L. Egrilius Nicetius (Duovir, Patron of the Colony) (Jaclyn Rinehart)
Married to Plinia Vara
Husband's Parents: A. Egrilius Panaetius Lucilianus (Decurion) and Antonia Attica
Wife's Parents: D. Plinius Superbus (Quaestor) and Cornelia Fortunatat
Husband's Paternal Grandparents: A Egrilius Rufus and Nonia Revocata
Husband's Maternal Grandparents: M Antonius Severus and Sentia Maxima
Wife's Paternal Grandparents: L Plinius Nigrinus and Livia Grata
Wife's Maternal Grandparents: M Cornelius Valerianus and Canneia Vara
Total Duovirs in the Family: 0
Son: Egrilius 1 married to Lutatia 2, daughter of T. Lutatius Vitus (Quaestor) (3 ancestral political prestige)
Son: Egrilius 2 married to Hostilia 5, daughter of C. Hostilius Murena (3 ancestral political prestige)
Daughter: Egrilia 3 married to Lutatius 1, son of Ser. Lutatius Stephanos (Aedile) (4 ancestral political prestige)
Daughter: Egrilia 4 married to Caesilius 2, son of T. Caesilius Frontalis (Quaestor) (3 ancestral political prestige)
Ti. Egrilius Mancinus (Duovir) (Megan Gooch)
Married to Carminia Valentina
Husband's Parents: Sex. Egrilius Elvorix Lucilianus (Aedile) and Veturia Matronilla
Wife's Parents: D. Carminius Draco (Quaestor) and Lucretia Florentina
Husband's Paternal Grandparents: A Egrilius Rufus and Nonia Revocata
Husband's Maternal Grandparents: Q Veturius Firmius and Carminia Materna
Wife's Paternal Grandparents: Sex Carminius Parthenopeus and Otacilia Aquilina
Wife's Maternal Grandparents: P Lucretius Cinna and Manlia Lucilla
Total Duovirs in the Family: 0
Daughter: Egrilia 5 married to Silius 4, son of C. Silius Marsallas (Duovir, Attendant of the Sacred Rites of Volcanus) (3 ancestral political prestige)
Daughter: Egrilia 2 married to Lutatius 2, son of D. Lutatius Maximus (Aedile) (5 ancestral political prestige)
Daughter: Egrilia 1 married to Vergilius 1, son of Sex. Vergilius Topangus (Aedile) (16 ancestral political prestige)
Girls from this Family Married into Other Families
Egrilia Honorata
Married to Sergius Terentius Dolabella (Aedile)
Her Parents: Sex. Egrilius Elvorix Lucilianus (Aedile) and Veturia Matronilla
Her Husband's Parents: Sex. Terentius Decianus (Aedile) and Fabricia Zotice
Egrilia Topangia
Married to Sex. Vergilius Coreius (Aedile)
Her Parents: A. Egrilius Panaetius Lucilianus (Decurion) and Antonia Attica
Her Husband's Parents: M'. Vergilius Humilus Leonidas (Quaestor) and Acilia Victorina
Arator - Theodosius (gardener; Greek Male; 30 years old)
Balneator - Agamemnon (bather; Greek Male; 24 years old)
Coca - Hebe (cook; Greek Female; 30 years old)
Medicus - Oedipus (doctor; Greek Male; 56 years old)
Nutrix - Fannia (wet-nurse/ nanny; Roman Female; 25 years old)
Ornatrix - Domitia (hair dresser; Roman Female; 27 years old)
Paedagogus - Bonosus (tutor, caretaker of children; Roman Male; 47 years old)
Sumptuarius - Leander (financial accountant; Greek Male; 38 years old)
Veste - Milonius (in charge of wardrobe; Roman Male; 26 years old)
Vestiarius - Ouranos (tailor; Greek Male; 22 years old)
Event 1: Lion King: Gladiator Battle - Pride Rock; big cat fight; hyenas beast hunt
Ostrich (Rank 1; 1.5 points)
Hyena (Rank 2; 4 points)
Hyena (Rank 2; 4 points)
Hyena (Rank 5; 10 points)
Jackal (Rank 3; 4.5 points)
Lion (Rank 3; 7.5 points)
Lion (Rank 3; 7.5 points)
Lion (Rank 4; 10 points)
Lion (Rank 5; 12.5 points)
African Buffalo (Rank 5; 12.5 points)
Bull (Rank 3; 6 points)
Elephant (Rank 2; 7 points)
Rhinoceros (Rank 2; 6 points)
Rhinoceros (Rank 3; 9 points)
Wild Boar (Rank 5; 10 points)
Wild Boar (Rank 5; 10 points)
