the-landing-digest Sunday, August 22 1999 Volume 02 : Number 192
Today's Subjects:
Re: "Mr. Bird" ["rev. bob pigeon" ]
BOF []
Re: "Mr. Bird" ["theresa mccart" ]
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 13:38:24 -0400
From: "rev. bob pigeon"
Subject: Re: "Mr. Bird"
At 12:03 AM 8/20/99 -0400, theresa mccart wrote:
>My God! How did you find this?
that looks like it could be a good comic...
from a comic standpoint, and not an andrew bird fan's...
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 14:39:06 EDT
Subject: BOF
I just got my Oh the Grandeur in the mail. It is awesome!!! :) I can't get
the tube for my poster open, though!!!!! Arg! :)
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 22:55:50 -0400
From: "theresa mccart"
Subject: Re: "Mr. Bird"
I don't know. I'm not a very big comic connaisseur. I only like googly
comics ("a la Larson"). I did notice, however, that Andrew was wearing a
bow tie.
>>My God! How did you find this?
>that looks like it could be a good comic...
>from a comic standpoint, and not an andrew bird fan's...
End of the-landing-digest V2 #192
the-landing-digest Monday, August 23 1999 Volume 02 : Number 193
Today's Subjects:
BOF poster. ["Ryan Sargent" ]
Re: BOF poster. ["theresa mccart" ]
Re: haven't done this for a while ["rev. bob pigeon" ]
tv this week [Jessica Brandt ]
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999 08:51:05 PDT
From: "Ryan Sargent"
Subject: BOF poster.
I am really mad that I didn't get a poster with my copy of Oh! The granduer
(except for the one on the back of the cover). I even went out of my way tp
pre order it early from Ryko. How many here got it? and what does it look
Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999 12:57:39 -0400
From: "theresa mccart"
Subject: Re: BOF poster.
You should call up the Rykodisc order place and tell them what happened. I'm
sure that they will send you one. Or, contact the band themselves!!! There
was an address on the last newsletter that was posted...
I haven't gotten my Grandeur cd yet; it's stuck at the border.
>I am really mad that I didn't get a poster with my copy of Oh! The granduer
>(except for the one on the back of the cover). I even went out of my way tp
>pre order it early from Ryko. How many here got it? and what does it look
>Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999 15:51:58 -0400
From: "rev. bob pigeon"
Subject: Re: haven't done this for a while
At 12:40 AM 8/21/99 EDT, wrote:
>The top ten CD's that i currently can't stop listening to:
the top 10 cd's i'll NEVER stop listening to:
nirvana - nevermind
pixies - doolittle
leonard cohen - songs from a room
vic chesnutt - west of rome
pavement - crooked rain, crooked rain
beatles - the white album
beck - one foot in the grave
talking heads - fear of music
tom ze - fabrication defect
devo - are we not men?
and honorable mention:
sex pistols - never mind the bollocks
b-52's - b-52's
radiohead - ok computer
squirrel nut zippers - the inevitable
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 03:31:59 -0500
From: Jessica Brandt
Subject: My trip to NC
Okay I've got a handful of stories to tell y'all about all my
Zipper-related activities while in chapel hill this week. I am totally
wiped out right and will give big big details of everything I did (like, I
saw Immortal!!) but later. Here's a fun fact that will annoy me for the
rest of my life:
I just got email from Ken saying that if I would have checked my email
thursday night, i could have gone to his place for dinner with him, chris,
and tom. but he planned it to quickly so i never got a chance to get in
touch with him about it.
i'll just stand here and everyone walk by and kick me in the ass, okay?
more later.
--New Every Month- -Humor, Music, News and More--
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 03:36:55 -0500
From: Jessica Brandt
Subject: tv this week
hey, quick TV listing:
8 pm on VH1 (before they were rock stars) Squirrel Nut Zippers
that's all i have time for.
--New Every Month- -Humor, Music, News and More--
End of the-landing-digest V2 #193
the-landing-digest Tuesday, August 24 1999 Volume 02 : Number 194
Today's Subjects:
Re: the-landing-digest V2 #193 []
Re: the-landing-digest V2 #193 []
Re: the-landing-digest V2 #193 ["theresa mccart" ]
NC: part 1 [Jessica Brandt ]
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 06:21:06 EDT
Subject: Re: the-landing-digest V2 #193
Dont feel too bad .I recieved my poster [BOF] but still havent recieved my
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 13:52:17 EDT
Subject: Re: the-landing-digest V2 #193
8 pm on VH1 (before they were rock stars) Squirrel Nut Zippers >>
What time zone is that in??? I want to record it, but I'll have to pre set
the video timer, cause I'll be in Milwaulkee seeing BOF!!!!! :)
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 14:28:40 -0400
From: "theresa mccart"
Subject: Re: the-landing-digest V2 #193
Ok, what is VH1? Is it a fashion channel or a music channel? Is it a
subsidiary of MTV?
