Review by Dawn Carr, First posted 7/26/99 on The Landing
Andrew announces a BOF film, also titled: Oh, the Grandeur. Kevin plays harmonica on a cover of Love & Rockets' Bound for Hell and later spits up 'blood' and falls repeatedly on his face. ... Wow indeed. It was an amazing show. Andrew said they like to make it special in Chicago and that they did. Many new songs and spirited performing. The crowd was enthusiastic, both those who knew BOF and those for whom BOF was new. Jaws dropped. I saw it. ... [with Red (something) Belgrade and Cash Money] Vidalia Wishing for Contentment Eugene Candy Shop--original intro [Love this] T & Thorazine [aka Etchasketch Drag] Indrescreet [sic] Bound for Hell [Love & Rockets cover, with Kevin on harmonica] 50 Pieces Cock O' the Walk Stack Lee [sic] Fatal Flower Coney Island Shuffle Feetlips Rabbitt Variations FNB [? I don't remember what this was...] Beware After You've Gone Dear Old Greenland [used in the Oh, the Grandeur film] Depression Violets x2 El Cuarto w/intro - -The band was ON and bursting. Kevin's spitting up blood all over himself and repeatedly falling headlong onto the stage was truly inspiring. A cross between Buster Keaton and the junkie on the corner. They broke new ground as performers and grew as individuals. I did covet the stained and wretched t-shirt. Andrew smiled a few times.