T. Sergius Syllas (Quaestor) (Lydia Malavite)
Married to Hostilia Lavinia
Husband's Parents: M'. Sergius Fabillus (Decurion) and Rubria Clara
Wife's Parents: T. Hostilius Zotice (Aedile) and Turrania Tacita
Husband's Paternal Grandparents: Cn Sergius Priscus and Lucilia Iuliana
Husband's Maternal Grandparents: T Rubrius Eupator and Grania Trophima
Wife's Paternal Grandparents: A Hostilius Gratus and Canneia Orfita
Wife's Maternal Grandparents: P Turranius Aemilianus and Nasennia Marciana
Total Duovirs in the Family: 0
Son: Sergius 3 married to Calpurnia 3, daughter of Sex. Calpurnius Maximus (Quaestor) (4 ancestral political prestige)
Daughter: Sergia 2 married to Caecilius 2, son of T. Caecilius Bubo (Duovir) (3 ancestral political prestige)
Ti. Sergius Spezia (Duovir Twice, Patron of the Colony, Priest of Volcanus) (Kimberly Klapchar)
Married to Antistia Sancta
Husband's Parents: A. Sergius Bonus (Decurion) and Paetinia Equitia
Wife's Parents: M. Antistius Vitalis Caepio (Duovir) and Plinia Lavinia
Husband's Paternal Grandparents: Cn Sergius Priscus and Lucilia Iuliana
Husband's Maternal Grandparents: P Paetinius Dexter and Plotia Tertia
Wife's Paternal Grandparents: M Antistius Flavianus and Celeria Macrina
Wife's Maternal Grandparents: L Plinius Nigrinus and Livia Grata
Total Duovirs in the Family: 1
Son: Sergius 1 married to Lucretia 2, daughter of Cn. Lucretius Naucratius (1 ancestral political prestige)
Son: Sergius 2 married to Fabricia 2, daughter of Ti. Fabricius Brutus (Quaestor) (1 ancestral political prestige)
Son: Sergius 4 married to Fabricia 4, daughter of L. Fabricius Fortunatus (Aedile) (1 ancestral political prestige)
Daughter: Sergia 1 married to Fabricius 2, son of L. Fabricius Fortunatus (Aedile) (1 ancestral political prestige)
Daughter: Sergia 3 married to Aemilius 3, son of Ti. Aemilius Musicus (Duovir) (4 ancestral political prestige)
Girls from this Family Married into Other Families
Sergia Barbia
Married to M. Hostilius Crito
Her Parents: A. Sergius Bonus (Decurion) and Paetinia Equitia
Her Husband's Parents: M. Hostilius Sergius (Decurion) and Nasennia Narcissa
Sergia Turia
Married to M. Publicius Marius
Her Parents: M'. Sergius Fabillus (Decurion) and Rubria Clara
Her Husband's Parents: M. Publius Octavianus (Aedile) and Veturia Vara
Cantrix - Julia (singer; Roman Female; 14 years old)
Cocus - Cicero (cook; Roman Male; 38 years old)
Lecticarius - Parthalan (litter bearer (need 2); British Male; 29 years old)
Mediastrinus - Zayn (general purpose slave; Arabian Male; 38 years old)
Medicus - Anastasios (doctor; Greek Male; 63 years old)
Pedisequua - Miruna (attendant, follower, helper; Dacian Female; 41 years old)
Tricliniarches - Erebus (dining room arranger; Greek Male; 46 years old)
Unctrix - Aurelia (Masseur/masseuse; Roman Female; 32 years old)
Veste - Acilianus (in charge of wardrobe; Roman Male; 26 years old)
Event 1: Dangerously Exquisite Herbivore/Carnivore Hunt
Lion (Rank 5; 12.5 points)
Snow Leopard (Rank 3; 12 points)
Hippopotamus (Rank 4; 12 points)
Rhinoceros (Rank 5; 15 points)
Water Buffalo (Rank 4; 8 points)
Water Buffalo (Rank 4; 8 points)
Water Buffalo (Rank 4; 8 points)
Wild Boar (Rank 5; 10 points)
Wild Boar (Rank 5; 10 points)
Zebra (Rank 1; 1 points)
Zebra (Rank 1; 1 points)
Zebra (Rank 2; 2 points)
Crocodile (Rank 4; 6 points)
