Open to Men and Women
Maximum members: 10
Statement of Purpose: Purpose of Olive merchants guild is to develop multiple uses of olives to further our trading capabilities and enhance Roman life
Patron Deity: Athena
Highest Ranking: Crazy Eyes (3)
Next Highest Ranking: Wicked Toga (3)
Third Highest Ranking: Soft Sandals (4)
Highest Level: One Eye Willy; Requires: Donates at least 1000 denarii
Next Highest Level: Joe Dirt; Requires: Donates at least 750 denarii
Third Highest Level: Buffalo Bob; Requires: Donates at least 500 denarii
Ti. Granius Maximus (Josh McLusky), Crazy Eyes and One Eye Willy Patron (2800 denarii in benefactions)
Sex. Otacilius Superbus (Karl Williams), Crazy Eyes and One Eye Willy Patron (3951 denarii in benefactions)
C. Turranius Hilarius (Brett Bursley), Crazy Eyes and One Eye Willy Patron (12943 denarii in benefactions)
A. Otacilius Brutus (Rachel DeFranco), Wicked Toga and One Eye Willy Patron (3276 denarii in benefactions)
Ti. Florus Damascus (Angie May), Wicked Toga and One Eye Willy Patron (3937 denarii in benefactions)
T. Granius Zeno (Chaz Deering), Wicked Toga and Joe Dirt Patron (8732 denarii in benefactions)
L. Otacilius Maximus (Kyle Rist), Soft Sandals and One Eye Willy Patron (1832 denarii in benefactions)
C. Florus Superbus (Adam Oehmler), Soft Sandals and One Eye Willy Patron (3187 denarii in benefactions)
Sex. Turranius Saurus Rex (Kevin Strebler), Soft Sandals and One Eye Willy Patron (7984 denarii in benefactions)
M. Turranius Trogus (Brian Borgione), Soft Sandals and One Eye Willy Patron (9301 denarii in benefactions)