> 8 pm on VH1 (before they were rock stars) Squirrel Nut Zippers >>
>What time zone is that in??? I want to record it, but I'll have to pre set
>the video timer, cause I'll be in Milwaulkee seeing BOF!!!!! :)
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 01:50:11 -0500
From: Jessica Brandt
Subject: NC: part 1
Okay, here is one Zipper-related part of the vacation.
INSIGNIFICANT OTHERS, the movie viewing.
If you didn't know already, in 1994 when Tom was still with What Peggy
Wants, his longtime friend J. David Moody (an actor/filmmaker) made a movie
called "Insignificant Others" and asked Tom and bandmate John Ensslin to be
the "comic relief" in the movie as the team of Bob and Ray, friends of one
of the main characters. Read more about the movie at:
I found the website and asked David if I could get a copy. He told me "No,
but if you live near me you can come watch it at my place." I think he was
joking, but I took him up on the offer, knowing I was going to Chapel Hill
for a week. So we made plans for my friend Ginger and I to come to his
house in Raleigh on Thursday night of last week and see the movie.
David is a very friendly, funny, and bubbly guy. He grew up with Tom and
you can tell they are friends because they have the same gregarious
personality. And the same very cute southern accent :)
The movie is about a rapist who uses girls and then some people die and
stuff. It was pretty good, but the acting was a little choppy. The best
parts, honestly, were John and Tom. They added the much needed comic
relief. Tom was very funny and ad-libbed some lines (David pointed them
out) and John just has a presence that made me say "that boy should be in
more films!"
If you ever get a chance to watch a film, be it indie or hollywood, with
its creator, do it! I got some fascinating looks into the making of a movie
and some secrets. Of course, I will share them with you:
- -In one scene, we see the rapist in the act of raping a girl, It's
tactfully done with him sort of pumping his face into the camera. The way
this was shot was by the cameraman lying on the floor with a camera and the
actor basically humping his leg. The camera man asked for a second take,
and when David yelled "cut" the actor dismounted, the camera moved the
camera and looked at the actor and said "You have beautiful eyes" hehehe
- -Since you will probably never see the movie, i'll tell you that the rapist
is killed by one of his victims taking a syringe and putting rubbing
alcohol into a lightbulb in his bathroom. Aparently, if you do this and
then turn on the light, everything you touch (like the hair dryer) will
short and you'll die from electorcution. David said he came up with that
one night while on secuurity at a dorm at UNC and was thinking of ways to
kill off some annoying girls in the dorm. Spooky, eh?
- -The dorm scenes are suposed to take place at the big fancy dorm, but the
initial outdoor shot was taken at the freshman dorm at UNC (howard james or
something) but the dorm room scenes were filmed in the upper room of
David's townhouse in Raleigh. Also, there was only one bed in the room so
they had to keep moving it and changing the covers to make it look like
these girls weren't sleeping together :)
- -Tom and John appear as Ray and Bob. The characters are the bartender and
waiter at Crook & Chase in Carborro, and so were tom and John. They are
both in What Peggy Wants and so are the characters. Tom's real life
girlfriend and now wife, Mel, appears in the film as Ray's girlfriend Mel.
The guys read the script and didn't have problems with its content, except
they wanted to change their names so it wouldn't be so lifelike.
- -One of the funniest moments in the movie is when Ray, Bob, and another
girl confront one of the rapist victims with the news that her boyfriend
(the rapist) is sleeping with someone else. The girl gets really pissed off
and walks off to find the guy, smacking away Ray's (tom's) beer. In all
that emotion, all Tom could ad-lib was "how rude." Very funny :)
- -After the credits roll, a single shot of John Ensslin is shown, with him
just staring at the camera and swaying. after about a minute and a half, he
says "what? what are you looking at?" then Tom comes in and says "hey man,
look what i got" and presents him with a bottle of wine. he says "you want
some?" and john looks at the camera and says "nope" and tom looks stunned
and john say s"hell yeah of course i want some" so they open the bottle and
drink and talk about how everyone is looking at them and Tom deadpans into
the camera "do you think we'll get paid?" and it's over :)
So david and Ginger and I talked a while. He had a lot in common with
Ginger and i think he had a crush on her :) She is going to England for the
semester and I guess David and Tom went one semester when they were in
school too. He told me about some picture he has of Tom coming out of the
shower in nothing but a top hat. So if you ever see tom with a top hat,
know he got it in england and he showered with it :)
Well, that's all for this installment of all the Zipperness that happened
for me in NC. Tomorrow, Immortal!
