Req'mnt Sheets email daryl

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Here are links to the Program Requirement Sheets (PRS).  These are outlines of the courses required to complete various degrees.  All students should keep this updated for their particular program.  Each student's progress is also available online via the KAPS report.

The course catalog should also be referenced for a better understanding of various degree requirements.

Associate Degrees
Associate Degree PRS for all degrees Associate Degree PRS for Business Management (BMRT) Associate Degree PRS for Accounting (ACTT)
Bachelor Degrees
BBA (1) "2+2" Bachelor of Science Degree with Business Associate Degree (2)  

PRS=Program Requirement Sheet 


(1) At the Ashtabula Campus we offer all courses required to complete the Management Major.  So, you'll want to print three separate documents from this link - 1. Pre-Business Requirement Sheet (Regional Campuses); 2. Advanced Business Requirement Sheets - Business Management (Regional Campuses); and 3. Liberal Education Requirements.  1. is basically the first couple years for any Business major.  You can look at other major sheets and compare them to 2. to see which courses for a non-management major you would need to pick up at the Kent Campus.  For example, all courses except 8 accounting courses can be completed at the Ashtabula Campus for the Accounting Major.

(2) This page shows all College of Technology Bachelor Degrees.  For the 2+2 - go to the bottom of the page and look for "Technology 2+2 (for associate degree graduates)" and pick the "General Option"


Personal web site for Daryl Upole, Assistant Professor (NTT), Kent State University

This page was last updated 11/24/2008

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