Datta, T., Thornberry, D., Almasan, C. C., and Jones, E. R., Jr. "Experimental Realizations of Mean-Field Ising and Heisenberg Spin-Glasses." Solid State Communications 56, 523-526 (1985).
Datta, T, Almasan, C. C., Gubser, D. U., Wolf, S. A., Osofsky, M., and Toth, L. E. "Magnetic Behavior of YBa2Cu3O7-x." in Novel Superconductivity, eds. S. A. Wolf and V. Z. Kresin (Plenum, New York, 1987) p. 817-823.
Hermann, A. H., Sheng, Z. Z., Kiehl, W., Marsh, D., El Ali, A., Hambourger, P. D., Almasan, C. C., Estrada, J., and Datta, T. "Transport Critical Current and Magnetization Measurements of Melt-Processed YBa2Cu3O7-x." Journal of Applied Physics 64, 5050-5055 (1988).
Datta, T., Almasan, C. C., Gubser, D. U., Wolf, S. A., and Toth, L. E. "Period Doubling and Magnetic Chaos in Superconducting YBa2Cu3O7." Physica C 153-155, 332-333 (1988).
Datta, T., Almasan, C. C., Estrada, J., Violet, C. E., Gubser, D. U., and Wolf, S. A. "Magnetic Behavior of Y-Ba-Cu-O Superconductors Prepared Under Different Oxygen Anneals." Journal of Applied Physics 63, 4204-4206 (1988).
Datta, T., Poole, C. P., Jr., Farach, H. A., Almasan, C. C., Estrada, J., Gubser, D. U., and Wolf, S. A. "New Approach to Characterizing the High-Temperature Superconducting Transition." Physical Review B 37, 7843-7845 (1988).
Datta, T., Ledbetter, H. M., Violet, C. E., Almasan, C. C., and Estrada, J. "Reentrant Softening in Perovskite Superconductors." Physical Review B 37, 7502-7505 (1988).
Almasan, C. C., Estrada, J., Poole, C. P., Jr., Datta, T., Farach, H. A., Gubser, D. U., Wolf, S. A., and Toth, L. E. "Derivative Analysis of the High Temperature Superconducting Transition." Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings 99, 451-454 (1988).
Sheng, Z. Z., Hermann, A. M., El Ali, A., Almasan, C. C., Estrada, J., Datta, T., and Matson, R. J. "Superconductivity at 90 K in the Tl-Ba-Cu-O System." Physical Review Letters 60, 937-940 (1988).
Almasan, C. C., Datta, T., Edge, R. D., Jones, E. R., Cable, J. W., and Letbetter, H. M. "Low-Temperature Phase and Magnetic Interactions in FCC Fe-Cr-Ni Alloys." Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 80, 329-338 (1989).
Ayoub, N. Y., Almasan, C. C., Early, E. A., Markert, J. T., Seaman, C. L., and Maple, M. B. "The Effect of Indium Substitution for Copper on the Superconductivity of the Electron-Doped System Nd-Ce-Cu-O." Physica C 170, 211-214 (1990).
Almasan, C. C., Seaman, C. L., Dalichaouch, Y., and Maple, M. B. ""Irreversibility Line" and Magnetic Relaxation in a Sm1.85Ce0.15CuO4-y Single Crystal." Physica C 174, 93-100 (1991).
Dalichaouch, Y., Seaman, C. L., Almasan, C. C., de Andrade, M. C., Iwasaki, H., Tsai, P. K., and Maple, M. B. "Anisotropic Superconducting and Normal State Properties of the Electron-Doped Ln2-xCexCuO4-y Single Crystals (Ln = Nd and Sm)." Physica B 171, 308-311 (1991).
Garland, J. C., Almasan, C. C., and Maple, M. B. "The Effect of Strong Flux Line Correlations on the Irreversibility Line of High Temperature Superconductors." Physica C 181, 381-384 (1991).
de Andrade, M. C., Almasan, C. C., Dalichaouch, Y., and Maple, M. B. "Anomalies in the Irreversibility Line and Upper Critical Field of the Electron-Doped Superconductor Sm1.85Ce0.15CuO4-y." Physica C 184, 378-384 (1991).
Almasan, C. C. and Maple, M. B. "Electron-Doped High Tc Cuprate Superconductors." in Chemistry of High Temperature Superconductors, ed. C.N. R. Rao (World Scientific, Singapore, 1991) p. 205-242.
