Chenjian Fu 傅臣建

cfu3@kent.edu | Department of Geology, Kent State University, OH 44242 | Linkedin

I am a geologist and a big fan of 'numerical computing' and 'spatiotemporal analytics and visualization' for geosciences. Recently I focus on paleomagnetism and plate kinematics.


Current Project

Global Plate Reconstructions using Paleomagnetism

For my M.S. in Kent State's Geology program, it is an honor to have Dr Daniel Holm, Dr Joseph Ortiz and Dr Chris Rowan in my thesis committee. Here is an abstract submitted to 2015 AGU Fall Meeting (click to view the poster). Updates will be constantly posted on my GitHub.

Old Projects

2015-2017: Spaciotemporal Analysis and Visualization of Prison Data from S-21 Security-Center, Cambodia (1975-1978)

For my 2015 summer and fall research project, I am honored to have worked with Dr Xinyue Ye and Dr James Tyner. Here are our peer-reviewed publications: paper2017 and paper2016.

2010-2012: Petroleum and Plate Tectonic History of the Tarim Basin (NW China)

My Master's advisor Dr Jianghai Li and his research team supervised me on this topic.

2007-2009: Petroleum, Seismic Interpretation of Structures and Sedimentary History of the Liaodong Bay, Bohai Basin (NE China)

This is the topic for my undergraduate research. My advisor Dr Renchen Xin supervised me writing this thesis.


Structural Geology (GEOL 31080) Laboratory: 1 class time for Sp(ring) 2017 | 14:15-15:55, Thu; McGilvrey Hall (McG) Room 116

How the Earth Works Laboratory (GEOL 11041): Su(mmer) 2017, F(all)+Su.+Sp. 2016, F.+Su.+Sp. 2015 & F. 2014 | On-line through BlackBoard teaching system

How the Earth Works Laboratory (GEOL 11041) online course development: Working with Dr Daniel Holm and Meghan Hansen | Sp. 2015 -- Su. 2017

Scientific Methods in Geology (GEOL 42035): Dr Neil Wells's TA | 1 class time for Sp. 2014 | 08:50-10:30, Fri; McG Rm 403

Sedimentology and Stratigraphy (GEOL 44070): Dr Joseph Ortiz's TA | 1 class time for Sp. 2014 | 14:15-15:55, Tues; McG Rm 116

Earth Dynamics Laboratory (GEOL 11041): 2 class times for F. 2013 | 08:50-10:30, 11:00-12:40, Tues; McG Rm 234