Monitor Lizard (Rank 4; 10 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 1; 3 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 3; 9 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 3; 9 points)
Cave (8 points): 1600 denarii
Medium Hill (8 points): 1600 denarii
Medium Hill (8 points): 1600 denarii
Raised Stage (30 feet wide, 7 feet high) (8 points): 1600 denarii
Small Hill (4 points): 800 denarii
Small Hill (4 points): 800 denarii
Small pool (4 points): 800 denarii
Large hill (30 feet tall) (12 points): 2400 denarii
Scene involving trees covering the full arnea floor (12 points): 2400 denarii
Event 2: Fabulous Animal Tricks
Bear (Rank 1; 3 points)
Bear (Rank 3; 9 points)
Bear (Rank 3; 9 points)
Bear (Rank 3; 9 points)
Polar Bear (Rank 1; 5 points)
Polar Bear (Rank 1; 5 points)
Polar Bear (Rank 2; 10 points)
Polar Bear (Rank 3; 15 points)
Bull (Rank 1; 2 points)
Bull (Rank 2; 4 points)
Baboon (Rank 1; 2.5 points)
Baboon (Rank 2; 5 points)
Boa Constrictor (Rank 1; 3 points)
Boa Constrictor (Rank 1; 3 points)
Boa Constrictor (Rank 1; 3 points)
Boa Constrictor (Rank 2; 6 points)
Event 3: Animal vs. Animal Matches Oh My
Flamingo (Rank 5; 5 points)
Ostrich (Rank 5; 7.5 points)
Bear (Rank 3; 9 points)
Lion (Rank 4; 10 points)
Snow Leopard (Rank 3; 12 points)
Auroch (Rank 3; 7.5 points)
Event 4: Monkey Business Hunt
Baboon (Rank 1; 2.5 points)
Baboon (Rank 2; 5 points)
Baboon (Rank 2; 5 points)
Baboon (Rank 3; 7.5 points)
Baboon (Rank 4; 10 points)
Chimpanzee (Rank 1; 2.5 points)
Chimpanzee (Rank 1; 2.5 points)
Chimpanzee (Rank 4; 10 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 2; 6 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 3; 9 points)
Cave (8 points): 1600 denarii
Medium Hill (8 points): 1600 denarii
Medium Hill (8 points): 1600 denarii
Raised Stage (30 feet wide, 7 feet high) (8 points): 1600 denarii
Small Hill (4 points): 800 denarii
Small Hill (4 points): 800 denarii
Small pool (4 points): 800 denarii
Large hill (30 feet tall) (12 points): 2400 denarii
Scene involving trees covering the full arnea floor (12 points): 2400 denarii
Event 5: African Safari/ Free For All Animal Hunt
Bear (Rank 1; 3 points)
Bear (Rank 3; 9 points)
Bear (Rank 3; 9 points)
Lion (Rank 1; 2.5 points)
Lion (Rank 2; 5 points)
Wild Dog (Rank 1; 1 points)
Wild Dog (Rank 1; 1 points)
Wild Dog (Rank 1; 1 points)
Wild Dog (Rank 1; 1 points)
Wild Dog (Rank 2; 2 points)
Auroch (Rank 3; 7.5 points)
Bull (Rank 1; 2 points)
Bull (Rank 2; 4 points)
Hippopotamus (Rank 3; 9 points)
Water Buffalo (Rank 1; 2 points)
Deer (Rank 1; 1 points)
Deer (Rank 1; 1 points)
Deer (Rank 2; 2 points)
Deer (Rank 2; 2 points)
Gazelle (Rank 1; 1 points)
Gazelle (Rank 1; 1 points)
Gazelle (Rank 1; 1 points)
Oryx (Rank 1; 1 points)
Oryx (Rank 1; 1 points)
Oryx (Rank 1; 1 points)
Oryx (Rank 2; 2 points)
Oryx (Rank 2; 2 points)
Wild Ass (Rank 1; 1 points)
Wild Ass (Rank 1; 1 points)
Wild Ass (Rank 2; 2 points)
Wild Ass (Rank 2; 2 points)
Wild Horse (Rank 1; 1 points)
Wild Horse (Rank 1; 1 points)
Wild Horse (Rank 1; 1 points)
Wild Horse (Rank 3; 3 points)
Wildebeest (Rank 1; 1 points)
Cobra (Rank 1; 2 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 1; 3 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 1; 3 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 1; 3 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 1; 3 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 3; 9 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 4; 12 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 4; 12 points)