--New Every Month- -Humor, Music, News and More--
End of the-landing-digest V2 #194
the-landing-digest Wednesday, August 25 1999 Volume 02 : Number 195
Today's Subjects:
Re: dixieland death ["My name is Peter Destructo. You killed my father. P]
Re: the-landing-digest V2 #193 ["My name is Peter Destructo. You killed m]
DOH! []
Oh! The Grandeur. ["Ryan Sargent" ]
Re: Oh! The Grandeur. [Jarrad Jalbert ]
More of the Grandeur... [Jarrad Jalbert ]
Re: More of the Grandeur... ["rev. bob pigeon" ]
Re: dixieland death [Andy Harman ]
NC Part 2: Immortal- SPOILERS!!! [Jessica Brandt ]
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 15:23:41 GMT
From: "My name is Peter Destructo. You killed my father. Prepare to die."
Subject: Re: dixieland death
On Fri, 20 Aug 1999 13:12:01 -0400, you wrote:
>for the record, the rubber cover came off the "foot" of my trombone slide
>years ago, and i have since sharpened it to a point :)
That's a good idea! What did you use? (My rubber was gone when I got
it -- when it was donated to the school, that is...)
- -Peter Destructo
"I trust Alex Trebeck's endorsement of the Phonics Game a hell of a
lot more than Kenan and Kel for Hooked on Phonics. People respect
Alex, because he's the host of a show that is about knowing things and
being intelligent. Kenan and Kel were in Good Burger." -secrtbear
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 16:31:04 GMT
From: "My name is Peter Destructo. You killed my father. Prepare to die."
Subject: Re: the-landing-digest V2 #193
On Mon, 23 Aug 1999 14:28:40 -0400, you wrote:
>Ok, what is VH1?
Video Hits One. One of many? No.
>Is it a fashion channel or a music channel?
I wonder that myself sometimes.
>Is it a subsidiary of MTV?
No, it's a subsidiary of Viacom, along with MTV and Nickelodeon.
- - Peter Destructo
"I never quite understood why they couldn't use words from the English
language, instead of changing the meanings. It's now like I could walk
up to someone on the street and say (not that I would, as this is just
an example) 'Did you see that person over there? Boy, he looks
stupid!', and I'll get a response like this 'Yeah, he looks dope!'.
It's a crazy world we live in." - Michael Martin
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 12:37:14 EDT
Subject: DOH!
Well, tonight I am going out to pick up the new BOF album, if they have it.
If not I am gunna order it through Rykodisc.
I was just on, and read the message from Tom! He said, for
those of you who havent read it, that Samsara wont be comin out till next
year!!! It was supposed to be out tomorrow (Or today, depending on when you
read this) I believe, and now we have to wait till next year! Well, the wait
will just build up the anticipation till then, and will make it all that much
better. C-ya!
THE AYATOLA of ROCK-N-ROLLA....long live Fozzie Ozbourne
The SNZ freak, George
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 11:20:35 PDT
From: "Ryan Sargent"
Subject: Oh! The Grandeur.
How many people have "Oh! The Grandeur"? I can't get the song "Candy Shop"
out of my head. And when you listen to it make sure you listen to the hidden
song "A Drinking Song" its really funny.
Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 14:51:35 -0400
From: Jarrad Jalbert
Subject: Re: Oh! The Grandeur.
I'm not usually one to actually -say- stuff on here, but, I just had to! I
just got back from the store with my copy, and it's just as good as the
original so far! Too bad they never seem to come into my area... but until
they do, these CDs will hold me over!
At 11:20 AM 8/24/99 PDT, you wrote:
>How many people have "Oh! The Grandeur"? I can't get the song "Candy Shop"
>out of my head. And when you listen to it make sure you listen to the hidden
>song "A Drinking Song" its really funny.
>Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 15:02:41 -0400
From: Jarrad Jalbert
Subject: More of the Grandeur...
When you get this CD, make sure to read the small "Complimentary Amusement"
lyric book! The first some pages have some interesting stuff about the CD
and mini-bios on the band members! And it also says "Candy Shop" was
originally recorded as a demo for the upcoming Tim Robbins film.. anyone
have more info on this?
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 20:54:31 -0400
From: "rev. bob pigeon"
Subject: Re: More of the Grandeur...
