Guild Hall: 1.13.6 (Domus delle Gorgoni)
- General purpose slave (gift of M. Terentius Seneca)
- General purpose slave (gift of Valeria Avitilla)
1 – Entrance Hall (very large)
2 – Courtyard/peristyle (very large)
3 – Meeting hall (very large)
4 – Service Room (medium)
Gold statuette of Dionysus (gift of A. Terentius Zoilus)
- Furnace (gift of A. Terentius Zoilus)
- Heating system (gift of A. Terentius Zoilus)
- Opus sectile floors (gift of A. Terentius Zoilus)
- Opus sectile walls (gift of A. Terentius Zoilus)
- Wall marble nyphaeum (gift of A. Terentius Zoilus)
5 – Latrine (small)
6 – Service Room (medium)
- Black and white mosaic floor (no design) (gift of D. Fabricius Leon)
- Masonry style wallpainting (gift of D. Fabricius Leon)
- Marble statue of the emperor (gift of D. Fabricius Leon)
7 – Service Room (large)
8 – Temple/shrine (small)
- Opus sectile floor (gift of T. Naevius Tasius)
- Opus sectile walls (gift of T. Naevius Tasius)
9 – Service Room (very small)
10 – Corridor (very large)
11 – Triclinium (large)
- Opus sectile floor (gift of D. Domitius Decentius and M.
Domitius Fabillus)
- Opus sectile walls (gift of D. Domitius Decentius and M.
Domitius Fabillus)
- Silver statuette of Bacchus (gift of D. Domitius Decentius and
M. Domitius Fabillus)
- Fancy dining couches (gift of Sex. Valerius Lavernius , Ti.
Valerius Maximus and L. Valerius Sparticus)
- Heating furnace (gift of Aemilia Romana)
- Heating system (gift of Aemilia Romana)
- Black and white mosaic floor without a design (gift of Aemilia
- Ornate style wall painting (gift of Aemilia Romana)
2 ornate candelabras (gift of Aemilia Romana)
12 – Triclinium (large)
13 – Triclinium (medium)