A Study Guide for the Earth & Life Through Time Midterm I


Midterm I is a multiple choice exam consisting of 30 questions and offered on line through your Vista/BB account.  Check your syllabus and course materials folder for the dates it is offered.   It is an open book/open notes exam, and is timed for one hour from beginning to end.  The questions will be drawn randomly from a pool of questions on the material covered in Weeks 1 through 4, Lectures 1-8 and the reading.  A few questions in the pool are drawn from the same questions in the quiz pool.


The best way to prepare for the midterm is to review your lecture topic summaries and your quizzes, and to review the key figures in your texts and on-line reading.  The lecture topic summaries and quizzes are a built-in study guide for this course.  If you find you need more guidance, I suggest you organize your notes, thoughts, and study efforts around these areas:


I.                   The Stratigraphic Principles

a.       What are they?

b.      Can you use them in a block diagram style question?

c.       What is an unconformity?

d.      What is stratigraphy?


II.                Sediment Record and Fossilization

a.       How are things fossilized? 

b.      What are the kinds of sedimentary rocks?

c.       What does the grain size mean about the energy of the environment?


III.             Ecology and Evolution

a.       What is the difference between a community, a habitat, and a niche?

b.      What is natural selection?  Genetic drift?  Mutation?  Gene Flow?

c.       What is a species?


IV.             Plate Tectonics

a.       what is the difference between the lithosphere and the asthenosphere?

b.      What is the Earth’s core made of?

c.       What happens at convergent, divergent, and transform fault boundaries?

d.      What are examples of continent-continent convergent boundaries, continent-ocean convergent boundaries, transform fault boundaries?

e.       What is sea floor spreading?

f.       Can you find a mid-ocean ridge and a trench on a map of the ocean floor?


V.                Origin of the Earth, Moon, Solar System

a.       What are the working hypotheses for the age of the solar system, including Earth?

b.      What is the working hypothesis about the origin of the Moon?

c.       What material is actually age-dated that tells us about the age of the Earth?


VI.             Precambrian Record

a.       When did the Archean Eon occur?

b.      What was the atmosphere composed of during the early Archean?

c.       What was the major change in the atmosphere linked to early life?

d.      What are Banded Iron Formations (BIFs)?

e.       What was the Ediacaran (Vendian) fauna?