6-6:30 2 Wild dogs bark the imperial anthem; Lottery game for crowd
-Callidus (Wild Dog) from Italy impressiveness rank 2 trained in Tick-Beg, Bark, Jump, Burning Hoop, Bark Theme (Rank 5), Fighting Bears (Rank 4) (Owner: Trajan)
-Dolosus (Wild Dog) from Italy impressiveness rank 2 trained in Tick-Beg, Bark, Jump, Burning Hoop, Bark Theme (Rank 5), Fighting Bears (Rank 4) (Owner: Trajan)
The 2 dogs will bark the imperial anthem and then everyone will look under their seat for a winning ticket. Four seats will win. The prizes are $500 each. The purpose is to get the crowd pumped up and excited to start the day.
7-7:30 Wild Boar vs. Wolf
-Wild Boar (Rank 5) From Germany, Skills: Fighting wolves (rank 2), Ferocity (rank 4)
-Wolf (Rank 5) From Britain, Skills: Fighting Boars (rank 2), Ferocity (rank 4)
-Witold (Male German slave from Vetera), Bestiarius (rank 5)
-Wekesa (Male African slave from Cyrene), Bestiarius (rank 5)
-Large Cave Scene (rank 4)
8-8:30 Bull vs. Hippo
-Bull (Rank 3) From Italy, Skills: Fighting Hippos (Rank 1), Ferocity (Rank 4)
-Hippopotamus (Rank 3) From Egypt, Skills: Fighting bulls (rank 1), Ferocity (Rank 4)
-Witold (Male German slave from Vetera), Bestiarius (rank 5)
-Wekesa (Male African slave from Cyrene), Bestiarius (rank 5)
-Large Cave Scene (rank 4)
8:30-9:30 Beast Hunt
-Ostrich (Rank 1) from Libya, Skills: Ferocity (rank 4)
-Ostrich (Rank 1) from Libya, Skills: Ferocity (rank 4)
-Ostrich (Rank 1) from Libya, Skills: Ferocity (rank 4)
-Deer (rank 4) from Germany, Skills: Ferocity (rank 4)
-Panther (rank 4) Skills: Ferocity (rank 4)
-Hyena from Egypt (rank 1), Skills: Ferocity (rank 1)
-Hyena from Egypt (rank 2), Skills: Ferocity (rank 1)
-Hyena from Egypt (rank 1), Skills: Ferocity (rank 1)
-Odi (Male Dacian Slave from Viminacium), Venator (rank 4)
-Zsigmond (Male Dacian slave from Novae), Venator (rank 4)
-Large Cave Scene (rank 4)
9:30-10:15 Bear vs. 3 Wild Dogs
-Innocence (Bear) from Germany (rank 3), Skills: Ferocity (rank 5), Fighting dogs & wolves (rank 4)
-Callidus (Wild Dog) from Italy impressiveness rank 2 trained in Tick-Beg, Bark, Jump,
Burning Hoop, Bark Theme (Rank 5), Fighting Bears (Rank 4) (Owner: Trajan)
-Dolosus (Wild Dog) from Italy impressiveness rank 2 trained in Tick-Beg, Bark, Jump,
Burning Hoop, Bark Theme (Rank 5), Fighting Bears (Rank 4) (Owner: Trajan)
-Pugnax (Wild Dog) from Italy (rank 2), Skills: Ferocity (rank 5), Fighting Bears (rank 4)
-Wekesa (Male African slave from Cyrene), Bestiarius (rank 5)
-Mstislav (Male Sarmatian slave from Carnuntum), Bestiarius (rank 5)
-Berkant (Male Parthian Slave from Satala), Bestiarius (rank 5)
-Behruz (Male Parthian slave from Samosata), Bestiarius (rank 5)
-Large Cave Scene (rank 4)
10:15-11 2 Rhinos vs. 3 Lions
-Bellator (Rhinoceros) from Libya (rank 4), Skills: Fighting lions (rank 5)
-Odiosus (Rhinoceros) from Cyrenaica (rank 2), Skills: Fighting lions (rank 5)
-Celer (Lion) from Syria (rank 2), Skills: Ferocity (rank 4), Fighting Rhinos (rank 5)
-Nymphus (Lion) From Arabia (rank 3), Skills: Ferocity (rank 4), Fighting Rhinos (rank 5)
-Pilosus (Lion) form Libya (rank 3), Skills: Ferocity (rank 4), Fighting Rhinos (rank 5)
-Wekesa (Male African slave from Cyrene), Bestiarius (rank 5)
-Mstislav (Male Sarmatian slave from Carnuntum), Bestiarius (rank 5)
-Berkant (Male Parthian Slave from Satala), Bestiarius (rank 5)
-Behruz (Male Parthian slave from Samosata), Bestiarius (rank 5)
-Witold (Male German slave from Vetera), Bestiarius (rank 5)
-Large Cave Scene (rank 4)
11-11:45 Lunch
Beast-Ka-Bobs will consist of the first 2 animal fights and the beast hunt.