Almasan, C. C., Han, S. H., Early, E. A., Lee, B. W., Seaman, C. L., and Maple, M. B. "Anisotropic Superconducting State Thermodynamic Parameters of the Electron-Doped Compound Sm1.85Ce0.15CuO4-y." Physical Review B: Rapid Communications 45, 1056-1059 (1992).
Almasan, C. C., Han, S. H., Lee, B. W., Paulius, L. M., Maple, M. B, Veal, B. W., Downey, J. W., Paulikas, A. P., Fisk, Z., and Schirber, J. E. "Pressure Dependence of Tc and Charge Transfer in YBa2Cu3Ox (6.35 < x < 7) Single Crystals." Physical Review Letters 69, 680-683 (1992).
Han, S. H., Almasan, C. C., de Andrade, M. C., Dalichaouch, Y, and Maple, M. B. "Determination of the Upper Critical Field of the Electron-Doped Superconductor Sm1.85Ce0.15CuO4-y from Resistive Fluctuations." Physical Review B: Rapid Communications 46, 14290-14292 (1992).
Almasan, C. C., de Andrade, M. C., Dalichaouch, Y., Neumeier, J. J., Seaman, C. L., Maple, M. B., Guertin, R. P., Kuric, M. V., and Garland, J. C. "Evidence for Scaling Invariance and Universality of the Irreversibility Line of High Temperature Superconductors." Physical Review Letters 69, 3812-3815 (1992).
Early, E. A., Almasan, C. C., Jardim, R. F., and Maple, M. B. "The Double Resistive Superconducting Transition in Sm2-xCexCuO4-y." Physical Review B 47, 433-441 (1993).
Paulius, L. M., Almasan, C. C., and Maple, M. B. "Enhancement of Flux Pinning by Pr Doping in Y1-xPrxBa2Cu3O7-d (0 < x < 0.4)." Physical Review B: Rapid Communications 47, 11627-11630 (1993).
Maple, M. B., Paulius, L. M., Almasan, C. C., Seaman, C. L., de Andrade, M. C., Dalichaouch, Y., and Neumeier, J. J. "Experiments on Flux Motion and Pinning in High Temperature Oxide Superconductors." (Invited Paper.) In Proceedings of 5th US/Japan Workshop on High Tc Superconductors, ed. K. Tachikawa. Science and Technology Agency, Tokyo, Japan, and Department of Energy, USA, 1993; p. 212-216.
Paulius, L. M., Almasan, C. C., and Maple M. B. "On the Determination of the Fully Critical Field and the Critical Current Density from Bean Model." Applied Physics Letters 63, 2282-2284 (1993).
Almasan, C. C., Han, S. H., Yoshiara, K., Buchgeister, M., Lee, B. W., Paulius, L. M., Gajewski, D. A., and Maple, M. B. "Hall Effect Studies of the Mixed and Normal States of Y1-xPrxBa2Cu3O7-d Single Crystals (0 < x < 1)." (Invited Paper.) Physica B 199&200, 288-290 (1994).
Maple, M. B., Almasan, C. C., Seaman, C. L., Han, S. H., Yoshiara, K., Buchgeister, M., Paulius, L. M., Lee, B. W., Gajewski, D. A., Jarnim, R. F., Fincher, C. R., Jr., Blanchet, Graciela B., and Guertin, R. P. "Extraordinary Behavior of the Y1-xPrxBa2Cu3O7-d System." (Invited Paper.) Journal of Superconductivity 7, 97-106 (1994).
Maple, M. B. and Almasan, C. C. "Upper Critical Field and Irreversibility Line of High Temperature Cuprate Superconductors." (Invited Paper.) Proceedings of 6th US/Japan Workshop on High Tc Superconductors, eds. K. Salama, C. W. Chu, and W. K. Chu (World Scientific, Singapore, 1994) p. 15-24.
Almasan, C. C., Han, S. H., Yoshiara, K., Buchgeister, M., Gajewski, D. A., Herrmann, J., Paulikas, A. P., Gu, Chun, Veal, B. W., and Maple, M. B. "Hall Effect Studies of the Mixed and Normal States of Y1-xPrxBa2Cu3O7-d (0 < x < 1) and YBa2Cu3Oy (6.35 < y < 7) Single Crystals." Physica C 235-240, 3119-3120 (1994).
Almasan, C. C., Han, S. H., Yoshiara, K., Buchgeister, M., Gajewski, D. A., Paulius, L. M., Herrmann, J., Paulikas, A. P., Gu, Chun, Veal, B. W., and Maple, M. B. "Hall Effect Studies of the Mixed State of Y1-xPrxBa2Cu3O7-d (0 < x < 0.42) and YBa2Cu3Oy (6.65 < y < 6.84) Single Crystals." Physical Review B: Rapid Communications 51, 3981-3984 (1995).
