C. Caecilius Bonifatius (Quaestor, Attendant of the Sacred Rites of Volcanus) (Elaine Reedy)
Married to Cornelia Tyche
Husband's Parents: T. Caecilius Magnus (Duovir) and Publicia Tyche
Wife's Parents: M. Cornelius Caligula (Quaestor, Patron of the Colony) and Plotia Victoria
Husband's Paternal Grandparents: C Caecilius Montanus and Licinia Salutaris
Husband's Maternal Grandparents: Sex Publicius Maior and Rubria Caecilla
Wife's Paternal Grandparents: M Cornelius Valerianus and Canneia Vara
Wife's Maternal Grandparents: Q Plotius Romanus and Nonia Pudentilla
Total Duovirs in the Family: 1
Son: Caecilius 1 married to Nasennia 1, daughter of A. Nasennius Cassianus (Aedile) (6 ancestral political prestige)
Son: Caecilius 3 married to Iulia 2, daughter of T. Iulius Caerellius (Aedile, Patron of the Colony) (8 ancestral political prestige)
Daughter: Caecilia 1 married to Granius 1, son of T. Granius Zeno (Duovir) (6 ancestral political prestige)
T. Caecilius Bubo (Duovir) (Thomas Kistler)
Married to Acilia Privata
Husband's Parents: L. Caecilius Capito (Aedile) and Celeria Vara
Wife's Parents: Ti. Acilius Pegasus (Aedile) and Manlia Florentina
Husband's Paternal Grandparents: C Caecilius Montanus and Licinia Salutaris
Husband's Maternal Grandparents: P Celerius Amandus and Sextia Marcellina
Wife's Paternal Grandparents: M Acilius Priscus and Lucretia Regilla
Wife's Maternal Grandparents: P Manlius Bassus and Cornelia Quieta
Total Duovirs in the Family: 0
Son: Caecilius 2 married to Sergia 2, daughter of T. Sergius Syllas (Quaestor) (3 ancestral political prestige)
Son: Caecilius 4 married to Cartilia 4, daughter of P. Cartilius Lutorius (2 ancestral political prestige)
Daughter: Caecilia 2 married to Otacilius 3, son of L. Otacilius Maximus (Quaestor) (5 ancestral political prestige)
Daughter: Caecilia 3 married to Caesilius 4, son of Q. Caesilius Dominicus Famia (Aedile, Patron of the Colony) (4 ancestral political prestige)
Girls from this Family Married into Other Families
Caecilia Achillea
Married to D. Lutatius Maximus (Aedile)
Her Parents: M. Caecilius Laurentinus (Duovir) and Aufidia Marcellina
Her Husband's Parents: Ti. Lutatius Arcadius (Quaestor) and Fabricia Equitia
Caecilia Lucilla
Married to Q. Iulius Felix (Aedile)
Her Parents: T. Caecilius Magnus (Duovir) and Publicia Tyche
Her Husband's Parents: T. Iulius Festus (Quaestor) and Lollia Valentia
Balneatrix - Nephele (bather; Greek Female; 15 years old)
Cocus - Demetrius (cook; Greek Male; 21 years old)
Cubicularius - Larcius (Butler, chamberlain; Roman Male; 57 years old)
Mediastrina - Marcia (general purpose slave; Roman Female; 38 years old)
Medicus - Thucydides (doctor; Greek Male; 49 years old)
Ornatrix - Severina (hair dresser; Roman Female; 30 years old)
Sumptuarius - Aeschylus (financial accountant; Greek Male; 59 years old)
Sutor - Ante (shoemaker; Sarmatian Male; 26 years old)
Unctor - Eustathios (Masseur/masseuse; Greek Male; 27 years old)
Event 1: Tiger vs. Leopard vs. Panther Race to carcass
Leopard (Rank 1; 2.5 points)
Leopard (Rank 5; 12.5 points)
Panther (Rank 5; 12.5 points)
Panther (Rank 5; 12.5 points)
Tiger (Rank 2; 5 points)
Tiger (Rank 3; 7.5 points)
Zebra (Rank 4; 4 points)
Zebra (Rank 5; 5 points)
Event 2: Docile herbivore hunt with half of herbivores by two Venators
Deer (Rank 1; 1 points)
Deer (Rank 1; 1 points)
Deer (Rank 2; 2 points)
Elk (Rank 3; 7.5 points)
Gazelle (Rank 4; 4 points)
Gazelle (Rank 4; 4 points)
Oryx (Rank 2; 2 points)
Oryx (Rank 4; 4 points)
Wildebeest (Rank 4; 4 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 3; 9 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 3; 9 points)
Scene involving trees covering the full arena floor (12 points): 2400 denarii
