D. Aemilius Sorex (Duovir, Friend of Caesar) (Betsy Karras)
Married to Celeria Phoebe
Husband's Parents: L. Aemilius Amor (Quaestor) and Caecilia Aquilina
Wife's Parents: L. Celerius Quintillus (Duovir, Patron of the Colony) and Iunia Cyrilla
Husband's Paternal Grandparents: M Aemilius Hilarianus and Flora Drusilla
Husband's Maternal Grandparents: C Caecilius Montanus and Licinia Salutaris
Wife's Paternal Grandparents: P Celerius Amandus and Sextia Marcellina
Wife's Maternal Grandparents: M Iunius Faustus and Plinia Narcissa
Total Duovirs in the Family: 1
Daughter: Aemilia 3 married to Silius 2, son of C. Silius Marsallas (Duovir, Attendant of the Sacred Rites of Volcanus) (4 ancestral political prestige)
Daughter: Aemilia 2 married to Rubrius 1, son of Q. Rubrius Flaccus (Aedile) (3 ancestral political prestige)
Daughter: Aemilia 1 married to Antistius 1, son of Ti. Antistius Phillipus (Quaestor) (7 ancestral political prestige)
T. Aemilius Draco (Aedile, Patron of the Colony) (Jacob Beurmann)
Married to Cornelia Helena
Husband's Parents: Ti. Aemilius Maximus (Quaestor) and Acilia Valentina
Wife's Parents: M. Cornelius Caligula (Quaestor, Patron of the Colony) and Plotia Victoria
Husband's Paternal Grandparents: M Aemilius Hilarianus and Flora Drusilla
Husband's Maternal Grandparents: M Acilius Priscus and Lucretia Regilla
Wife's Paternal Grandparents: M Cornelius Valerianus and Canneia Vara
Wife's Maternal Grandparents: Q Plotius Romanus and Nonia Pudentilla
Total Duovirs in the Family: 0
Son: Aemilius 1 married to Rubria 3, daughter of L. Rubrius Rufinus (Quaestor) (3 ancestral political prestige)
Ti. Aemilius Musicus (Duovir) (Jessica Schuckert)
Married to Plinia Calliste
Husband's Parents: Ti. Aemilius Maximus (Quaestor) and Acilia Valentina
Wife's Parents: L. Plinius Herculius (Duovir, Patron of the Colony) and Calpurnia Agrippina
Husband's Paternal Grandparents: M Aemilius Hilarianus and Flora Drusilla
Husband's Maternal Grandparents: M Acilius Priscus and Lucretia Regilla
Wife's Paternal Grandparents: L Plinius Nigrinus and Livia Grata
Wife's Maternal Grandparents: L Calpurnius Saturus and Turrania Crispina
Total Duovirs in the Family: 1
Son: Aemilius 2 married to Antistia 3, daughter of T. Antistius Bato (Aedile) (7 ancestral political prestige)
Son: Aemilius 3 married to Sergia 3, daughter of Ti. Sergius Spezia (Duovir Twice, Patron of the Colony, Priest of Volcanus) (4
Daughter: Aemilia 4 married to Cornelius 4, son of M. Cornelius Donatianus (13 ancestral political prestige)
Girls from this Family Married into Other Families
Aemilia Galla
Married to T. Naevius Calpurnianus
Her Parents: L. Aemilius Amor (Quaestor) and Caecilia Aquilina
Her Husband's Parents: T. Naevius Tasius (Duovir, Patron of the Colony) and Cartilia Octaviana
Arator - Wynfor (gardener; British Male; 35 years old)
Carnifex - Trogus (torturer; Roman Male; 38 years old)
Coca - Eudocia (cook; Greek Female; 36 years old)
Cocus - Aristides (cook; Greek Male; 23 years old)
Dulciaria - Kallisto (maker of sweets; Greek Female; 39 years old)
Morio - Nia (buffoon; British Female; 24 years old)
Ornatrix - Priscilla (hair dresser; Roman Female; 25 years old)
Paedagogus - Rogatus (tutor, caretaker of children; Roman Male; 49 years old)
Salutator - Ursus (greeter; Roman Male; 25 years old)
Salutator - Processus (greeter; Roman Male; 23 years old)
