Lecture 11

Late Paleozoic Mountain Building and Pangaea

Keep Reading Chapters 11 and 13

Focus Question:  Why are there such large deposits of coal from one particular geologic period? 


1.  Following the Devonian Period, the Mississippian and Pennsylvanian Periods included the gradual formation of the supercontinent PANGAEA , composed of Gondwanaland to the south (Africa, South America, Antarctica, India, Australia) and Laurentia  and Eurasia. 

a.        Immense forests were the sources of the great coal beds of these two periods.  

b.      Additionally, extensive glaciation occurred, which resulted in sea level drop.  Sea level rise and fall as a response to glacial-interglacial cycles at this time produced facies changes in the sediments in the shallow seas of the flooded mid-continents.  These facies packages are CYCLOTHEMS.

c.       CYCLOTHEMS have a standard sequence-first, nonmarine sediments, then grading to shallow marine and then back to nonmarine sediments.  This is a facies change .

d.       CYCLOTHEMS are found in the Missippian and Pennsylvanian Periods worldwide.

2.        Mississippian and Pennsylvanian time also was a time of the third and final orogenic event that built the Appalachian Mountains.  This was the Alleghenian Orogeny.  See Ron Blakey’s map of the Late Pennsylvanian Period here:  http://jan.ucc.nau.edu/~rcb7/namPP300.jpg


a.        Africa (part of Gondwanaland) collided with North America (as Pangaea formed) and the continent-continent collision folded and faulted the coastline, creating the Appalachian Mountains.

1.        Piedmont-region closest to the impact-highly metamorphosed schists and marbles with igneous intrusions, too.

2.       Blue Ridge – highly metamorphosed Precambrian rocks exposed

3.       Valley and Ridge -highly folded anticlinal and synclinal sedimentary rocks

a.        Ridges are sandstone layers, very resistant to erosion

b.      Valleys are limestones and shales, very easily eroded

4.        Plateau-region far from impact, yet still marginally affected.  Relatively flat lying layers-eastern Ohio is included here.

3.        From Pennsylvanian to Permian time, in approximately 70 million years, 90% of the world’s coal resources were deposited.  Why?  What happened in the Pennsylvanian Period that led to such an astounding amount of coal? 

a.        Pangaea is forming-lots of land in the tropics and subtropics

b.      The coal is the result of burial and pressure on immense amounts of plant remains, mostly trees, from immense forests.

c.       The trees were spore-bearing trees that grew in wet soils, in lowland coastal areas, such as estuaries, streams, riverbanks, swamps, marshes.

d.       The trees were large-they grew from 60 feet (like Calamites) to 100 feet (like Lepidodendrons) high, with extensive root systems.



 4.        Coal forms from plant material that has been buried, has not undergone much decay, and under elevated pressure and temperature loses its lighter elements, leaving the carbon as coal.  There are grades of coal based on how much heat it will produce and how cleanly it will burn:

Anthracite coal-produces the most heat and burns cleanly.  It is the most modified by heat and pressure, and is very hard and low in dust.   This is the most valuable of the three grades of coal.

Bituminous coal-produces less heat and burns less cleanly.  It is not as modified by heat and pressure, and has lots of impurities (especially sulfur).

Lignite coal-the least altered of the three grades-the distinct pieces of plant material can still be seen.  Lignite burns inefficiently, and has many impurities, and produces the least amount of heat of the three grades.


5.        Why didn’t all those trees decay completely?  A key player in this problem is the plant polymer Lignin.  

a.       Lignin is one of two important plant polymers (the other is cellulose – what paper is made of).  Lignin adds strength to cell walls, allowing the height to be sustained in trees. 

b.      It appears in higher plants in late Devonian time, and by Pennsylvanian time, is the key to tree height.

c.       Lignin is very tough for bacteria and fungi to digest, and only a few kinds of bacteria and fungi break it down today.  The method for breaking it down (digesting it) did not develop until Permian-Triassic time.


6.       The lack of a means of breaking down lignin led to the storage of carbon (in the form of the trees) in the sediments.  If we think about the process of photosynthesis on a global scale, then, we can see the problem:

Carbon dioxide    +    water   in the presence of sunlight    produces carbohydrates (for the plant) and oxygen (released)

a.        Carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere, and isn’t returned-it is buried in the form of the plants. 

b.      Oxygen is released by the plants, but Carbon dioxide is removed.

c.       The result is a rise in oxygen in the atmosphere, a drop in carbon dioxide, and a tremendous store-house of carbon, in the form of the plants…eventually to become coal.

7.        Effect of rising Oxygen on animals?

a.        Gigantism and the origin of flight:  Insects reached the largest sizes ever reached in geologic history.  Dragonflies (first in flight) such as Meganeura had wingspans of 75 cm (about 2.5 feet).  Millipedes reached lengths of eight feet. 

b.      Amphibians also reached exceptionally large sizes

8.        Putting on the breaks…How to stop this?

a.        Cooling temperatures led to glaciation in Gondwanaland.  Sea levels dropped, coastal, wetland areas started to dry out with sea level drop. 

b.      Fungi and bacteria began breaking down lignin.

c.       Peak of oxygen rise for the Pennsylvanian is estimated to be about 35%, compared with modern 21%.  Estimates are drawn from several sources, including stable isotopes.

9.        Legacy effect-the huge coal deposits of the modern world were produced almost exclusively in Pennsylvanian time under unusual circumstances, but those deposits fueled the Industrial Revolution and are still a major source of global energy today.

10.        The Permian Period is the final geologic period in the Paleozoic.  Several major events occurred during this time:

a.        The high atmospheric oxygen level seen in the Pennsylvanian period dropped to levels below modern.

b.      The landmasses converged to build the supercontinent Pangaea (see Ron Blakey's reconstruction here at


c.       The global temperatures started rising, so that the late Permian was much warmer than the Pennsylvanian period

d.      The Permian ended with the Earth’s greatest extinction event in history

11.        Ecological changes that should be considered with the development of a supercontinent include

a.        Continental landmasses continuously arrayed from pole to pole-lots of possibilities for migration, gene pool expansion

b.      Large expanses of midcontinental interiors-“continentality” prevails-higher highs and lower lows in temperature and precipitation swings

c.       Loss of coastal embayments and estuaries with the convergence of landmasses

12.        The drop in atmospheric oxygen coincides with

a.        The extinction of gigantic insects, amphibians

b.      The development of Permian and Triassic “redbeds”

c.       The warming of the planet

13.        During Pennsylvanian time, two important vertebrate groups arose from the stem group of early tetrapods (like Tiktaalik).  These were the Synapsids and the Diapsids.  Both groups were Amniotes (vertebrates that produced eggs).

a.        Diapsids-ancestral line of reptiles, birds


b.      Synapsids-ancestral line of mammals

14.       By Permian time, these groups included the top carnivores of the continents, as well as numerous herbivores. 

a.       The Permian Gorgonopsians, a group of synapsids, were common carnivores and herbivores, but became extinct at the close of the Permian.


Next Lecture:  The Permian-Triassic Extinction Event and Recovery, Keep Reading  Chapters 11 and 13