Event 3: Animal tricks with baboons, elephants, and gorillas
Penguin (Rank 1; 4 points)
Penguin (Rank 1; 4 points)
Penguin (Rank 1; 4 points)
Elephant (Rank 1; 3.5 points)
Elephant (Rank 2; 7 points)
Elephant (Rank 4; 14 points)
Baboon (Rank 1; 2.5 points)
Baboon (Rank 3; 7.5 points)
Baboon (Rank 5; 12.5 points)
Gorilla (Rank 1; 4 points)
Gorilla (Rank 2; 8 points)
Medium circus platform and hoops (4 points): 800 denarii
Medium circus platform and hoops (4 points): 800 denarii
Medium circus platform and hoops (4 points): 800 denarii
Event 4: Dangerous herbivore hunt (half of herbivores) in large tree scene by Venators
African Buffalo (Rank 4; 10 points)
African Buffalo (Rank 4; 10 points)
Elephant (Rank 1; 3.5 points)
Elephant (Rank 2; 7 points)
Rhinoceros (Rank 1; 3 points)
Wild Boar (Rank 5; 10 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 4; 12 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 4; 12 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 4; 12 points)
Scene involving trees covering the full arena floor (12 points): 2400 denarii
Event 5: Carnivores hunting both dangerous and docile herbivores (large tree scene)
Hyena (Rank 4; 8 points)
Hyena (Rank 5; 10 points)
Leopard (Rank 1; 2.5 points)
Leopard (Rank 5; 12.5 points)
Lion (Rank 2; 5 points)
Lion (Rank 4; 10 points)
Panther (Rank 5; 12.5 points)
Tiger (Rank 2; 5 points)
Wild Dog (Rank 5; 5 points)
African Buffalo (Rank 4; 10 points)
Elephant (Rank 4; 14 points)
Rhinoceros (Rank 4; 12 points)
Wild Boar (Rank 5; 10 points)
Deer (Rank 2; 2 points)
Deer (Rank 4; 4 points)
Elk (Rank 5; 12.5 points)
Gazelle (Rank 5; 5 points)
Giraffe (Rank 3; 10.5 points)
Oryx (Rank 4; 4 points)
Wildebeest (Rank 4; 4 points)
Cave (8 points): 1600 denarii
Scene involving trees covering the full arena floor (12 points): 2400 denarii
Event 6: All Venators hunting carnivores (large tree scene)
Hyena (Rank 4; 8 points)
Hyena (Rank 5; 10 points)
Leopard (Rank 5; 12.5 points)
Lion (Rank 2; 5 points)
Lion (Rank 4; 10 points)
Lion (Rank 5; 12.5 points)
Panther (Rank 5; 12.5 points)
Tiger (Rank 3; 7.5 points)
Wild Dog (Rank 5; 5 points)
Wolverine (Rank 5; 7.5 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 3; 9 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 3; 9 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 4; 12 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 4; 12 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 4; 12 points)
Cave (8 points): 1600 denarii
Scene involving trees covering the full arena floor (12 points): 2400 denarii
Event 7: Ad Bestias- 3 criminals in large animal cage with hyenas
Hyena (Rank 4; 8 points)
Hyena (Rank 4; 8 points)
Hyena (Rank 4; 8 points)
Notorious Cattle Rustler (Male, Ad Bestias; 6 points)
Famous Chicken Rustler (Male, Ad Bestias; 8 points)
Serious Committer of Incest (Female, Ad Bestias; 3.5 points)
Large animal cage (8 points): 1600 denarii
Event 8: Ad Ignes- 3 criminals tied to stake, covered in oil, launch fireballs at them with small trebuchet
Petty Arsonist (Female, Ad Ignes; 2 points)
Petty Arsonist (Male, Ad Ignes; 2 points)
Minor Arsonist (Male, Ad Ignes; 2.5 points)
Medium Trebuchet (4 points): 800 denarii
Event 9: Crucify all ad crucem criminals on crosses
Vulture (Rank 1; 1 points)
Vulture (Rank 1; 1 points)
Vulture (Rank 4; 4 points)
Vulture (Rank 4; 4 points)
Komodo Dragon (Rank 4; 20 points)
Notorious Brigand (Male, Ad Crucem; 6 points)
Notorious Brigand (Male, Ad Crucem; 6 points)
Petty Deserter (Male, Ad Crucem; 2 points)
Serious Forger (Male, Ad Crucem; 3.5 points)
Serious Murderer (Male, Ad Crucem; 3.5 points)
Cross (1 points): 200 denarii
Cross (1 points): 200 denarii
