Lecture Notes for Hydrology

Here are all the notes for class. Things to bear in mind—I do update these, so if there are issues, please let me know. Second, if you’re here from somewhere else, please feel free to look at how I organize this class, but please don’t take the notes and put them up somewhere else. They take a lot of time to put together!


Lecture 1—Introduction to hydrology

Lecture 2—Properties of water

Lecture 3—Where is all the world’s water?

The Water Cycle

Lecture 4—The water cycle and watersheds

Lecture 5—An interlude on significant figures and a little calculus

Lecture 6—Evaporation and transpiration

Lecture 7—Precipitation

Lecture 8—Thunderstorms, hurricanes, and rainfall intensity

Lecture 9—Estimating precipitation over an area

Lecture 10—The fate of rain

Lecture 11—Infiltration

Lecture 12—The Richards Equation and Green-Ampt infiltration


Lecture 13—An introduction to hydraulics

Lecture 14—Friction

Lecture 15—Turbulence

Lecture 16—The law of the wall

Lecture 16a—The laminar sublayer

Lecture 16b—Friction Factors

Lecture 17—Initiation of Motion


Lecture 18—Stage, discharge, and the hydrograph

Lecture 19—Hydrographs

Lecture 20—Unit hydrographs

Lecture 21—Screwing around with unit hydrographs

Lecture 21a—Instantaneous unit hydrographs

Lecture 22—Synthetic hydrographs


Lecture 24—Floods and flood frequency

Lecture 25—Flood routing

Lecture 26—Runge-Kutta techniques

Lecture 27—Snow hydrology

Lecture 28—Urban hydrology


Lab Lectures

Lecture A—Measuring stream cross sections

Lecture B—Measuring evaporation and precipitation

Lecture C—Measuring vertical velocity profiles

Lecture D—Measuring stream discharge