Giraffe (Rank 1; 3.5 points)
Giraffe (Rank 4; 14 points)
Zebra (Rank 2; 2 points)
Zebra (Rank 5; 5 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 1; 3 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 1; 3 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 1; 3 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 2; 6 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 2; 6 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 2; 6 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 3; 9 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 3; 9 points)
Retiarius (Male, Rank 1; 4 points)
Secutor (Male, Rank 1; 4 points)
Large rock (30 feet tall) (12 points): 2400 denarii
Event 2: Alice In Wonderland: Maze-Criminal Executions ad bestias
Flamingo (Rank 1; 1 points)
Flamingo (Rank 1; 1 points)
Flamingo (Rank 2; 2 points)
Flamingo (Rank 3; 3 points)
Flamingo (Rank 3; 3 points)
Flamingo (Rank 4; 4 points)
Flamingo (Rank 5; 5 points)
Hyena (Rank 2; 4 points)
Lion (Rank 3; 7.5 points)
Tiger (Rank 2; 5 points)
Wild Dog (Rank 1; 1 points)
Wild Dog (Rank 1; 1 points)
Wolf (Rank 5; 10 points)
African Buffalo (Rank 4; 10 points)
African Buffalo (Rank 4; 10 points)
Bull (Rank 3; 6 points)
Bull (Rank 3; 6 points)
Bull (Rank 5; 10 points)
Rhinoceros (Rank 2; 6 points)
Water Buffalo (Rank 4; 8 points)
Camel (Rank 2; 2 points)
Wild Ass (Rank 5; 5 points)
Baboon (Rank 1; 2.5 points)
Chimpanzee (Rank 1; 2.5 points)
Gorilla (Rank 2; 8 points)
Minor Cattle Rustler (Male, Ad Bestias; 2.5 points)
Petty Deserter (Male, Ad Bestias; 2 points)
Notorious Deserter (Male, Ad Bestias; 6 points)
Serious Rapist (Male, Ad Bestias; 3.5 points)
Event 3: Alice In Wonderland: “Off with their head” - Criminal Executions by guillotine; 2 Pair Gladiator Battle
Flamingo (Rank 1; 1 points)
Flamingo (Rank 1; 1 points)
Flamingo (Rank 2; 2 points)
Flamingo (Rank 3; 3 points)
Flamingo (Rank 3; 3 points)
Flamingo (Rank 4; 4 points)
Flamingo (Rank 5; 5 points)
Petty Cattle Rustler (Male, Ad Bestias; 2 points)
Retiarius (Male, Rank 2; 8 points)
Retiarius (Male, Rank 2; 8 points)
Secutor (Male, Rank 2; 8 points)
Secutor (Male, Rank 2; 8 points)
Guillotine (2 points): 400 denarii
Maze covering the whole arena (20 points): 4000 denarii
Event 4: Beauty and the Beast - female execution ad bestias; bear battle
Bear (Rank 5; 15 points)
Polar Bear (Rank 3; 15 points)
Serious Cattle Rustler (Female, Ad Bestias; 3.5 points)
Event 5: Lady and Tramp: Criminal Executions - female prisoner killed by wild dogs
Wild Dog (Rank 1; 1 points)
Wild Dog (Rank 1; 1 points)
Wild Dog (Rank 2; 2 points)
Wild Dog (Rank 2; 2 points)
Wild Dog (Rank 2; 2 points)
Wild Dog (Rank 2; 2 points)
Wild Dog (Rank 3; 3 points)
Wolf (Rank 2; 4 points)
Minor Cattle Rustler (Female, Ad Bestias; 2.5 points)
Event 6: Jungle Book: Panther, Bear, Boa Constrictor - Criminal Executions
Bear (Rank 5; 15 points)
Panther (Rank 5; 12.5 points)
Boa Constrictor (Rank 1; 3 points)
Minor Castrator (Male, Ad Bestias; 2.5 points)
Large scene involving trees (4-7 trees) (4 points): 800 denarii
Event 7: Aladdin: Eques Gladiators fight on camel back; tiger right
Tiger (Rank 2; 5 points)
Tiger (Rank 2; 5 points)
Tiger (Rank 3; 7.5 points)
Tiger (Rank 5; 12.5 points)
Camel (Rank 2; 2 points)
Camel (Rank 2; 2 points)
Eques (Male, Rank 5; 25 points)
Eques (Male, Rank 5; 25 points)
Scene involving sand or rocks covering 1/2 the arena (12 points): 2400 denarii
Torches to light the whole amphitheater (12 points): 2400 denarii
Event 8: Aladdin: “Magic Carpet” - Carpet covering snake pit - Criminal Executions
