the allocated space for the table is not enough, we must copy the table into
larger size table. Similarly, if large number of members erased from the table,
it is good idea to reallocate the table with a smaller size. Using amortized
analysis we shall show that the amortized cost of insertion and deletion is
constant and unused space in a dynamic table never exceeds a constant fraction
of the total space.
Assume that the dynamic table supports following two operations:
This operation add an item in the table by copying into the unused single slot. The cost of insertion is 1.
This operation removes an item from the table by freeing a slot. The cost of deletion is 1.
The number of items stored in the table, n, divided by the size of the
table, m, is defined as the load factor and denoted as T(α) = m/n
The load factor of the empty table (size m=0) is 1.
A table is full when there exists no used slots. That is, the number of items
stored in the table equals the number of available slots (m=n). In this case
Load factor
T(α) =
n/m = 1
If n elementary insert operations are performed in line 4, the worst-case
cost of an operation is O(n), which leads to an upper bound of O(n2)
on the total running time for n operations.
The ith insert operation causes an expansion only when i - 1 an exact power of 2. Let ci be the cost of the ith insert operation. Then
ci = i if i - 1 is an exact power of 2
1 Otherwise
As an example, consider the following illustration.
m 1
The total cost of n insert operations is therefore
n∑i=1 ci ≤ n + floor(lgn)∑j=0 2j
= n + [2floor(lgn)+1 -1]/[2-1] since n∑k=0 xk = [xn+1 -1]/[x-1]
= n + 2lgn . 2-1
= n + 2n - 1
= 3n - 1
< 3n
Therefore, the amortized cost of a single operation is
= Total cost
Number of operations
= 3n/n
= 3
Asymptotically, the cost of dynamic table is O(1) which is the same as that of table of fixed size.
Here we guess charges to 3$. Intuitively, each item pays for 3 elementary operations.
Define a potential function Φ that is 0 immediately after an expansion but potential builds to the table size by the time the table is full.
Φ(T) = 2 . num[T] - size[T]
Immediately after an expansion (but before any insertion) we have, num[T] = size[T]/2
which implies
Φ(T) = 2 . num[T] - 2 num[T]
= 0
Immediately before an expansion, we have num[T] = size[T],
which implies
Φ(T) = 2 . num[T] - num[T]
= num[T]
The initial value of the potential function is zero i.e., Φ(T) = 0, and half-full i.e., num[T] ≥ size[T]/2. or 2 num[T] ≥ size[T]
which implies
Φ(T) = 2 num[T] - size[T] ≥ 0
That is, Φ(T) is always nonnegative.
Before, analyze the amortized cost of the ith TABLE-INSERT operation define following.
= number of elements in the table after ith operation
= table after ith operation.
= Potential function after ith operation.
Initially, we have num0 = size0 =0 and Φ0 = 0.
If ith insertion does not trigger an expansion, then sizei = sizei-1 and the amortized cost of the operation is
^ci = ci + Φi - Φi-1
= 1 + [2 . numi - sizei] - [2 . numi-1- sizei-1]
= 1 + 2 numi - sizei - 2(numi- 1) - sizei
= 1 + 2numi - sizei - 2numi + 2 - sizei
= 3
If the ith insertion does trigger an expansion, then (size of the table becomes double) then sizei = sizei-1 = numi and the amortized cost of the operation is 2
^ci = ci + Φi - Φi-1
= numi + [2 . numi - sizei] - [2 . numi-1 - sizei-1]
= numi + 2numi - sizei - 2 . numi-1 + sizei-1
= numi + 2numi -2(numi -1) -2(numi -1) + (numi -1)
= numi +2numi-2numi-2 -2numi + 2 + numi -1
= 4 -1
= 3
What is the catch? It show how potential builds (from zero) to pay the table expansion.
When the load factor of the table, α(T) = n/m, becomes too small, we want to preserve following two properties:
Proposed Strategy
Even: When an item is inserted into full table.
Action: Double the size of the table i.e., m ← 2m.
Even: When removing of an item makes table less the half table.
Action: Halve the size of the table i.e., m ← m/2.
The problem with this strategy is trashing. We can avoid this problem by allowing the load factor of the table, α(T) = n/m, to drop below 1/2 before contradicting it. By contradicting the table when load factor falls below 1/4, we maintain the lower bound α(T) ≥ 1/4 i.e., load factor is bounded by the constant 1/4.
The load factor α(T), of non-empty table T is defined as the number of items stored in the T divided by the size of T, which is number slots in T, i.e.,
α(T) = num[T] / size[T]
Since for an empty table, we have
num[T] = size[T] = 0 and α(T) = 1
which implies that we always have
num[T] = α(T) . size[T]
whether table is empty or not.
We start by defining a potential function Φ that is
Φ(T) 2 . num[T] - size(T) if α(T) ≥ 1/2 size(T) - num[T] if α(T) < 1/2
Note that the potential function is never negative.
When α(T) = 1/2
α(T) = num[T] = 1/2
implies that size[T] = 2 num[T]
And the potential function is
since Φ(T) = 2 num[T] - size[T]
= 2 num[T] - 2 num[T]
= 0
When α(T) = 1
since α(T) = num[T]
= 1
implies that size[T] = num[T]
And the potential function is
since Φ(T) = 2 num[T] - size[T]
= 2 num[T] - num[T]
= num[T]
which indicates that the potential can pay for an expansion if an item is inserted.
When α(T) = 1/4, then
since α(T) = num[T] = 1/4
implies that size[T] = 4 num[T]
And the potential function is
Φ(T) = size[T]/2 - num[T]
= 4 num[T]/2 - num[T]
= num[T]
which indicates that the potential can pay for a contradiction if an item is deleted.
The subscript is used in the existing notations to denote their values after the ith operations. That is to say, ^ci, ci, numi, sizei, αi and Φi indicate values after the ith operation.
num0 = size0
= Φ0 = 1 and α0