Grants & Fellowships
(Updated October 20, 1999)
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Best Places to Start
(Online Computer Library Center) Good starting point for grants, etc.
Foundation Center
Start here as well.
Indiana University SRS
Sponsored Research Services. Great place to start.
(Social Science Research Council)
Institute of International Education
Fulbright Foundation
A Good Search Engine to Use.
Other Possibilities
Grant Advisor
Probably a good grant search engine, but you have to subscribe.
and other good resources. Trouble is, your university has to be a member.
Grants for Eastern Europe.
Guggenheim Foundation
Good Post-Doctoral Grants.
National Endowment of the Humanities
Haven't found "grants" associated with this yet. But a possibility.
U.of Wisconsin Grants List
A great list of many kinds of grants available. No links though.
Ohio Arts
Alfred Sloan Foundation
IIS Graduate Student Fellowships
ACLS Fellowships
ACLS Homepage
American Council of Learned Societies
Asia-Pacific Philanthropy Consortium
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