Boa Constrictor (Rank 1; 3 points)
Cobra (Rank 1; 2 points)
Cobra (Rank 1; 2 points)
Cobra (Rank 1; 2 points)
Cobra (Rank 1; 2 points)
Cobra (Rank 2; 4 points)
Cobra (Rank 2; 4 points)
Cobra (Rank 3; 6 points)
Cobra (Rank 3; 6 points)
Cobra (Rank 5; 10 points)
Cobra (Rank 5; 10 points)
Crocodile (Rank 1; 1.5 points)
Crocodile (Rank 1; 1.5 points)
Crocodile (Rank 5; 7.5 points)
Crocodile (Rank 5; 7.5 points)
Notorious Arsonist (Male, Ad Ignes; 6 points)
Notorious Arsonist (Male, Ad Ignes; 6 points)
Carpet (covering a trap) (2 points): 400 denarii
Scene involving sand or rocks covering 1/2 the arena (12 points): 2400 denarii
Torches to light the whole amphitheater (12 points): 2400 denarii
Event 9: Fox and the Hound: Animal Battles - Dog Fights; Foxes and Dogs vs. Bear; Fox Hunt
Bear (Rank 5; 15 points)
Fox (Rank 1; 1.5 points)
Fox (Rank 1; 1.5 points)
Fox (Rank 1; 1.5 points)
Fox (Rank 1; 1.5 points)
Fox (Rank 2; 3 points)
Fox (Rank 3; 4.5 points)
Fox (Rank 4; 6 points)
Fox (Rank 4; 6 points)
Wild Dog (Rank 1; 1 points)
Wild Dog (Rank 1; 1 points)
Wild Dog (Rank 2; 2 points)
Wild Dog (Rank 2; 2 points)
Wild Dog (Rank 2; 2 points)
Wild Dog (Rank 2; 2 points)
Wild Dog (Rank 3; 3 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 1; 3 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 1; 3 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 1; 3 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 1; 3 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 1; 3 points)
Torches to light the whole amphitheater (12 points): 2400 denarii
Event 10: Bambi: Massive Deer Hunt; gladiator battle
Deer (Rank 1; 1 points)
Deer (Rank 1; 1 points)
Deer (Rank 1; 1 points)
Deer (Rank 2; 2 points)
Deer (Rank 3; 3 points)
Deer (Rank 3; 3 points)
Deer (Rank 3; 3 points)
Deer (Rank 5; 5 points)
Elk (Rank 1; 2.5 points)
Elk (Rank 1; 2.5 points)
Elk (Rank 2; 5 points)
Elk (Rank 2; 5 points)
Elk (Rank 4; 10 points)
Gazelle (Rank 1; 1 points)
Gazelle (Rank 1; 1 points)
Gazelle (Rank 3; 3 points)
Gazelle (Rank 5; 5 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 2; 6 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 2; 6 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 2; 6 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 2; 6 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 2; 6 points)
Murmillo (Male, Rank 4; 16 points)
Thrax (Male, Rank 4; 16 points)
Torches to light the whole amphitheater (12 points): 2400 denarii
Event 11: Snow White and the Seven Pygmies: Female Criminal vs. Seven Pygmies
Serious Extorter (Female, Ad Bestias; 3.5 points)
Pygmy (4 points): 0 denarii
Pygmy (4 points): 0 denarii
Pygmy (4 points): 0 denarii
Pygmy (4 points): 0 denarii
Pygmy (4 points): 0 denarii
Pygmy (4 points): 0 denarii
Pygmy (4 points): 0 denarii
Torches to light the whole amphitheater (12 points): 2400 denarii
Event 12: Mulan: Mock Battle (20 P.O.W.s) the Huns vs. Chinese; Female Criminal killed by Polar Bear and 2 Komodo
Dragons; 2 Pair Gladiator Battle; bull vs. bear (white tiger)
Vulture (Rank 1; 1 points)
Vulture (Rank 1; 1 points)
Vulture (Rank 3; 3 points)
Vulture (Rank 4; 4 points)
Polar Bear (Rank 3; 15 points)
White Tiger (Rank 1; 5 points)
Bull (Rank 5; 10 points)
Komodo Dragon (Rank 3; 15 points)
Komodo Dragon (Rank 4; 20 points)
Petty Sheep Rustler (Female, Ad Bestias; 2 points)
10 Prisoners of War (20 points): 2000 denarii
10 Prisoners of War (20 points): 2000 denarii
Hoplomachus (Male, Rank 4; 16 points)
Hoplomachus (Male, Rank 4; 16 points)
Retiarius (Male, Rank 4; 16 points)
Secutor (Male, Rank 4; 16 points)