>And it also says "Candy Shop" was
>originally recorded as a demo for the upcoming Tim Robbins film.. anyone
>have more info on this?
X-Originating-IP: []
From: "Ryan Sargent"
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 19:27:49 PDT
This was from : "Andrew Bird, that is. The
Chicago violinist recently completed playing on the score of the
forthcoming Tim Robbins film, The Cradle Will Rock. For the music,
written by Robbins' brother David, Bird played some improvised tunes
with saxophonist Paquito D'Rivera. Robbins wrote and directed the
movie, which is set in 1930s New York and based on the 1937 Orson
Welles play of the same name. John Cusack plays Nelson Rockefeller in
the movie, which also features Hank Azaria, Bill Murray, Joan Cusack,
Emily Watson, Susan Sarandon, Vanessa Redgrave, Ruben Blades, John
Turturro and Cary Elwes.
Bird, who used to tour with the Squirrel Nut Zippers, also just
finished his second album on Rykodisc with his band Bowl Of Fire.
Titled Oh The Grandeur!, the album was recorded in New Orleans in
February is scheduled for a fall release."
How about that!!!! Andrew is out there getting the attention he
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 00:19:30 -0400
From: "theresa mccart"
Subject: Grandeur...
Did everybody who pre-ordered the Grandeur cd from Rykodisc get it in the
post yet? And how about the poster? Is it nice?
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 00:38:04 -0400
From: Andy Harman
Subject: Re: dixieland death
>On Fri, 20 Aug 1999 13:12:01 -0400, you wrote:
>>for the record, the rubber cover came off the "foot" of my trombone slide
>>years ago, and i have since sharpened it to a point :)
...and I hope y'all will remind me when we form our swingin' Dixie band NOT
to sit in front of Jessica... in fact maybe for those gigs it's better to
be back with the bones like in high school.
Andy who once won a fight on the bus with the aid of a trombone case...
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 01:56:07 -0500
From: Jessica Brandt
Subject: NC Part 2: Immortal- SPOILERS!!!
If you are Shaun and you don't want to read this little review of the movie
"Immortal" because you think you have an ice cube's chance in hell of ever
seeing it, then please skip to the next message. Otherwise, here it goes:
This is sort of a "sister" movie to "Insignificant Others." One of the
filmmakers, Steven Wright, was "1st AD" on J. David Moody's crew for that
film. In the opening scene of Immortal, there is a body lying on the
ground, at a weird angle, and there is blood oozing from it. This scene was
shot almost exactly the same as a scene in Insignificant Others. After the
camera moves from the body, it moves to a list of names the vampire is
crossing off as its victims. The name for this body is, of course, Moody :)
David said that the filmmakers for Immortal came up with the idea while
they were shooting "IO" and began filming it during the production of "IO"
and Immortal came out first.
The plot is basically these guys are in a band, the lead singer also
happens to be a vampire. His grandad (played by frank Aard, who was the
father of one of the rape victims in IO) was a vampire and his dad wasn't,
because it skips a generation. There's something about a train wreck and
his dad but i didn't really cactch the whole point to that part of the
story. Anyway, this guy in the band keeps biting and killing people and one
bandmate knows about it and he gets all pissed off about it. No one else
knows, and no one knows why all these people keep showing up missing. No
wait, I think the bouncer at the Cradle knows as well.
Anyway, Tom Maxwell is shown about 4 times in the movie. First, he is at a
concert and sneaks a picture of said vampire while he's on stage, and the
vampire signals for the bouncer to take away Tom's camera (because, as we
all know, vampires don't show up on film!). Then there is another scene at
another concert where Tom is in the crowd. After the show, Tom is walking
around the club by himself, and the vampire goes out onto the stage, and
there is a teriffic scene where the vampire smashes a guitar, and Tom takes
the broken neck and shoves it into the vampire. But for some reason, the
vampire doesn't die and Tom does. I think what happened is that the vampire
just reached into Tom and ripped out his heart, a la "Indiana Jones."
Anyway, there's a great scene where the vampire is holding Tom's heart
above his body, then he squishes it horribly all over him. cool stuff. oh,
and he didn't have any lines at all.
So then the vampire goes and tells the bandmate what he did, and the
bandmate freaks out and says "dude, he was a Sony rep! he was important!
not only did you fuck up our chances of being signed, you also killed
someone who will be investigated!!" rock on.
then there is a slightly humorous scene where the 2 bandmates go back to
the club to hide the body, and we see a nice shot of Tom lying there
covered in blood, glasses half off, i think stuffed partly into a garbage bag.