Unctrix - Paetina (Masseur/masseuse; Roman Female; 20 years old)
Veste - Herakles (in charge of wardrobe; Greek Male; 21 years old)
Event 1: An opening ceremony (Flamingo Extraveganza)
Flamingo (Rank 1; 1 points)
Flamingo (Rank 1; 1 points)
Flamingo (Rank 1; 1 points)
Flamingo (Rank 1; 1 points)
Flamingo (Rank 1; 1 points)
Flamingo (Rank 1; 1 points)
Flamingo (Rank 1; 1 points)
Flamingo (Rank 1; 1 points)
Flamingo (Rank 1; 1 points)
Flamingo (Rank 1; 1 points)
Flamingo (Rank 1; 1 points)
Flamingo (Rank 1; 1 points)
Flamingo (Rank 1; 1 points)
Flamingo (Rank 2; 2 points)
Flamingo (Rank 2; 2 points)
Flamingo (Rank 2; 2 points)
Flamingo (Rank 2; 2 points)
Flamingo (Rank 2; 2 points)
Flamingo (Rank 2; 2 points)
Flamingo (Rank 2; 2 points)
Flamingo (Rank 2; 2 points)
Flamingo (Rank 2; 2 points)
Flamingo (Rank 2; 2 points)
Flamingo (Rank 2; 2 points)
Flamingo (Rank 2; 2 points)
Flamingo (Rank 2; 2 points)
Flamingo (Rank 2; 2 points)
Flamingo (Rank 2; 2 points)
Flamingo (Rank 2; 2 points)
Flamingo (Rank 3; 3 points)
Flamingo (Rank 3; 3 points)
Flamingo (Rank 3; 3 points)
Flamingo (Rank 3; 3 points)
Flamingo (Rank 3; 3 points)
Flamingo (Rank 3; 3 points)
Flamingo (Rank 4; 4 points)
Flamingo (Rank 4; 4 points)
Bear (Rank 1; 3 points)
Bear (Rank 2; 6 points)
Bear (Rank 2; 6 points)
Bear (Rank 3; 9 points)
Bear (Rank 3; 9 points)
Bear (Rank 4; 12 points)
Bear (Rank 5; 15 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 1; 3 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 1; 3 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 2; 6 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 2; 6 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 2; 6 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 3; 9 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 3; 9 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 3; 9 points)
Event 2: Hunt within a deadly maze of creatures
Fox (Rank 2; 3 points)
Hyena (Rank 2; 4 points)
Hyena (Rank 2; 4 points)
Jackal (Rank 5; 7.5 points)
Leopard (Rank 5; 12.5 points)
Lion (Rank 4; 10 points)
Lion (Rank 4; 10 points)
Lion (Rank 4; 10 points)
Panda Bear (Rank 4; 16 points)
Panther (Rank 4; 10 points)
Tiger (Rank 4; 10 points)
Wild Dog (Rank 1; 1 points)
Wild Dog (Rank 3; 3 points)
Wolf (Rank 1; 2 points)
Wolverine (Rank 5; 7.5 points)
Wolverine (Rank 5; 7.5 points)
Wild Boar (Rank 1; 2 points)
Deer (Rank 2; 2 points)
Ibex (Rank 1; 1 points)
Ibex (Rank 2; 2 points)
Oryx (Rank 1; 1 points)
Oryx (Rank 2; 2 points)
Oryx (Rank 4; 4 points)
Wild Ass (Rank 1; 1 points)
Wild Ass (Rank 1; 1 points)
Wild Ass (Rank 5; 5 points)
Wildebeest (Rank 1; 1 points)
Wildebeest (Rank 1; 1 points)
Wildebeest (Rank 5; 5 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 1; 3 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 1; 3 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 2; 6 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 3; 9 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 3; 9 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 3; 9 points)
Cave (8 points): 1600 denarii
Maze covering the whole arena (20 points): 4000 denarii
Event 3: Prisoners of war: King of the Hill type battle
10 Prisoners of War (20 points): 2000 denarii
Large hill (30 feet tall) (12 points): 2400 denarii
Event 4: Multiple deaths: ad crucem
Hive of Killer Bees (Rank 1; 4 points)
Serious Brigand (Male, Ad Crucem; 3.5 points)
