Q. Domitius Agorix (Quaestor) (Zach Drenski)
Married to Grania Zosima
Husband's Parents: M. Domitius Fabillus (Aedile) and Cornelia Cara
Wife's Parents: M. Granius Calpurnianus (Aedile) and Naevia Helena
Husband's Paternal Grandparents: C Domitius Fabius and Livia Tetrica
Husband's Maternal Grandparents: M Cornelius Valerianus and Canneia Vara
Wife's Paternal Grandparents: C Granius Maturus and Licinia Sancta
Wife's Maternal Grandparents: M Naevius Optatus and Annia Syriaca
Total Duovirs in the Family: 0
Son: Domitius 1 married to Nasennia 2, daughter of T. Nasennius Magnus (Aedile) (23 ancestral political prestige)
Son: Domitius 2 married to Calpurnia 2, daughter of Sex. Calpurnius Maximus (Quaestor) (5 ancestral political prestige)
Daughter: Domitia 2 married to Otacilius 1, son of Sex. Otacilius Superbus (Aedile) (12 ancestral political prestige)
Ser. Domitius Titianus (Quaestor) (Dawn Fishel)
Married to Acilia Valeria
Husband's Parents: D. Domitius Decentius (Duovir, Patron of the Colony, Attendant of the Sacred Rites of Volcanus) and Sentia
Wife's Parents: Q. Acilius Magnus (Decurion) and Licinia Antonilla
Husband's Paternal Grandparents: C Domitius Fabius and Livia Tetrica
Husband's Maternal Grandparents: Cn Sentius Felix and Iulia Achillea
Wife's Paternal Grandparents: M Acilius Priscus and Lucretia Regilla
Wife's Maternal Grandparents: L Licinius Valerianus and Annia Plotina
Total Duovirs in the Family: 1
Son: Domitius 3 married to Nasennia 3, daughter of T. Nasennius Magnus (Aedile) (39 ancestral political prestige)
Son: Domitius 4 married to Silia 3, daughter of Ti. Silius Romulus (Quaestor) (21 ancestral political prestige)
Daughter: Domitia 3 married to Iulius 4, son of Q. Iulius Felix (Aedile) (21 ancestral political prestige)
Daughter: Domitia 1 married to Marius 2, son of T. Marius Narcissus (Duovir) (21 ancestral political prestige)
Girls from this Family Married into Other Families
Domitia Italica
Married to T. Caesilius Felix Acilianus (Aedile)
Her Parents: D. Domitius Decentius (Duovir, Patron of the Colony, Attendant of the Sacred Rites of Volcanus) and Sentia Scintilla
Her Husband's Parents: M. Caesilius Dominicus (Aedile) and Carminia Victoria
Domitia Valeriana
Married to M. Manlius Tullius
Her Parents: S. Domitius Felix (Aedile) and Naevia Helena
Her Husband's Parents: M. Manlius Maximus (Aedile) and Lutatia Clara
Arator - Tetricus (gardener; Roman Male; 23 years old)
Balneatrix - Titiana (bather; Roman Female; 25 years old)
Coca - Amalthea (cook; Greek Female; 31 years old)
Ianitor - Epaphras (door keeper; Greek Male; 37 years old)
Mediastrinus - Preben (general purpose slave; German Male; 31 years old)
Nutrix - Hermione (wet-nurse/ nanny; Greek Female; 27 years old)
Ornatrix - Athanasia (hair dresser; Greek Female; 27 years old)
Pedisequua - Laurentia (attendant, follower, helper; Roman Female; 44 years old)
Pedisequus - Pelagius (attendant, follower, helper; Roman Male; 38 years old)
Tibicina - Galeria (Flute-player; Roman Female; 7 years old)
Unctor - Rahim (Masseur/masseuse; Egyptian Male; 24 years old)
Event 1: Flamingo can can
Flamingo (Rank 1; 1 points)
Flamingo (Rank 1; 1 points)
Flamingo (Rank 1; 1 points)
Flamingo (Rank 1; 1 points)
Flamingo (Rank 2; 2 points)
Flamingo (Rank 2; 2 points)
Flamingo (Rank 4; 4 points)
Flamingo (Rank 5; 5 points)
Flamingo (Rank 5; 5 points)
Flamingo (Rank 5; 5 points)
Medium Platform (for Several People) (4 points): 800 denarii
Event 2: Cage fight-Polar bear vs. tiger
Polar Bear (Rank 3; 15 points)
Tiger (Rank 5; 12.5 points)
Animal Cage (2 points): 400 denarii
Event 3: Stampede
Vulture (Rank 2; 2 points)
Vulture (Rank 2; 2 points)
African Buffalo (Rank 2; 5 points)
African Buffalo (Rank 2; 5 points)
African Buffalo (Rank 2; 5 points)
African Buffalo (Rank 4; 10 points)
Auroch (Rank 5; 12.5 points)
Elephant (Rank 2; 7 points)
Elephant (Rank 2; 7 points)
Wild Boar (Rank 2; 4 points)
Wild Boar (Rank 3; 6 points)
Giraffe (Rank 5; 17.5 points)
Wild Ass (Rank 4; 4 points)