That's pretty much where i stopped paying attention. people kept calling
and stuff. and my friend came home.
Oh, SNZ appear in the film as a band. they played Danny Diamond...Ken on
gitar, katherine singing in this wacky oriental robe getup, jim on guitar,
Tom on drums (but since he's supposed to be dead, they don't show his face
really), chris on percussion, I think Don Raleigh on bass, Stacy Guess on
Trumpet, Spencer Adams on sax, and John Kempannin on fiddle. Very cool.
SNZ's presence in the movie didn't actually fit into the plot, but eh...
Oh, and there was a scene in the movie where the vampire takes his
girlfriend to the movies and the movie they're watching is some weird,
un-follow-able thing that the writers had made up (not a real movie) and it
starred Greg from hobex (not as himself, of course) but he had funky hair
and was just smiling a lot and i think he ran some then jumped into a lake.
one other note, my friend's roommate (the ones i stay with in NC), Joe
Caparo, was in a band called Reverb-a-ray who are on the soundtrack and i
guess in the movie. And Joe would like me to tell you all that he did a lot
of the songs for that film but didn't get credit :)
So there you go. the famous "Immortal" movie. Not really worth the time i
spent watching it to see Tom, but worth the $3 i paid. and of course,
bragging rights ;)
If anyone has a friend in NC, i rented it from VisArt video in Carborro
(next to the Cradle). My friends only had one VCR, or i would have taped it
for y'all!
Coming tomorrow: Part 3, I am marrying into the SNZ family.
--New Every Month- -Humor, Music, News and More--
End of the-landing-digest V2 #195
the-landing-digest Thursday, August 26 1999 Volume 02 : Number 196
Today's Subjects:
Re: the-landing-digest V2 #195 []
BOF in Milwaulkee []
Re: BOF in Milwaulkee ["theresa mccart" ]
Re: Grandeur, pointy things [Jessica Brandt ]
NO FRICKIN WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Shaun Smakal ]
Re: Grandeur, pointy things ["rev. bob pigeon" ]
"Don't try this at home, kids," or, What Are These Things Good For, Anyway? (was: something else) ["My name is Peter Destructo. You killed my father. Prepare to ]
Re: "Don't try this at home, kids," or, What Are These Things Good For, Anyway? (was: something else) ["Ryan]
Re: "Don't try this at home, kids," or, What Are These Things Good For, Anyway? [Shaun Smakal ]
Re: seeds and jeopardy [Andy Harman ]
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 06:26:17 EDT
Subject: Re: the-landing-digest V2 #195
I just wanted to share with you all the fact that i SAW "MEN AT WORK" last
night and I was completely blown away by how tight these fellows were.I also
got my BOF album on the 23rd:-)
have a nice day:-)
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 10:46:40 EDT
Subject: BOF in Milwaulkee
Last night, I saw BOF in Milwaulkee. They seem to get better every time I
see them! They are still increadably nice. They handled a crazy lady very
well.... :) I can't wait till September 11th!!!!
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 14:33:57 -0400
From: "theresa mccart"
Subject: Re: BOF in Milwaulkee
Crazy as in insane or crazy as in "Beatle fan" crazy. Did she attack them or
>Last night, I saw BOF in Milwaulkee. They seem to get better every time I
>see them! They are still increadably nice. They handled a crazy lady very
>well.... :) I can't wait till September 11th!!!!
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 15:23:52 -0500
From: Jessica Brandt
Subject: Re: Grandeur, pointy things
Oh, The it weds, got to listen to it Sunday....already one
of my favorite albums. "Candy Shop" and "Vidalia" are my two faves, and
they were already faves from hearing them just twice in concert! i hope
everyone is getting it soon! I think we should take up a collection for
those of yous who can't afford it right now (emily) cuz it's THAT
THAT GOOD!!!!!!!
Oh, and i sharpened my foot on my trombone first on the pavement in
marching band situations, then i got crazy and used a file. the point comes
in handy when you drop your music and don't feel like bending over, too.
*poke poke*
--New Every Month- -Humor, Music, News and More--
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 99 14:36:13 -0800 (PST)
From: Shaun Smakal
Subject: NO FRICKIN WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
arent all ladies crazy? :P
this ice cube's at absolute zero and aint melting any time soon,
Impetus (im'-pa-tas) [L. attack] n. the force with which a body moves; momentum; boost.