Venator (Male, Rank 5; 15 points)
Cave (8 points): 1600 denarii
Medium Hill (8 points): 1600 denarii
Medium Hill (8 points): 1600 denarii
Raised Stage (30 feet wide, 7 feet high) (8 points): 1600 denarii
Small Hill (4 points): 800 denarii
Small Hill (4 points): 800 denarii
Small pool (4 points): 800 denarii
Large hill (30 feet tall) (12 points): 2400 denarii
Scene involving trees covering the full arnea floor (12 points): 2400 denarii
Event 6: Recreation of the Roman naval victory Battle of Cape Economus
Crocodile (Rank 1; 1.5 points)
Crocodile (Rank 3; 4.5 points)
10 Prisoners of War (20 points): 2000 denarii
10 Prisoners of War (20 points): 2000 denarii
Ability to Flood the Whole Arena (25 points): 5000 denarii
Large Naval Ship - Carthaginian (12 points): 2400 denarii
Large Naval Ship - Roman (12 points): 2400 denarii
Event 7: Ad Bestias Execution of Criminals
Polar Bear (Rank 1; 5 points)
Polar Bear (Rank 1; 5 points)
Polar Bear (Rank 2; 10 points)
Polar Bear (Rank 3; 15 points)
Boa Constrictor (Rank 1; 3 points)
Boa Constrictor (Rank 1; 3 points)
Boa Constrictor (Rank 1; 3 points)
Boa Constrictor (Rank 2; 6 points)
Crocodile (Rank 1; 1.5 points)
Crocodile (Rank 3; 4.5 points)
Famous Cattle Rustler (Male, Ad Bestias; 8 points)
Minor Chicken Rustler (Female, Ad Bestias; 2.5 points)
Notorious Chicken Rustler (Female, Ad Bestias; 6 points)
Petty Committer of Incest (Male, Ad Bestias; 2 points)
Famous Committer of Incest (Female, Ad Bestias; 8 points)
Petty Forger (Male, Ad Bestias; 2 points)
Famous Kidnapper (Male, Ad Bestias; 8 points)
Petty Murderer (Female, Ad Bestias; 2 points)
Petty Pig Rustler (Male, Ad Bestias; 2 points)
Large Block of Ice (8 points): 1600 denarii
Ability to Flood the Whole Arena (25 points): 5000 denarii
Event 8: Ad Crucem Execution of Criminals
Serious Forger (Male, Ad Crucem; 3.5 points)
Notorious Murderer (Female, Ad Crucem; 6 points)
Notorious Murderer (Female, Ad Crucem; 6 points)
Petty Rapist (Male, Ad Crucem; 2 points)
Petty Violator of a Tomb (Male, Ad Crucem; 2 points)
Cross (1 points): 200 denarii
Cross (1 points): 200 denarii
Cross (1 points): 200 denarii
Cross (1 points): 200 denarii
Cross (1 points): 200 denarii
Event 9: Ad Ignes Execution of Criminals
Petty Arsonist (Male, Ad Ignes; 2 points)
Petty Arsonist (Female, Ad Ignes; 2 points)
Petty Arsonist (Female, Ad Ignes; 2 points)
Serious Arsonist (Male, Ad Ignes; 3.5 points)
Notorious Arsonist (Male, Ad Ignes; 6 points)
Notorious Arsonist (Female, Ad Ignes; 6 points)
Large Naval Ship - Carthaginian (12 points): 2400 denarii
Large Naval Ship - Roman (12 points): 2400 denarii
Stake (1 points): 200 denarii
Stake (1 points): 200 denarii
Stake (1 points): 200 denarii
Stake (1 points): 200 denarii
Stake (1 points): 200 denarii
Event 10: Mock Battle of Prisoners of War in the Desert
10 Prisoners of War (20 points): 2000 denarii
10 Prisoners of War (20 points): 2000 denarii
Cave (8 points): 1600 denarii
Medium Hill (8 points): 1600 denarii
Medium Hill (8 points): 1600 denarii
Raised Stage (30 feet wide, 7 feet high) (8 points): 1600 denarii
Small Hill (4 points): 800 denarii
Small Hill (4 points): 800 denarii
Large hill (30 feet tall) (12 points): 2400 denarii
Scene involving sand or rocks covering 1/2 the arena (12 points): 2400 denarii
Scene involving sand or rocks covering 1/2 the arena (12 points): 2400 denarii
Event 11: Rank 1 Gladiator Matches