Cross (1 points): 200 denarii
Cross (1 points): 200 denarii
Cross (1 points): 200 denarii
Cross (1 points): 200 denarii
Event 10: Ad Bestias- white tigers hunting the remaining criminals in a maze covering three quarters of the arena
White Tiger (Rank 2; 10 points)
White Tiger (Rank 3; 15 points)
White Tiger (Rank 3; 15 points)
White Tiger (Rank 5; 25 points)
Notorious Committer of Incest (Male, Ad Bestias; 6 points)
Serious Extorter (Male, Ad Bestias; 3.5 points)
Petty Kidnapper of a Child (Female, Ad Bestias; 2 points)
Serious Rapist (Male, Ad Bestias; 3.5 points)
Famous Sheep Rustler (Male, Ad Bestias; 8 points)
Maze covering 3/4 of the arena floor (15 points): 3000 denarii
Event 11: Ad Ignes- remaining criminals are forced to slide down a large slide into a bonfire with hands and feet
Minor Arsonist (Male, Ad Ignes; 2.5 points)
Serious Arsonist (Male, Ad Ignes; 3.5 points)
Notorious Arsonist (Male, Ad Ignes; 6 points)
Petty Deserter (Male, Ad Ignes; 2 points)
Minor Deserter (Male, Ad Ignes; 2.5 points)
Large slide (8 points): 1600 denarii
Event 12: Two rank 3 gladiators fighting in the maze
Retiarius (Male, Rank 3; 12 points)
Secutor (Male, Rank 3; 12 points)
Maze covering 3/4 of the arena floor (15 points): 3000 denarii
Torches to light the arena at night (12 points): 2400 denarii
Event 13: Three pairs of rank 4 gladiators fighting
Hoplomachus (Male, Rank 4; 16 points)
Hoplomachus (Male, Rank 4; 16 points)
Murmillo (Male, Rank 4; 16 points)
Murmillo (Male, Rank 4; 16 points)
Torches to light the arena at night (12 points): 2400 denarii
Event 14: Three pairs of rank 4 gladiators fighting on a large hill
Hoplomachus (Male, Rank 4; 16 points)
Murmillo (Male, Rank 4; 16 points)
Murmillo (Male, Rank 4; 16 points)
Retiarius (Male, Rank 4; 16 points)
Secutor (Male, Rank 4; 16 points)
Thrax (Male, Rank 4; 16 points)
Large hill (30 feet tall) (12 points): 2400 denarii
Torches to light the arena at night (12 points): 2400 denarii
Event 15: Three pairs of rank 5 gladiators fighting
Hoplomachus (Male, Rank 5; 20 points)
Murmillo (Male, Rank 5; 20 points)
Retiarius (Male, Rank 5; 20 points)
Secutor (Male, Rank 5; 20 points)
Torches to light the arena at night (12 points): 2400 denarii
Event 16: One pair of rank 5 gladiators fighting by a large pool of water in the title fight for both undefeated
Retiarius (Male, Rank 5; 20 points)
Secutor (Male, Rank 5; 20 points)
Larger pool of water (c. 50 square feet) (8 points): 1600 denarii
Large hill (30 feet tall) (12 points): 2400 denarii
Torches to light the arena at night (12 points): 2400 denarii
Bestiarius (Male, Rank 2; 4 points)
Bestiarius (Male, Rank 3; 6 points)
Bestiarius (Male, Rank 4; 8 points)
Bestiarius (Male, Rank 4; 8 points)
Cup of wine for everyone (25 points): 5000 denarii
Jewelry Trinkets to the First 5000 Spectators (4 points): 900 denarii
Sweet bread rolls for everyone (22 points): 4500 denarii
Point Breakdown
Average Point Value of Events: 66.875
Total Points: 1070.5 (Point Requirement Met! (750 points))
By Person:
Thomas Kistler: 511
Elaine Reedy: 559
President and General Patron of the Grain Merchants Guild
Production Facilities
Copper in Curium: 35 units at 1 Facility
Copper in Gades: 15 units at 1 Facility
Grain in Carthage: 125 units at 2 Facilities
Wine in Salonae: 65 units at 2 Facilities
Trade Contracts
Contract to Sell 30 units of Copper to the Emperor via Ostia, Italia at 54.5 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 75 units of Grain to Ostia, Italia at 11.2 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 75 units of Grain to Puteoli, Italia at 8.4 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 20 units of Copper to Carthage, Africa Proconsularis at 42.9 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 35 units of Wine to Carthage, Africa Proconsularis at 33 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 50 units of Wine to Alexandria, Aegyptus at 35.6 denarii per unit