Serious Deserter (Male, Ad Crucem; 3.5 points)
Serious Forger (Male, Ad Crucem; 3.5 points)
Petty Murderer (Male, Ad Crucem; 2 points)
Serious Murderer (Male, Ad Crucem; 3.5 points)
Serious Murderer (Female, Ad Crucem; 3.5 points)
Famous Violator of a Tomb (Male, Ad Crucem; 8 points)
Cross Tree (12 points): 2400 denarii
Event 5: Multiple deaths: ad ignes
Minor Arsonist (Male, Ad Ignes; 2.5 points)
Minor Arsonist (Female, Ad Ignes; 2.5 points)
Minor Arsonist (Male, Ad Ignes; 2.5 points)
Famous Arsonist (Male, Ad Ignes; 8 points)
Famous Arsonist (Male, Ad Ignes; 8 points)
Petty Deserter (Male, Ad Ignes; 2 points)
Notorious Deserter (Male, Ad Ignes; 6 points)
Notorious Deserter (Male, Ad Ignes; 6 points)
Large hill (30 feet tall) (12 points): 2400 denarii
Tree (1 points): 200 denarii
Tree (1 points): 200 denarii
Tree (1 points): 200 denarii
Tree (1 points): 200 denarii
Tree (1 points): 200 denarii
Tree (1 points): 200 denarii
Tree (1 points): 200 denarii
Tree (1 points): 200 denarii
Event 6: A few deaths: ad bestias
Bull (Rank 4; 8 points)
Elephant (Rank 3; 10.5 points)
Hippopotamus (Rank 4; 12 points)
Rhinoceros (Rank 3; 9 points)
Rhinoceros (Rank 4; 12 points)
Rhinoceros (Rank 5; 15 points)
Giraffe (Rank 1; 3.5 points)
Wild Horse (Rank 3; 3 points)
Notorious Cattle Rustler (Male, Ad Bestias; 6 points)
Petty Deserter (Male, Ad Bestias; 2 points)
Famous Forger (Female, Ad Bestias; 8 points)
Famous Kidnapper (Male, Ad Bestias; 8 points)
Notorious Murderer (Female, Ad Bestias; 6 points)
Famous Sheep Rustler (Male, Ad Bestias; 8 points)
Famous Violator of a Tomb (Male, Ad Bestias; 8 points)
Event 7: A few deaths: ad bestias
Polar Bear (Rank 1; 5 points)
Polar Bear (Rank 2; 10 points)
Polar Bear (Rank 4; 20 points)
Snow Leopard (Rank 3; 12 points)
White Tiger (Rank 2; 10 points)
White Tiger (Rank 2; 10 points)
White Tiger (Rank 4; 20 points)
White Tiger (Rank 5; 25 points)
Serious Chicken Rustler (Male, Ad Bestias; 3.5 points)
Serious Deserter (Male, Ad Bestias; 3.5 points)
Minor Kidnapper (Female, Ad Bestias; 2.5 points)
Minor Kidnapper of a Child (Male, Ad Bestias; 2.5 points)
Petty Pig Rustler (Male, Ad Bestias; 2 points)
Notorious Violator of a Tomb (Male, Ad Bestias; 6 points)
Event 8: A few deaths: ad bestias
Baboon (Rank 2; 5 points)
Baboon (Rank 2; 5 points)
Baboon (Rank 3; 7.5 points)
Chimpanzee (Rank 3; 7.5 points)
Chimpanzee (Rank 4; 10 points)
Chimpanzee (Rank 5; 12.5 points)
Gorilla (Rank 4; 16 points)
Gorilla (Rank 4; 16 points)
Gorilla (Rank 5; 20 points)
Petty Committer of Incest (Male, Ad Bestias; 2 points)
Minor Extorter (Female, Ad Bestias; 2.5 points)
Serious Kidnapper (Female, Ad Bestias; 3.5 points)
Serious Kidnapper of a Child (Male, Ad Bestias; 3.5 points)
Minor Pig Rustler (Male, Ad Bestias; 2.5 points)
Notorious Violator of a Tomb (Male, Ad Bestias; 6 points)
Event 9: A few deaths: ad bestias
Ostrich (Rank 1; 1.5 points)
Ostrich (Rank 3; 4.5 points)
Vulture (Rank 3; 3 points)
Vulture (Rank 4; 4 points)
Vulture (Rank 5; 5 points)
Cobra (Rank 1; 2 points)
Cobra (Rank 2; 4 points)
Monitor Lizard (Rank 4; 10 points)
Monitor Lizard (Rank 5; 12.5 points)
Petty Committer of Incest (Male, Ad Bestias; 2 points)
Serious Extorter (Female, Ad Bestias; 3.5 points)
Notorious Kidnapper (Male, Ad Bestias; 6 points)
Petty Murderer (Male, Ad Bestias; 2 points)
Minor Rapist (Male, Ad Bestias; 2.5 points)
Notorious Violator of a Tomb (Female, Ad Bestias; 6 points)