"The secret the government never wanted you to know.. SPAM IS PEOPLE!!!!" - Jay Leno
Subject: Re: Grandeur, pointy things
>I think we should take up a collection for
>those of yous who can't afford it right now (emily) cuz it's THAT
sounds like a plan (hint hint)
but is it really THAT good?
>THAT GOOD!!!!!!!
oh, i see
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 20:03:16 -0400
From: "rev. bob pigeon"
Subject: Re: NO FRICKIN WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>this ice cube's at absolute zero and aint melting any time soon,
don't touch it, it could be ice nine
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 20:11:09 -0400
From: "rev. bob pigeon"
Subject: seeds and jeopardy
has anyone ever tried to plant those promo seeds that were part of the
perennial favorites promotion? do plants grow? are they good plants?
also, on jeopardy last night (tuesday) they had a swing cateogry and one of
the "answers" was something like:
This North Carolina band takes it's name from a peanut candy
and none of the contestants buzzed in, and alex trebek said, "oh, it's
squirrel nut zippers"
and then the whole audience started laughing
i guess snz isn't as big as we thought...
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 02:25:02 GMT
From: "My name is Peter Destructo. You killed my father. Prepare to die."
Subject: "Don't try this at home, kids," or, What Are These Things Good For, Anyway? (was: something else)
On Wed, 25 Aug 1999 00:38:04 -0400, you wrote:
>Andy who once won a fight on the bus with the aid of a trombone case...
Damn straight! I can't do that anymore, though -- I now have a padded
"gig bag", but it's worth it to not have to carry mutes 'n' wind clips
Let's start a thread on fun things to do with instruments!
This isn't very useful, but it's an interesting idea: On trigger
bones, try sticking a spitball inside the tuning slide and pumping the
slide to build pressure. (Not good for your instrument -- I don't do
it) At The Critical Moment, pull the trigger, wince at the cracked
note, and laugh as your enemies wallow in the stinking mud-pit of
It's kind of fun to take a euphonium (to branch out within the low
brass section) and place it upon one's shoulder, pretending it's some
sort of missle launcher.
My friend the tuba (player) keeps her water bottle, music, lyre, and
paperback novel in her horn during marching season.
Et tu...?
- - Peter Destructo
"I never quite understood why they couldn't use words from the English
language, instead of changing the meanings. It's now like I could walk
up to someone on the street and say (not that I would, as this is just
an example) 'Did you see that person over there? Boy, he looks
stupid!', and I'll get a response like this 'Yeah, he looks dope!'.
It's a crazy world we live in." - Michael Martin
I am not an anti-gun film!
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 20:12:34 PDT
From: "Ryan Sargent"
Subject: Re: "Don't try this at home, kids," or, What Are These Things Good For, Anyway? (was: something else)
>Let's start a thread on fun things to do with instruments!
Speaking of such... I recommend that all trumpet players learn as many sound
effects as you can. So far I've learned how to growl, laugh, make it sound
like a monkey, a woman sighing, and a seal. And a REALLY LOUD, VIOLENT growl
I made up. You hum, growl, and flutter tongue (roll R's) all at the same
time while playing with a plunger. It's good for scaring somebody between
songs. Then learn to Circular Breath!
GROWL: Hum and growl from the bottom of your throat while playing.
LAUGH: Use a plunger (drill hole through center if needed) and do fast falls
from a higher to a lower note. (takes a lot of practice)
MONKEY: Play all three valves half valve while playing high back to back
SIGH: Same as the laugh except slower and more gradual (slur down about two
SEAL: Squeak out a high note with a very short/fast fall.
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Date: Wed, 25 Aug 99 20:25:29 -0800 (PST)
From: Shaun Smakal
Subject: Re: "Don't try this at home, kids," or, What Are These Things Good For, Anyway?
"An One time, at band camp..."
If ya can't fill in those pesky dots go see 'American Pie.'
"What's my name!?!?"
Impetus (im'-pa-tas) [L. attack] n. the force with which a body moves; momentum; boost.
"The secret the government never wanted you to know.. SPAM IS PEOPLE!!!!" - Jay Leno
Add email to your web site - FAST, FREE, and CUSTOMIZED!
.............. ..............
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 00:56:51 -0400
From: Andy Harman
Subject: Lou Bega
Just picked up the Lou Bega debut album, with the song "Mambo Number 5"
already sitting number one on several stations before the release.
This is some unique stuff, and it might have some appeal to Zipperheads...
I like it anyway :-) It's kinda salsa, kinda ska, kinda reggae, kinda old
jazz, kinda techno, kinda calypso. I like it better than anything I've
ever heard classified as "ska" or "salsa". Fun, fast, catchy.