Trade Income Analysis
Total Income from Trade: 53294 denarii
Number of Classes with Income from Trade: 20 times
Average Income from Trade each Class: 2664 denarii per class
Most Money Made in One Class: 4965 denarii
Total Income from Written Exercises: 6452 denarii
Total Income from Trade: 53294 denarii
Total Income from Quizzes: 10374 denarii
Total Expenditure on Guild Expenses: -6226 denarii
Total Expenditure on Facilities: -4458 denarii
Total Expenditure on Contracts: -6100 denarii
Total Income from Attendance: 38600 denarii
Total Expenditure on Assets: -55217 denarii
The Emperor - 1077 denarii
Ostia - 6242 denarii
Total Number of Clients: 30
Ancestor Prestige: 2 prestige points (1%): 3 clients
Career Prestige: 4 prestige points (1%): 12 clients
Trade Prestige: 53294 prestige points (2%): 11 clients
Emperor Prestige: 1077 prestige points (0%): 0 clients
Ostia Prestige: 6242 prestige points (1%): 4 clients
Monument Type: Large Monument in the Porta Marina Necropolis
Burial Location: Porta Marina Necropolis Zone 1 Tomb F
Burial Method: Cremation Burial in a Marble Urn (Ornate Decoration)
Monument Decoration: None
Total Cost of the Burial: 79000 denarii
President and General Patron of the Grain Merchants Guild
Production Facilities
Lead in Carales: 40 units at 1 Facility
Lead in Carthago Nova: 40 units at 1 Facility
Lead in Londinium: 40 units at 1 Facility
Marble in Corinth: 5 units at 1 Facility
Travertine in Ostia: 10 units at 1 Facility
Wine in Puteoli: 40 units at 1 Facility
Trade Contracts
Contract to Sell 50 units of Wine to Ostia, Italia at 34.7 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 30 units of Lead to Corinth, Achaia at 37.6 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 35 units of Wine from Italy to the Emperor via Ostia, Italia at 35.8 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 45 units of Lead to the Emperor via Ostia, Italia at 48.6 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 50 units of Wine from Greece to the Emperor via Ostia, Italia at 38.1 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 30 units of Lead to the Emperor via Ostia, Italia at 48.6 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 40 units of Lead to Antioch, Syria at 46.8 denarii per unit
Trade Income Analysis
Total Income from Trade: 85717 denarii
Number of Classes with Income from Trade: 20 times
Average Income from Trade each Class: 4285 denarii per class
Most Money Made in One Class: 9051 denarii
Total Income from Written Exercises: 6452 denarii
Total Income from Trade: 85717 denarii
Total Income from Quizzes: 10210 denarii
Total Expenditure on Guild Expenses: -6378 denarii
Total Expenditure on Facilities: -5981 denarii
Total Expenditure on Contracts: -13800 denarii
Total Income from Attendance: 38600 denarii
Total Expenditure on Assets: -79018 denarii
The Emperor - 5785 denarii
Ostia - 9280 denarii
Total Number of Clients: 66
Ancestor Prestige: 4 prestige points (1%): 7 clients
Career Prestige: 10 prestige points (3%): 32 clients
Trade Prestige: 85717 prestige points (3%): 18 clients
Emperor Prestige: 5785 prestige points (1%): 3 clients
Ostia Prestige: 9280 prestige points (1%): 6 clients
Monument Type: Large Monument in the Porta Marina Necropolis
Burial Location: Porta Marina Necropolis Zone 1 Tomb F
Burial Method: Cremation Burial in a Marble Urn (Ornate Decoration)
Monument Decoration: None
Total Cost of the Burial: 79000 denarii