Wild Horse (Rank 3; 3 points)
Zebra (Rank 5; 5 points)
Small scene involving rocks (c. 200 square feet) (8 points): 1600 denarii
Scene involving trees covering the full arnea floor (12 points): 2400 denarii
Event 4: Injured animal Scavange-Hyenas Lions vulchers
Hyena (Rank 2; 4 points)
Hyena (Rank 3; 6 points)
Hyena (Rank 4; 8 points)
Hyena (Rank 5; 10 points)
Lion (Rank 4; 10 points)
African Buffalo (Rank 2; 5 points)
African Buffalo (Rank 2; 5 points)
Auroch (Rank 5; 12.5 points)
Wild Boar (Rank 2; 4 points)
Wild Boar (Rank 3; 6 points)
Wild Horse (Rank 3; 3 points)
Small scene involving rocks (c. 200 square feet) (8 points): 1600 denarii
Scene involving trees covering the full arnea floor (12 points): 2400 denarii
Event 5: Primate hunt/african wildlife
Ostrich (Rank 4; 6 points)
African Buffalo (Rank 2; 5 points)
African Buffalo (Rank 4; 10 points)
Baboon (Rank 3; 7.5 points)
Baboon (Rank 4; 10 points)
Baboon (Rank 4; 10 points)
Gorilla (Rank 2; 8 points)
Gorilla (Rank 4; 16 points)
Gorilla (Rank 5; 20 points)
Gorilla (Rank 5; 20 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 2; 6 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 3; 9 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 5; 15 points)
Small scene involving rocks (c. 200 square feet) (8 points): 1600 denarii
Scene involving trees covering the full arnea floor (12 points): 2400 denarii
Event 6: Panther torture criminals
Panther (Rank 3; 7.5 points)
Panther (Rank 4; 10 points)
Notorious Murderer (Male, Ad Bestias; 6 points)
Notorious Murderer (Male, Ad Bestias; 6 points)
Large Cat Toy (1 points): 200 denarii
Event 7: Criminal violated to death by bear
Bear (Rank 5; 15 points)
Polar Bear (Rank 3; 15 points)
Notorious Violator of a Tomb (Female, Ad Bestias; 6 points)
Queen sized bed (2 points): 400 denarii
Event 8: Cross death
Notorious Deserter (Male, Ad Crucem; 6 points)
Famous Deserter (Male, Ad Crucem; 8 points)
Ornate Cross (2 points): 400 denarii
Ornate Cross (2 points): 400 denarii
Event 9: Catapult death
Famous Murderer (Male, Ad Crucem; 8 points)
Ornate Cross (2 points): 400 denarii
Event 10: Rome vs. Subine
10 Prisoners of War (20 points): 2000 denarii
10 Prisoners of War (20 points): 2000 denarii
Building (3 dimensional) (8 points): 1600 denarii
Event 11: lumberjack games
Crocodile (Rank 4; 6 points)
Serious Chicken Rustler (Female, Ad Bestias; 3.5 points)
Notorious Chicken Rustler (Male, Ad Bestias; 6 points)
Notorious Sheep Rustler (Male, Ad Bestias; 6 points)
Larger pool of water (c. 50 square feet) (8 points): 1600 denarii
Tree (1 points): 200 denarii
Event 12: Flamingo execution
Flamingo (Rank 5; 5 points)
Serious Castrator (Male, Ad Bestias; 3.5 points)
Event 13: Huns get a surprise
Chimpanzee (Rank 4; 10 points)
Chimpanzee (Rank 4; 10 points)
Chimpanzee (Rank 5; 12.5 points)
Petty Arsonist (Male, Ad Ignes; 2 points)
Building Faзade (2 dimensional) (4 points): 800 denarii
Event 14: Anaconda death/ Burning animals and fireworks
Wolf (Rank 3; 6 points)
Elephant (Rank 2; 7 points)
Elephant (Rank 2; 7 points)
Giraffe (Rank 5; 17.5 points)
Wild Ass (Rank 4; 4 points)
Zebra (Rank 5; 5 points)
Boa Constrictor (Rank 3; 9 points)
Serious Arsonist (Female, Ad Ignes; 3.5 points)
Notorious Arsonist (Male, Ad Ignes; 6 points)
Time Bomb (Small Blast Area) (8 points): 1600 denarii
Event 15: Gladiator combat
Provocator (Male, Rank 1; 4 points)
Provocator (Male, Rank 1; 4 points)
Murmillo (Male, Rank 2; 8 points)
Provocator (Male, Rank 2; 8 points)
Provocator (Male, Rank 2; 8 points)
Secutor (Male, Rank 2; 8 points)
Thrax (Male, Rank 2; 8 points)
Provocator (Male, Rank 4; 16 points)
Provocator (Male, Rank 4; 16 points)
Retiarius (Male, Rank 4; 16 points)
Secutor (Male, Rank 4; 16 points)
Secutor (Male, Rank 4; 16 points)
Murmillo (Male, Rank 5; 20 points)
Retiarius (Male, Rank 5; 20 points)
Secutor (Male, Rank 5; 20 points)
Thrax (Male, Rank 5; 20 points)
Bestiarius (Male, Rank 4; 8 points)
Bestiarius (Male, Rank 4; 8 points)
Bestiarius (Male, Rank 5; 10 points)