"Mambo Number 5" is the hot song, hard to avoid if you listen to the radio.
It grabbed me... best thing going around the 90-minute turn right now.
"Baby Keep Smiling" - neat little retro tune with just enough
techno-riffing and dialog ("mobile phone") to remind you it's brand new.
"Can I Tico Tico You" - great, hot calypso that reminds me of "Hell" in
some ways.
"I Got a Girl" - great song. This guy writes some great lyrics, as simple
as they sound. Some of these other pop bands could use a lesson or two
from Lou.
Etc, etc... the album is brand new (released yesterday, 8/24). It comes
out of Germany and their web site ( is all in German
although there are dead hooks for an English version under construction.
The guy sounds American to me, but the production is all German and his
summer tour is all European. Methinks with this release Mr. Bega will be
booking a U.S. tour soon. Probably an American that got tired of being
jacked by the record companies and went to Europe to get off the ground.
Look what Hamburg did for the Beatles...
I'm just curious as to what some of us SNZ/BOF fanatics think of this.
Everybody has their quirks (I've already met people who HATE "Mambo") but
it always makes my day/week/month when something brand new really grabs me.
Oh yeah, Lou is a little bit of Sam the Sham & The Pharoahs too :-) If
anyone remembers Sam and can see/hear the analogy speak up.
Sample Sam lyric:
"My gal is RED hot"
(chorus) "Your gail ain't diddley squat"
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 01:00:14 -0400
From: Andy Harman
Subject: Re: seeds and jeopardy
At 08:11 PM 8/25/99 -0400, you wrote:
>i guess snz isn't as big as we thought...
Not among the clueless bluehairs hooked on Jeapordy............ I've always
hated "Simon Says" type games and any game that forces you to make the
answer sound stupid in order to get credit for it... well...
End of the-landing-digest V2 #196
the-landing-digest Friday, August 27 1999 Volume 02 : Number 197
Today's Subjects:
Re: the-landing-digest V2 #196 ["Chris Etzel" ]
Re: Lou Bega [Bryan Stover ]
versus! ["rev. bob pigeon" ]
New Ellington release on Buddha -- baby! ["My name is Peter Destructo. Yo]
Re: New Ellington release on Buddha -- baby! ["Ryan Sargent" ]
Re: Thread of fun things to do with instruments... ["Ryan Sargent" ]
Re: Lou Bega [Andy Harman ]
Re: Thread of fun things to do with instruments... [Andy Harman ]
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 11:33:58 -0600
From: "Chris Etzel"
Subject: Re: the-landing-digest V2 #196
<<"Mambo Number 5" is the hot song, hard to avoid if you listen to the
radio. It grabbed me... best thing going around the 90-minute turn right
I don't listen to much outside NPR and the local jazz show (we're blessed
with a pretty good one), but I did catch the video during a late night
channel surfing session. Besides being eye candy, I was super intriqued by
the song, and stuck around to pick up the artist in the credit block. Very,
very maybe something good is actually coming out of the
Rickey Martin latin craze. Tell us more! Where did you track down the CD, or
was it a special order?
Sorta like a morph of Sam and Cab Callaway.
- --
Chris Etzel
Etzel's Speed Classics
Big Car Graphics
- ----------
>From: (the-landing-digest)
>Subject: the-landing-digest V2 #196
>Date: Thu, Aug 26, 1999, 2:05 AM
> "Mambo Number 5" is the hot song, hard to avoid if you listen to the radio.
> It grabbed me... best thing going around the 90-minute turn right now.
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 11:43:14 -0500
From: Bryan Stover
Subject: Re: Lou Bega
At Thu, 26 Aug 1999 00:56:51 -0400, Andy Harman wrote:
>Just picked up the Lou Bega debut album, with the song
>"Mambo Number 5" already sitting number one on several
>stations before the release...
Is that different from the CD, "Little Bit of Mambo," available
>Etc, etc... the album is brand new (released yesterday, 8/24).
>It comes out of Germany and their web site ( is
>all in German...
Here's a babelfish translation of the website greeting:
Hello dear Mambo friends!
I am Lou Bega and am pleased enormous that my Web PAGE
selected you. Mambo is easy mad and it makes for me fun
to dance and laugh with you on this music. My new Songs
I present shortly and to her can surely be, these become
just as explosively as ' Mambo No.5 '. If you come on
one of my concerts, we will spend one superevening
together. Until soon
Your Lou
I guess online translation still has a ways to go...
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 12:43:58 -0400
From: "rev. bob pigeon"
Subject: versus!
what's better ya think, heretic blues or oh the grandeur?