Torches to light the whole amphitheater (12 points): 2400 denarii
Event 13: Little Mermaid: Female Criminal Executions by deadly sea creatures (Flood Arena); Gladiator Battle on
Octopus (Rank 4; 9 points)
Shark (Rank 1; 4 points)
Water Buffalo (Rank 4; 8 points)
Crocodile (Rank 1; 1.5 points)
Crocodile (Rank 1; 1.5 points)
Crocodile (Rank 5; 7.5 points)
Crocodile (Rank 5; 7.5 points)
Minor Forger (Female, Ad Bestias; 2.5 points)
Famous Forger (Female, Ad Bestias; 8 points)
Serious Kidnapper of a Child (Female, Ad Bestias; 3.5 points)
Hoplomachus (Male, Rank 4; 16 points)
Murmillo (Male, Rank 4; 16 points)
Raft (4 points): 800 denarii
Ability to Flood the Whole Arena (25 points): 5000 denarii
Torches to light the whole amphitheater (12 points): 2400 denarii
Event 14: Tarzan: Beast Hunt (animals in trees)
Lynx (Rank 4; 12 points)
Elephant (Rank 2; 7 points)
Tarpan (Rank 3; 4.5 points)
Tarpan (Rank 4; 6 points)
Baboon (Rank 1; 2.5 points)
Baboon (Rank 1; 2.5 points)
Baboon (Rank 2; 5 points)
Baboon (Rank 3; 7.5 points)
Baboon (Rank 4; 10 points)
Chimpanzee (Rank 1; 2.5 points)
Chimpanzee (Rank 1; 2.5 points)
Chimpanzee (Rank 4; 10 points)
Gorilla (Rank 2; 8 points)
Gorilla (Rank 2; 8 points)
Gorilla (Rank 3; 12 points)
Gorilla (Rank 3; 12 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 2; 6 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 3; 9 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 3; 9 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 3; 9 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 3; 9 points)
Torches to light the whole amphitheater (12 points): 2400 denarii
Event 15: Tarzan: Rank 5 Gladiator Battle
Murmillo (Male, Rank 5; 20 points)
Thrax (Male, Rank 5; 20 points)
Torches to light the whole amphitheater (12 points): 2400 denarii
Bestiarius (Male, Rank 1; 2 points)
Bestiarius (Male, Rank 1; 2 points)
Bestiarius (Male, Rank 1; 2 points)
Bestiarius (Male, Rank 1; 2 points)
Bestiarius (Male, Rank 1; 2 points)
Bestiarius (Male, Rank 1; 2 points)
Bestiarius (Male, Rank 1; 2 points)
Bestiarius (Female, Rank 4; 16 points)
Bestiarius (Male, Rank 4; 8 points)
Bestiarius (Male, Rank 5; 10 points)
Cup of wine for everyone (25 points): 5000 denarii
Sweet bread rolls for everyone (22 points): 4500 denarii
Point Breakdown
Average Point Value of Events: 85.867
Total Points: 1318.5 (Point Requirement Met! (750 points))
By Person:
Megan Gooch: 683
Jaclyn Rinehart: 635
Skipper and Golden Trident Patron of the Ship Builders Guild
Production Facilities
Copper in Tarraco: 75 units at 1 Facility
Wine in Puteoli: 110 units at 1 Facility
Trade Contracts
Contract to Sell 85 units of Wine from Italy to the Emperor via Ostia, Italia at 35.8 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 100 units of Grain to the Emperor via Ostia, Italia at 11.6 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 65 units of Copper to Ostia, Italia at 52.8 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 50 units of Lead to the Emperor via Ostia, Italia at 48.6 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 20 units of Copper to the Emperor via Ostia, Italia at 54.5 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 35 units of Wine from Italy to Antioch, Syria at 36.7 denarii per unit
Trade Income Analysis
Total Income from Trade: 62021 denarii
Number of Classes with Income from Trade: 20 times
Average Income from Trade each Class: 3101 denarii per class
Most Money Made in One Class: 6632 denarii
Total Income from Written Exercises: 7200 denarii
Total Income from Transfer: 1025 denarii