Point Breakdown
Average Point Value of Events: 55.367
Total Points: 825.5 (Point Requirement Met! (750 points))
By Person:
Zach Drenski: 481
Dawn Fishel: 344
president and Elite Patron of the Worshippers of Minerva Guild
Production Facilities
Copper in Alexandria: 15 units at 1 Facility
Copper in Curium: 23 units at 1 Facility
Iron in Carales: 30 units at 1 Facility
Oil in Ephesus: 30 units at 1 Facility
Wine in Aquileia: 25 units at 1 Facility
Trade Contracts
Contract to Sell 35 units of Wine from Greece to the Emperor via Ostia, Italia at 38.1 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 20 units of Copper to Ostia, Italia at 52.8 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 35 units of Wine from Greece to the Emperor via Ostia, Italia at 38.1 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 20 units of Copper to Ephesus, Asia Minor at 39.6 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 30 units of Iron to Leptis Magna, Africa Proconsularis at 35.4 denarii per unit
Trade Income Analysis
Total Income from Trade: 34051 denarii
Number of Classes with Income from Trade: 20 times
Average Income from Trade each Class: 1702 denarii per class
Most Money Made in One Class: 3243 denarii
Total Income from Written Exercises: 6012 denarii
Total Income from Trade: 34051 denarii
Total Income from Quizzes: 6396 denarii
Total Expenditure on Guild Expenses: -5645 denarii
Total Expenditure on Facilities: -4508 denarii
Total Expenditure on Contracts: -5600 denarii
Total Income from Attendance: 30700 denarii
Total Expenditure on Assets: -48457 denarii
The Emperor - 4228 denarii
Ostia - 3443 denarii
Total Number of Clients: 23
Ancestor Prestige: 2 prestige points (1%): 3 clients
Career Prestige: 3 prestige points (1%): 9 clients
Trade Prestige: 34051 prestige points (1%): 7 clients
Emperor Prestige: 4228 prestige points (0%): 2 clients
Ostia Prestige: 3443 prestige points (0%): 2 clients
Monument Type: Medium Marble Monument with Chamber in the Porta Marina Necropolis
Burial Location: Porta Marina Necropolis Zone 1 Tomb G
Burial Method: Cremation Burial in a Marble Urn (Ornate Decoration)
Monument Decoration: Relief Sculpture Depicting 1 person
Total Cost of the Burial: 28820 denarii
Treasurer and Patron of the Worshippers of Minerva Guild
Production Facilities
Grain in Carthage: 50 units at 1 Facility
Oil in Ephesus: 30 units at 1 Facility
Wine in Ephesus: 25 units at 1 Facility
Trade Contracts
Contract to Sell 75 units of Grain to the Emperor via Ostia, Italia at 11.6 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 35 units of Wine to Ostia, Italia at 34.7 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 35 units of Wine from Greece to the Emperor via Ostia, Italia at 38.1 denarii per unit
Trade Income Analysis
Total Income from Trade: 14205 denarii
Number of Classes with Income from Trade: 15 times
Average Income from Trade each Class: 947 denarii per class
Most Money Made in One Class: 1160 denarii
Total Income from Written Exercises: 6012 denarii
Total Income from Trade: 14205 denarii
Total Income from Quizzes: 7180 denarii
Total Expenditure on Guild Expenses: -4832 denarii
Total Expenditure on Facilities: -2858 denarii
Total Expenditure on Contracts: -3700 denarii
Total Income from Attendance: 25900 denarii
Total Expenditure on Assets: -35650 denarii
The Emperor - 13848 denarii
Ostia - 7168 denarii
Total Number of Clients: 57
Ancestor Prestige: 18 prestige points (5%): 31 clients
Career Prestige: 3 prestige points (1%): 9 clients
Trade Prestige: 14205 prestige points (0%): 3 clients
Emperor Prestige: 13848 prestige points (1%): 9 clients
Ostia Prestige: 7168 prestige points (1%): 5 clients
Monument Type: Medium Marble Monument with Chamber in the Porta Marina Necropolis
Burial Location: Porta Marina Necropolis Zone 1 Tomb G
Burial Method: Cremation Burial in a Marble Urn (Ornate Decoration)
Monument Decoration: Relief Sculpture Depicting 1 person
Total Cost of the Burial: 28820 denarii