Event 10: Prisoners of war: Sea Battle
10 Prisoners of War (20 points): 2000 denarii
Small Warship (8 points): 0 denarii
Small Warship (8 points): 0 denarii
Ability to Flood the Whole Arena (25 points): 5000 denarii
Event 11: Multiple Rank 1 Gladiators
Hoplomachus (Male, Rank 1; 4 points)
Hoplomachus (Male, Rank 1; 4 points)
Murmillo (Male, Rank 1; 4 points)
Murmillo (Male, Rank 1; 4 points)
Provocator (Male, Rank 1; 4 points)
Provocator (Male, Rank 1; 4 points)
Torches to light the arena at night (12 points): 2400 denarii
Event 12: Multiple Rank 2 Gladiators
Murmillo (Male, Rank 2; 8 points)
Retiarius (Male, Rank 2; 8 points)
Secutor (Male, Rank 2; 8 points)
Thrax (Male, Rank 2; 8 points)
Torches to light the arena at night (12 points): 2400 denarii
Event 13: Multiple Rank 3 Gladiators
Provocator (Male, Rank 3; 12 points)
Provocator (Male, Rank 3; 12 points)
Retiarius (Male, Rank 3; 12 points)
Secutor (Male, Rank 3; 12 points)
Torches to light the arena at night (12 points): 2400 denarii
Event 14: Rank 4 Gladiators
Eques (Male, Rank 4; 20 points)
Eques (Male, Rank 4; 20 points)
Torches to light the arena at night (12 points): 2400 denarii
Event 15: Rank 4 Gladiators
Murmillo (Male, Rank 4; 16 points)
Thrax (Male, Rank 4; 16 points)
Torches to light the arena at night (12 points): 2400 denarii
Event 16: Rank 5 Gladiators
Hoplomachus (Male, Rank 5; 20 points)
Hoplomachus (Male, Rank 5; 20 points)
Torches to light the arena at night (12 points): 2400 denarii
Event 17: Rank 5 Gladiators
Provocator (Male, Rank 5; 20 points)
Provocator (Male, Rank 5; 20 points)
Torches to light the arena at night (12 points): 2400 denarii
Event 18: Rank 5 Gladiators
Murmillo (Male, Rank 5; 20 points)
Thrax (Male, Rank 5; 20 points)
Torches to light the arena at night (12 points): 2400 denarii
Event 19: Rank 5 Gladiators
Murmillo (Male, Rank 5; 20 points)
Thrax (Male, Rank 5; 20 points)
Torches to light the arena at night (12 points): 2400 denarii
Event 20: Rank 5 Gladiators
Retiarius (Male, Rank 5; 20 points)
Secutor (Male, Rank 5; 20 points)
Torches to light the arena at night (12 points): 2400 denarii
Bestiarius (Male, Rank 1; 2 points)
Bestiarius (Male, Rank 2; 4 points)
Bestiarius (Male, Rank 2; 4 points)
Bestiarius (Male, Rank 2; 4 points)
Bestiarius (Male, Rank 2; 4 points)
Bestiarius (Male, Rank 2; 4 points)
Bestiarius (Male, Rank 3; 6 points)
Bestiarius (Male, Rank 3; 6 points)
Bestiarius (Male, Rank 3; 6 points)
Bestiarius (Male, Rank 4; 8 points)
Bestiarius (Male, Rank 4; 8 points)
Bestiarius (Male, Rank 4; 8 points)
Bestiarius (Male, Rank 5; 10 points)
Point Breakdown
Average Point Value of Events: 64.55
Total Points: 1433 (Point Requirement Met! (1000 points))
By Person:
Jessica Schuckert: 307
Jacob Beurmann: 798
Betsy Karras: 327
President and Supreme Patron of the Worshippers of Hercules Guild
Production Facilities
Grain in Leptis Magna: 50 units at 1 Facility
Marble in Luna: 60 units at 6 Facilities
Trade Contracts