Hoplomachus (Male, Rank 1; 4 points)
Murmillo (Male, Rank 1; 4 points)
Murmillo (Male, Rank 1; 4 points)
Thrax (Male, Rank 1; 4 points)
Event 12: Rank 2 Gladiator Matches
Eques (Male, Rank 2; 10 points)
Eques (Male, Rank 2; 10 points)
Event 13: Rank 3 Gladiator Matches
Eques (Male, Rank 3; 15 points)
Eques (Male, Rank 3; 15 points)
Murmillo (Male, Rank 3; 12 points)
Thrax (Male, Rank 3; 12 points)
Event 14: Rank 4 Gladiator Matches
Essedarius (Male, Rank 4; 24 points)
Essedarius (Male, Rank 4; 24 points)
Hoplomachus (Male, Rank 4; 16 points)
Murmillo (Male, Rank 4; 16 points)
Event 15: Rank 5 Gladiator Matches
Eques (Male, Rank 5; 25 points)
Eques (Male, Rank 5; 25 points)
Retiarius (Male, Rank 5; 20 points)
Retiarius (Male, Rank 5; 20 points)
Secutor (Male, Rank 5; 20 points)
Secutor (Male, Rank 5; 20 points)
Bestiarius (Male, Rank 1; 2 points)
Bestiarius (Male, Rank 1; 2 points)
Bestiarius (Male, Rank 1; 2 points)
Bestiarius (Male, Rank 1; 2 points)
Bestiarius (Male, Rank 1; 2 points)
Bestiarius (Male, Rank 1; 2 points)
Bestiarius (Male, Rank 1; 2 points)
Bestiarius (Male, Rank 1; 2 points)
Bestiarius (Male, Rank 2; 4 points)
Bestiarius (Male, Rank 2; 4 points)
Bestiarius (Male, Rank 2; 4 points)
Bestiarius (Male, Rank 2; 4 points)
Bestiarius (Male, Rank 2; 4 points)
Bestiarius (Male, Rank 2; 4 points)
Bestiarius (Male, Rank 3; 6 points)
Bestiarius (Male, Rank 3; 6 points)
Bestiarius (Male, Rank 3; 6 points)
Bestiarius (Male, Rank 3; 6 points)
Bestiarius (Male, Rank 3; 6 points)
Canisters of Olive oil for lamps for everyone (30 points): 6000 denarii
Cup of honeyed wine for everyone (35 points): 7000 denarii
Fruit for everyone (37 points): 7500 denarii
Sweet bread rolls for everyone (22 points): 4500 denarii
Terracotta souvenirs for everyone (65 points): 13000 denarii
Point Breakdown
Average Point Value of Events: 67.633
Total Points: 1325 (Point Requirement Met! (750 points))
By Person:
Lydia Malavite: 425
Kimberly Klapchar: 899
President of Wine and Excellent Patron of the Ship Owners Guild
Production Facilities
Lead in Carthago Nova: 60 units at 1 Facility
Marble in Leptis Magna: 30 units at 4 Facilities
Travertine in Ostia: 20 units at 2 Facilities
Trade Contracts
Contract to Sell 40 units of Lead to Alexandria, Aegyptus at 45.4 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 40 units of Iron to the Emperor via Ostia, Italia at 56.9 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 25 units of Tin to Antioch, Syria at 49.3 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 50 units of Wine from Gaul to Antioch, Syria at 37.7 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 75 units of Grain to Antioch, Syria at 9.9 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 30 units of Lead to Antioch, Syria at 46.8 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 45 units of Oil from Spain to the Emperor via Ostia, Italia at 23.8 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 45 units of Oil from Spain to Ostia, Italia at 23 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 75 units of Grain to Antioch, Syria at 10.2 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 30 units of Garum from Greece to Ostia, Italia at 36.5 denarii per unit
Trade Income Analysis
Total Income from Trade: 142380 denarii
Number of Classes with Income from Trade: 20 times
Average Income from Trade each Class: 7119 denarii per class