Early, E. A., Jardim, R. F., Almasan, C. C., and Maple, M. B. "Reply to the Comment on "Double Resistive Superconducting Transition in Sm2-xCexCuO4-y."" Physical Review B 51, 8650 (1995).
Herrmann, J., de Andrade, M. C., Almasan, C. C., Maple M. B., Jiang, Wu, Mao, S., and Green, R. L. "Magnetoresistivity of Superconducting Thin Films of the Electron-Doped Compound Nd1.85Ce0.15CuO4-y." Proceedings of 2nd European Conference on Applied Superconductivity, Edinburgh, UK, 3-6 July 1995 (Dew-Hughes, D. Bristol, UK: IOP, 1995) 2, 963-966.
Almasan, C. C. and Maple, M. B. "Crossover from Three-Dimentional to Two-Dimentional Vortex Fluctuations in the Irreversibility Line of the Y1-xPrxBa2Cu3O7-d (0 < x < 0.55) System." Physical Review B 53 2882-2885 (1996).
Maple M. B., Herrmann, J., de Andrade, M. C., Almasan, C. C., Han, S. H., Gajewski, D. A., Paulius, L. M., Jiang, Wu, Mao, S., Green, R. L., Paulikas, A. P., Gu, Chun, and Veal, B. W. "Magnetoresistance and Hall Effect Study of Electron- and Hole-Doped Cuprate Superconductors." Chinese Journal of Physics 34, 471-478 (1996).
Ash, C. L., Harris, D. C., Hebboul, S. E., Garland, J. C., and Almasan, C. C. "The dc Magnetization of Random YBa2Cu3O7-d/Ag Bulk Composites." Journal of Applied Physics 80, 1652-1658 (1996).
Herrmann, J., de Andrade, M. C., Almasan, C. C., Maple M. B., Jiang, Wu, Mao, S., and Green, R. L. "Magnetoresistivity of Thin Films of the Electron-Doped High Tc Superconductor Nd1.85Ce0.15CuO4-y." Physical Review B 54, 3610-3616 (1996).
Jiang, C. N., Baldwin, A. R., Levin, G. A., Stein, T., Almasan,C. C., Gajewski, D. A., Han, S. H., and Maple M. B. "Evolution of c-Axis Resistivity in Y1-xPrxBa2Cu3O7-d (0 < x < 0.55) Single Crystals." Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 46, 1163-1164 (1996).
Jiang, C. N., Baldwin, A. R., Levin, G. A., Stein, T. A., Almasan,C. C., Gajewski, D. A., Han, S. H., and Maple M. B. "Nonmonotonic Evolution of Out-of-Plane Resistivity with Pr Doping in Y1-xPrxBa2Cu3O7-d (0 < x < 0.55) Single Crystals." Physical Review B: Rapid Communications 55, R3390-3393 (1997).
Levin, G. A., Stein, T., Jiang, C. N., Almasan,C. C., Gajewski, D. A., Han, S. H., and Maple M. B. "An Improved Analysis of Resistivity from Flux Transformer Geometry." Physica C 282-287, 1147-1148 (1997).
Almasan,C. C., Levin, G. A., Jiang, C. N., Stein, T., Gajewski, D. A., Han, S. H., and Maple M. B. "Normal-State Out-of-Plane and In-Plane Resistivities of Y1-xPrxBa2Cu3O7-d (0 < x < 1) Single Crystals." Physica C 282-287, 1129-1130 (1997).
Stein, T., Levin, G. A., Jiang, C. N., Almasan,C. C., Gajewski, D. A., Han, S. H., and Maple M. B. "Flux Motion in Underdoped Y1-xPrxBa2Cu3O7-d Single Crystals." Physica C 282-287, 2327-2328 (1997).
Levin, G. A., Stein, T., Jiang, C. N., Almasan,C. C., Gajewski, D. A., Han, S. H., and Maple M. B. "In-Plane and Out-of-Plane Resistivities of PrBa2Cu3O7-d Single Crystals." Physica C 282-287, 1127-1128 (1997).
Levin, G. A., Stein, T., Almasan,C. C., Han, S. H., Gajewski, D. A., and Maple M. B. "Two-Dimensional Localization and Superconductor-Insulator Transition in Strongly Underdoped Single Crystals of Y1-xPrxBa2Cu3O7-d" Physical Review Letters 80, 841-844 (1998).