Contract to Sell 75 units of Grain to the Emperor via Ostia, Italia at 11.6 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 45 units of Oil to Ostia, Italia at 22.3 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 75 units of Grain to the Emperor via Ostia, Italia at 11.6 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 75 units of Grain to the Emperor via Ostia, Italia at 11.6 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 7 units of Marble from North Africa to the Emperor via Ostia, Italia at 140.3 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 30 units of Garum from Greece to the Emperor via Ostia, Italia at 36.5 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 75 units of Grain to the Emperor via Ostia, Italia at 11.6 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 30 units of Garum from Greece to the Emperor via Ostia, Italia at 36.5 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 30 units of Lead to Ostia, Italia at 47 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 30 units of Lead to Alexandria, Aegyptus at 45.4 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 40 units of Lead to Alexandria, Aegyptus at 45.4 denarii per unit
Trade Income Analysis
Total Income from Trade: 143196 denarii
Number of Classes with Income from Trade: 19 times
Average Income from Trade each Class: 7536 denarii per class
Most Money Made in One Class: 13396 denarii
Total Income from Written Exercises: 6520 denarii
Total Income from Trade: 143196 denarii
Total Income from Quizzes: 6432 denarii
Total Expenditure on Guild Expenses: -26750 denarii
Total Expenditure on Facilities: -11980 denarii
Total Expenditure on Contracts: -8500 denarii
Total Income from Attendance: 33800 denarii
Total Expenditure on Assets: -97925 denarii
The Emperor - 11763 denarii
Ostia - 35636 denarii
Total Number of Clients: 97
Ancestor Prestige: 3 prestige points (1%): 5 clients
Career Prestige: 9 prestige points (3%): 29 clients
Trade Prestige: 143196 prestige points (4%): 30 clients
Emperor Prestige: 11763 prestige points (1%): 7 clients
Ostia Prestige: 35636 prestige points (4%): 26 clients
Monument Type: Large Monument in the Porta Romana Necropolis
Burial Location: Porta Romana Necropolis Zone 1 Tomb D
Burial Method: Inhumation Burial in a Marble Sarcophagus (Ornate Decoration)
Monument Decoration: Relief Sculpture Depicting 6 people
Total Cost of the Burial: 79600 denarii
Member and Supreme Patron of the Worshippers of Hercules Guild
Production Facilities
Travertine in Ostia: 40 units at 4 Facilities
Trade Contracts
Contract to Sell 75 units of Grain to the Emperor via Ostia, Italia at 11.6 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 75 units of Grain to the Emperor via Ostia, Italia at 11.6 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 100 units of Grain to the Emperor via Ostia, Italia at 11.6 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 75 units of Grain to the Emperor via Ostia, Italia at 11.6 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 100 units of Grain to the Emperor via Ostia, Italia at 11.6 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 39 units of Tin to the Emperor via Ostia, Italia at 54.5 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 60 units of Oil from Spain to the Emperor via Ostia, Italia at 23.8 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 45 units of Oil from Greece to the Emperor via Ostia, Italia at 25.2 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 45 units of Oil from Greece to the Emperor via Ostia, Italia at 25.2 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 40 units of Lead to the Emperor via Ostia, Italia at 48.6 denarii per unit
Trade Income Analysis
Total Income from Trade: 103901 denarii
Number of Classes with Income from Trade: 19 times