Total Income from Trade: 62021 denarii
Total Income from Quizzes: 9980 denarii
Total Expenditure on Guild Expenses: -7800 denarii
Total Expenditure on Facilities: -4461 denarii
Total Expenditure on Contracts: -5300 denarii
Total Income from Attendance: 38600 denarii
Total Expenditure on Assets: -73360 denarii
The Emperor - 33246 denarii
Ostia - 12920 denarii
Total Number of Clients: 58
Ancestor Prestige: 2 prestige points (1%): 3 clients
Career Prestige: 4 prestige points (1%): 12 clients
Trade Prestige: 62021 prestige points (2%): 13 clients
Emperor Prestige: 33246 prestige points (3%): 21 clients
Ostia Prestige: 12920 prestige points (1%): 9 clients
Monument Type: Large Marble Monument with Chamber in the Porta Romana Necropolis
Burial Location: Porta Romana Necropolis Zone 1 Tomb F
Burial Method: Cremation Burial in a Marble Ossuary (With design)
Monument Decoration: Relief Sculpture Depicting 10 people
Total Cost of the Burial: 45000 denarii
Giligan and Golden Trident Patron of the Ship Builders Guild
Production Facilities
Lead in Tarraco: 60 units at 1 Facility
Trade Contracts
Contract to Sell 40 units of Lead to Puteoli, Italia at 38.9 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 30 units of Garum from Spain to Londinium, Britannia at 18.9 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 25 units of Tin to Carthage, Africa Proconsularis at 44.3 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 30 units of Copper to Ostia, Italia at 52.8 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 75 units of Grain to Ostia, Italia at 11.2 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 20 units of Copper to Ostia, Italia at 52.8 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 75 units of Grain to the Emperor via Ostia, Italia at 11.6 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 25 units of Lead to the Emperor via Ostia, Italia at 48.6 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 75 units of Oil to Ostia, Italia at 22.3 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 50 units of Wine to Ostia, Italia at 34.7 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 35 units of Wine from Greece to the Emperor via Ostia, Italia at 38.1 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 35 units of Wine to Alexandria, Aegyptus at 35.6 denarii per unit
Trade Income Analysis
Total Income from Trade: 70547 denarii
Number of Classes with Income from Trade: 20 times
Average Income from Trade each Class: 3527 denarii per class
Most Money Made in One Class: 9220 denarii
Total Income from Written Exercises: 7100 denarii
Total Income from Trade: 70547 denarii
Total Income from Quizzes: 7832 denarii
Total Expenditure on Guild Expenses: -6100 denarii
Total Expenditure on Facilities: -858 denarii
Total Expenditure on Contracts: -14850 denarii
Total Income from Attendance: 35900 denarii
Total Expenditure on Assets: -72238 denarii
The Emperor - 19458 denarii
Ostia - 27737 denarii
Total Number of Clients: 82
Ancestor Prestige: 1 prestige points (0%): 1 clients
Career Prestige: 11 prestige points (4%): 35 clients
Trade Prestige: 70547 prestige points (2%): 14 clients
Emperor Prestige: 19458 prestige points (2%): 12 clients
Ostia Prestige: 27737 prestige points (3%): 20 clients
Monument Type: Large Marble Monument with Chamber in the Porta Romana Necropolis
Burial Location: Porta Romana Necropolis Zone 1 Tomb F
Burial Method: Cremation Burial in a Marble Ossuary (With design)
Monument Decoration: Relief Sculpture Depicting 10 people
Total Cost of the Burial: 45000 denarii