
Looking for some good resources?


Included here are teacher/educator related sites, they include sites that have lesson plans and ideas on how to integrate technology into the curricula. Almost all of these sites have links to other educator related sites, and so the Web begins. 

There is a printable list of student links with the addresses visible. These sites are current as of April 2000, if you will be using specific sites it is suggested that you visit and explore the sites before your students do.


How do you know if the educational site you see is a good one? There are different kinds of web publishers.  Web sites are posted by educational organizations, teachers, students, book publishers and commercial companies. You would think that the search for a particular topic is the hard part but it's not. 

As an educator you evaluate all kinds of materials before you introduce them to your students, Web site's should be no different. Remember that the Web is sometimes fleeting and the site you worked with last month may not be there today, or worse yet it has changed.

A good Web site clearly indicates the author of the site, has a contact for questions and comments, follows all the laws of copyright, the purpose of the site and its content should be clear, advertising should not overpower the content of the page, it will enrich the user's experience and expand the imagination, the site should be easily navigatable and appealing, the text should be easy to read, links pages should be well organized with well chosen links, load time should be reasonable (how long do you have access to the lab?), the requirement of plug-ins should be apparent, the title should be appropriate to its purpose, there should be enough information to make the visit worthwhile, an outline of topics is necessary for large amounts of information, and most importantly there should be no fee or need to type in personal information.

Teacher Resources


Forefront Curriculum Online integrate the internet into your curriculum K-12.


Teacher Link includes links to curriculum resources, professional organizations, funding resources, and others.


Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory a great guide for any discipline with some lesson plans that go across subjects.


Teacher Resources you can post your lessons to share with others and you can search the data base for lesson plans. This site has an extensive collection of lesson plans.


Young Author's Workshop Teachers resources for teaching students about writing. Also has links for your students.


Teachers Helping Teachers here is a list of links for teachers to search through categorized by subject. An excellent place to get started. There are even links to free graphics.


Apple Learning Interchange hosted by Macintosh, this site is like an informative newsletter with info links.


Classroom Connect's Connected Teacher this site opens into citation information, but the menu bar includes lesson plans.


Resources created by Kearney Public Schools, this site has links arranged in categories.


KG's Teacher Resources another site with many links sorted into categories.


Lycos Zone Teachers Zone information for the teacher who wants their students to really use the Web and internet as a resource and tool.


National Archives: The Digital Classroom the Digital Classroom provides materials from the National Archives and methods for teaching with primary sources.


Child Net links for Teacher Resources Get your students free e-mail and connect to Scholastic Magazines.


NASA Teacher Resources a small site that has links to great sites, don't let its plain look fool you there's a lot of information here.


The Museum of Science and Industry offers a wide variety of educational services to teachers and schools, including Group Visits, Science Clubs, Teacher's Workshops, Learning Labs and Teacher's Guides, located in Chicago, Illinois. Sample lesson plans are also available.


St.FXU (St. Francis Xavier University) is a list of sites and other lists.


Education World (sponsored by American Fidelity Educational Services) lesson plans and journals are accessible here


Beverly Cleary lesson plans and information on this popular author and many others


The Computer Teacher's Resource Guide for the Elementary School Computer Teacher, who may be called upon to teach a computer class, maintain a computer lab or provide guidance to other teachers.


The Tech Museum of Innovation offers free science and technology resources for your use.


Virtual Blackboard a series of curriculum modules that provide introductions to K-12 Internet teaching methods and student learning objectives organized by curriculum area and learning activity. innovative lesson plans and teaching advice for educators.


The Learning Connection The learning connection is a site for teachers to make connections to useful information and resources on the World Wide Web.

There are some sites on the student page which need to be explored by you before introducing them to the students. Please make a note.


Penguin Putnam  This site is mostly a commercial site so if you can answer the questions about ordering books this is a good site. Students can read about the authors.

Authors and Illustrators


Vicky Cobb’s Kids’ Science Page. A great site with experiments you can do. Vicky is the author of so many science books such as Science Experiments You Can Eat, Why Doesn’t the Earth Fall Up? and This Place Is Cold.

Student Resources


Kids Zone. A collection of Web sites and activities that range from teaching the ABC’s to researching homework topics. Also includes resources for parents and teachers. Requires plug-ins.


A Spelling Test. I know you give tests, but do you like taking them? Test yourself and learn some techniques to improve your spelling. The spelling test is hard.

Writing by and for Children


The Diary Project. It is a way for young people around the world to share their personal thoughts, feelings, and dreams with one another near and far . . . to ask questions and find answers about growing up at the turn of the 21st century via the Internet.  This is an excellent site but you need to check it out before suggesting it really is a personal diary of many. Requires plug-ins. (definitely for teens)