Average Income from Trade each Class: 5468 denarii per class
Most Money Made in One Class: 8859 denarii
Total Income from Written Exercises: 6520 denarii
Total Income from Trade: 103901 denarii
Total Income from Quizzes: 9654 denarii
Total Expenditure on Guild Expenses: -13972 denarii
Total Expenditure on Facilities: -8700 denarii
Total Expenditure on Contracts: -9600 denarii
Total Expenditure on Benefactions: -10500 denarii
Total Income from Attendance: 35900 denarii
Total Expenditure on Assets: -32250 denarii
The Emperor - 72396 denarii
Ostia - 11972 denarii
Total Number of Clients: 128
Ancestor Prestige: 3 prestige points (1%): 5 clients
Career Prestige: 14 prestige points (5%): 45 clients
Trade Prestige: 103901 prestige points (3%): 22 clients
Emperor Prestige: 72396 prestige points (8%): 47 clients
Ostia Prestige: 11972 prestige points (1%): 9 clients
Monument Type: Large Monument in the Porta Romana Necropolis
Burial Location: Porta Romana Necropolis Zone 1 Tomb D
Burial Method: Inhumation Burial in a Marble Sarcophagus (Ornate Decoration)
Monument Decoration: Relief Sculpture Depicting 6 people
Total Cost of the Burial: 79600 denarii
Member of the Worshippers of Hercules Guild
Production Facilities
Copper in Caesarea: 35 units at 1 Facility
Marble in Luna: 11 units at 1 Facility
Trade Contracts
Contract to Sell 7 units of Marble from Italy to Ostia, Italia at 132 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 20 units of Copper to Ostia, Italia at 52.8 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 50 units of Wine to Ostia, Italia at 34.7 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 65 units of Wine from Greece to the Emperor via Ostia, Italia at 38.1 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 75 units of Grain to Ostia, Italia at 11.2 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 75 units of Grain to the Emperor via Ostia, Italia at 11.6 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 50 units of Wine to Ostia, Italia at 34.7 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 65 units of Wine from Greece to the Emperor via Ostia, Italia at 38.1 denarii per unit
Trade Income Analysis
Total Income from Trade: 64879 denarii
Number of Classes with Income from Trade: 20 times
Average Income from Trade each Class: 3243 denarii per class
Most Money Made in One Class: 7388 denarii
Total Income from Written Exercises: 5720 denarii
Total Income from Trade: 64879 denarii
Total Income from Quizzes: 7066 denarii
Total Expenditure on Guild Expenses: -2000 denarii
Total Expenditure on Facilities: -1940 denarii
Total Expenditure on Contracts: -9600 denarii
Total Income from Attendance: 25900 denarii
Total Expenditure on Assets: -37375 denarii
The Emperor - 10389 denarii
Ostia - 11622 denarii
Total Number of Clients: 44
Ancestor Prestige: 3 prestige points (1%): 5 clients
Career Prestige: 4 prestige points (1%): 12 clients
Trade Prestige: 64879 prestige points (2%): 13 clients
Emperor Prestige: 10389 prestige points (1%): 6 clients
Ostia Prestige: 11622 prestige points (1%): 8 clients
Monument Type: Large Monument in the Porta Romana Necropolis
Burial Location: Porta Romana Necropolis Zone 1 Tomb D
Burial Method: Inhumation Burial in a Marble Sarcophagus (Ornate Decoration)
Monument Decoration: Relief Sculpture Depicting 6 people
Total Cost of the Burial: 79600 denarii