Most Money Made in One Class: 12585 denarii
Total Income from Written Exercises: 7200 denarii
Total Income from Transfer: 25220 denarii
Total Income from Trade: 142380 denarii
Total Income from Quizzes: 10688 denarii
Total Expenditure on Guild Expenses: -5861 denarii
Total Expenditure on Facilities: -6372 denarii
Total Expenditure on Contracts: -16100 denarii
Total Expenditure on Benefactions: -24500 denarii
Total Income from Attendance: 38600 denarii
Total Expenditure on Assets: -113989 denarii
The Emperor - 30755 denarii
Ostia - 34254 denarii
Total Number of Clients: 156
Ancestor Prestige: 1 prestige points (0%): 1 clients
Career Prestige: 25 prestige points (8%): 80 clients
Trade Prestige: 142380 prestige points (4%): 30 clients
Emperor Prestige: 30755 prestige points (3%): 20 clients
Ostia Prestige: 34254 prestige points (4%): 25 clients
Monument Type: Niche in the Burial Society in the Porta Laurentina Catacombs
Burial Location: Porta Laurentina Catacombs Niche 26
Burial Method: Inhumation Burial in a Marble Sarcophagus (Ornate Decoration)
Monument Decoration: None
Total Cost of the Burial: 8500 denarii
Debit Treasurer of the Ship Owners Guild
Production Facilities
Garum in Alexandria: 55 units at 1 Facility
Marble in Corinth: 20 units at 4 Facilities
Marble in Luna: 5 units at 1 Facility
Trade Contracts
Contract to Sell 40 units of Copper to the Emperor via Ostia, Italia at 54.5 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 40 units of Copper to Ostia, Italia at 52.8 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 60 units of Oil to Ostia, Italia at 22.3 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 25 units of Tin to Aquileia, Italia at 39.9 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 40 units of Lead to Aquileia, Italia at 34.5 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 7 units of Marble from North Africa to Alexandria, Aegyptus at 123.2 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 40 units of Garum to Luna, Italia at 21.5 denarii per unit
Contract to Sell 40 units of Garum from The East to Ostia, Italia at 33.2 denarii per unit
Trade Income Analysis
Total Income from Trade: 101332 denarii
Number of Classes with Income from Trade: 20 times
Average Income from Trade each Class: 5066 denarii per class
Most Money Made in One Class: 9617 denarii
Total Income from Written Exercises: 7052 denarii
Total Expenditure on Transfer: -25220 denarii
Total Income from Trade: 101332 denarii
Total Income from Quizzes: 8372 denarii
Total Expenditure on Guild Expenses: -6050 denarii
Total Expenditure on Facilities: -5695 denarii
Total Expenditure on Contracts: -10200 denarii
Total Expenditure on Benefactions: -11000 denarii
Total Income from Attendance: 33300 denarii
Total Expenditure on Assets: -59971 denarii
The Emperor - 12387 denarii
Ostia - 20284 denarii
Total Number of Clients: 54
Ancestor Prestige: 1 prestige points (0%): 1 clients
Career Prestige: 3 prestige points (1%): 9 clients
Trade Prestige: 101332 prestige points (3%): 21 clients
Emperor Prestige: 12387 prestige points (1%): 8 clients
Ostia Prestige: 20284 prestige points (2%): 15 clients
Monument Type: Niche in the Burial Society in the Porta Laurentina Catacombs
Burial Location: Porta Laurentina Catacombs Niche 32
Burial Method: Inhumation Burial in a Marble Sarcophagus (Ornate Decoration)
Monument Decoration: None
Total Cost of the Burial: 5500 denarii