Miu, L., Jakob, G.,Haibach, P., Hillmer, F., Adrian, H., and Almasan, C. C. "Vortex-Liquid Entanglement in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d Films in the Presence of Quenched Disorder". Physical Review B 57, 3151-3155 (1998).
Levin, G. A., Almasan, C. C., Gajewski, D. A., and Maple, M. B. "Reduction of the Flux Creep by Heat Pulses". Applied Physics Letters 72, 112-114 (1998).
Almasan, C. C., Levin, G. A., Cimpoiasu, E., Stein, T., Gajewski, D. A., Maple, M. B., Zheng, Hong, Paulikas, A. P., and Veal, B. W. "Out-of-Plane and In-Plane Conduction in Insulating and Strongly Underdoped Cuprates". International Journal of Modern Physics B 12, 3203-3206 (1998).
Stein, T., Levin, G. A., Almasan, C. C., Gajewski, G. A., and Maple, M. B. "Quantum Creep in Y1-xPrxBa2Cu3O7-d Crystals: Magnetic Relaxation and Transport". Physical Review Letters 82, 2955-2958 (1999).
Almasan, C. C., Cimpoiasu, E., Levin, G. A., Zheng, Hong, Paulikas, A. P., and Veal, B. W. "Is There a Unified Description of Conductivity of Layered Cuprates ?" Journal of Low Temperature Physics 117, 1307 (1999).
Almasan, C. C., Levin, G. A., Cimpoiasu, E., Stein, T., Zhang, C. L., Zheng, Hong, Paulikas, A. P., Veal, B. W., deAndrade, M. C., and Maple, M. B. "Relationship between Conductivity and Phase Coherence Length in Cuprates". International Journal of Modern Physics B 13, 3618 (1999).
Stein, T., Levin, G. A., Almasan, C. C., Gajewski, G. A., and Maple, M. B. "Dynamics of Flux Creep in Underdoped Single Crystals of Y1-xPrxBa2Cu3O7-d". Physical Review B 61, 1538 (2000).
Miu, L., Cimpoiasu, E., Stein, T., Almasan, C. C. "Plastic Vortex Creep Above the Second Magnetization Peak in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d Single Crystals". Physica C 334, 1 (2000).
Almasan, C. C., Zhang, C. L., Levin, G. A., and Gardner, J. S. "Temperature and Field Dependence of Resistivities and Anisotropy of Layered Manganites La2-2xSr1+2xMn2O7". Physica C 341-348, 791 (2000).
Cimpoiasu, E., Levin, G. A., Almasan, C. C., Zheng, Hong, and Veal, B.W.
"Magnetoresistivity of Strongly Underdoped
YBa2Cu3Ox Single Crystals". Physica C
341-348, 1879 (2000).
Almasan,C. C., Stein, T., Levin, G. A., Gajewski, D. A., and Maple M. B. "Nonlinear Dynamics of Flux Creep in Underdoped Cuprates". Physica C 341-348, 343 (2000).
Miu, L., Noji, T., Koike, Y., Cimpoiasu, E., Stein, T., and Almasan, C. C. "Crossover from Elastic to Plastic Vortex Creep Across the Second Magnetization Peak of High-Temperature Superconductors." Physical Review B 62, 15172 (2000).
Cimpoiasu, E., Levin, G. A., Almasan, C. C., Zheng, H., and Veal, B.W. "Magnetoconductivity due to Quantum Interference in Strongly Underdoped YBa2Cu3Ox." Physical Review B 63, 104515 (2001).
Almasan, C. C. and Maple, M. B. "Magnetoresistance and Hall Effect." Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of Rare Earths. Volume 31: High Temperature Superconductors II, Eds. K. G. Gschneider, Jr., L. Eyring, and M. B. Maple, p. 251, 2001.
Cimpoiasu, E., Levin, G. A., Almasan, C. C., Paulikas, A. P., and Veal, B. W. "Magnetotransport Mechanisms in Strongly Underdoped YBa2Cu3Ox Single Crystals." Physical Review B 64, 104514 (2001).
Cimpoiasu, E., Almasan, C. C., Paulikas, A. P., and Veal, B. W. "Magnetotransport Properties of Antiferromagnetic YBa2Cu3O6.25 Single Crystals." Physica C 364-365, 399 (2001).
Miu, L., Almasan, C. C., D. Miu, and Adrian, H. "Magnetization Relaxation in the Flux-Creep Annealing Regime Across the Second Magnetization Peak of Disordered YBa2Cu3O7-d Crystals." Physica C 363, 49 (2001).