12-1:30 Mock Battle held at the Bay of Baiae. “The Battle of Egadi Islands. Rome vs. Carthage.”
-Bay of Baiae Rental
-Trireme (rank 3)
-Trireme (rank 3)
-Trireme (rank 3)
-Trireme (rank 3)
-Croc 1 (crocodile) from Egypt (rank 1), Skills: Ferocity (rank 1)
-Croc 2 (crocodile) from Egypt (rank 2), Skills: Ferocity (rank 1)
-Crocodile from Egypt (rank 1), Skills: Ferocity (rank 2)
-Crocodile from Egypt (rank 3), Skills: Ferocity (rank 2)
-Crocodile from Egypt (rank 2), Skills: Ferocity (rank 2)
-Mstislav (Male Sarmatian slave from Carnuntum), Bestiarius (rank 5)
-Berkant (Male Parthian Slave from Satala), Bestiarius (rank 5)
-Behruz (Male Parthian slave from Samosata), Bestiarius (rank 5)
-Atia (Female), Minor Murderer (wife of the murder Natalis; helped to cook victims), To be punished Ad Bestias
-Natalis (male), Notorius murderer (murdered 3 people in Rome; cooked the bodies & fed them to his dogs), to be punished Ad Bestias
-Group (male), Prisoners of War (5 Dacian), to be punished ad bestias
-Group (male), Prisoners of War (80 Dacian), to be punished any way
This battle took place in 241 B.C. right off of Sicily. The Romans made use of 200 ships and Carthage employed 170 of them. This Roman victory concluded the first Punic War. The Romans had taken nearly 100,000 Carthiginean prisoners of war due to their successes. Four ships and 80 slaves will be used to re-enact this memorable naval battle. Crocidiles will also be used in the bay for added entertainment. The battle will start off by throwing 7 criminals to these crocodiles.
1:45-2:15 Eques vs. Eques
-Boyd (male British Slave from Londinium), Eques (rank 3), Equipped (rank 3)
-Poldi (male German slave from Castra Regina), Eques (rank 3), Equipped (rank 3)
2:15-2:45 Retiarius vs. Secutor
-Ignac (male Samatian slave from Carnuntum), Retiarius (rank 3), Equipped (rank 3)
-Havard (male German slave from Vetera), Secutor (rank 3), Equipped (rank 3)
2:45-3:30 Murmillo vs. Thrax
-Afolabi (male African salve from Alexandria), Murmillo (rank 4), Equipped (rank 4)
-Pero (male Sarmatian slave from Carnuntum), Thrax (rank 4), Equipped (rank 4)
3:30-4:15 Hoplomachus vs. Murmillo
-Firminus (male Spanish slave from Tarraco), Hoplomachus (rank 5), Equipped (rank 5)
-Radmilo (male Sarmatian slave from Carnuntum), Murmillo (rank 5), Equipped (rank 5)
4:15-5 Provocator vs. Provocator
-Gladius (male Roman slave from Tarraco), Provocator (rank 5), Equipped (rank 5)
-Zoltan (male Dacian slave from Novae), Provocator (rank 5), Equipped (rank 5)
5-5:45 Essedarius vs. Essedarius
-Gemellus (male Spanish slave from Tarraco), Essedarius (rank 5), Equipped (rank 5)
-Rama (male Parthian slave from Samosata), Essedarius (rank 5), Equipped (rank 5)