and (xi1, xi2, . . . , xim) are the Cartesian coordinates of p and pi, respectively. Customarily the symbol Lp is used for the Minkowski metric, where p refers to the degree of the power.
The parameter p varies in the range of 1 ≤ p < ∞.
dL1(p, pi) = j=1∑m | xj - xij | --------------- 2
which is called the Manhattan metric, the city-block distance or the taxi-cab distance.
dL2(p, pi) = [j=1∑m | xj - xij |2]1/2
which is called the Euclidean distance.
dL∞(p, pi) = [maxj
| xj - xij | j
Im }
which is called the Supermum metric or dominance metric.