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 17:30:53 GMT
From: "My name is Peter Destructo. You killed my father. Prepare to die."
Subject: New Ellington release on Buddha -- baby!
What's this? A sixteen-track, 53-minute CD of never-before-heard,
remastered music from Duke Ellington? A big-ass booklet in the front
explaining every song in detail, with pictures? I don't believe it!
Even though I'm listening to it!
- -Peter Destructo
"...The Iron Giant is one of those movies that you walk out of feeling
good about the world and everything in it.It brightens your day and
makes even the bad things seem in some way good. For example I went to
Dunkin' Donuts to get something to eat and there was this gorgeous
girl behind the counter and when I got my food and started eating it I
noticed that there was a long strand of her hair in it.
"Ooh Baby."
- - Damian Allen
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 12:00:59 PDT
From: "Ryan Sargent"
Subject: Re: New Ellington release on Buddha -- baby!
>What's this? A sixteen-track, 53-minute CD of never-before-heard,
>remastered music from Duke Ellington? A big-ass booklet in the front
>explaining every song in detail, with pictures? I don't believe it!
>Even though I'm listening to it!
WHAT?!?!? Whats the name of the CD? Please give me some more information. I
know Duke/Billy's work in and out and find it hard to believe that they
would just now be releasing work thats not been heard. It sounds like it
might be one of his suite's (Harlem, New Orleans, Shakespeare, etc...)
Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 15:04:59 EDT
Subject: hey
In a message dated 8/26/99 4:07:43 AM Eastern Daylight Time, Jess writes:
<< I think we should take up a collection for
those of yous who can't afford it right now (emily) cuz it's THAT
GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >>
Hey. Don't make fun of the poverty-stricken. Just buy it for me, Jess!
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 21:43:21 GMT
From: "My name is Peter Destructo. You killed my father. Prepare to die."
Subject: Re: hey
On Thu, 26 Aug 1999 15:04:59 EDT, you wrote:
>In a message dated 8/26/99 4:07:43 AM Eastern Daylight Time, Jess writes:
><< I think we should take up a collection for
> those of yous who can't afford it right now (emily) cuz it's THAT
> GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >>
>Hey. Don't make fun of the poverty-stricken. Just buy it for me, Jess!
Me too!
- -PD
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 21:43:03 GMT
From: "My name is Peter Destructo. You killed my father. Prepare to die."
Subject: Re: New Ellington release on Buddha -- baby!
On Thu, 26 Aug 1999 12:00:59 PDT, you wrote:
>WHAT?!?!? Whats the name of the CD? Please give me some more information. I
>know Duke/Billy's work in and out and find it hard to believe that they
>would just now be releasing work thats not been heard. It sounds like it
>might be one of his suite's (Harlem, New Orleans, Shakespeare, etc...)
Buddha Records / Duke's Joint
Full info is on the back of the CD...
"The prev. unreleased performances on DUKE'S JOINT show off one of Sir
Duke's Hottest bands jammin' live in '45 in front of a studio and
broadcast audience. ... Many of the selections from these shows were
never recorded again while the remaining tracks offer rare,
interesting and unusual arr.s on familiar material including a very
different (not really, from the versions I've heard) version of
BTW, "Yesterdays" (a` la` vibrata excessiva) and a few other songs w/
vocal are on there, just to remind us how much ass Kat Whalen kicks :)
- -Peter Destructo
"...The Iron Giant is one of those movies that you walk out of feeling
good about the world and everything in it.It brightens your day and
makes even the bad things seem in some way good. For example I went to
Dunkin' Donuts to get something to eat and there was this gorgeous
girl behind the counter and when I got my food and started eating it I
noticed that there was a long strand of her hair in it.
"Ooh Baby."
- - Damian Allen
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 14:53:50 PDT
From: "Ryan Sargent"
Subject: Re: New Ellington release on Buddha -- baby!
>What's this? A sixteen-track, 53-minute CD of never-before-heard,
> >remastered music from Duke Ellington?
take the "A" train, Caravan, Yesterdays, Things aint what they used to be,
Autumn Serenade, Cotton Tail, etc... are not never before heard songs.
Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 22:53:53 -0400 (EDT)
From: Daniel F Jarvis
Subject: Thread of fun things to do with instruments...
Cicular Breath... mmm... I haven't nearly mastered it on trumpet, but I to
be extremely easy on a fluegal horn! Try it!
Another fun thing... Make your own instrument! I made on... It's called
the Jarvophone. It is composed of a trumpet with a trombone bell in the
place of a trumpret bell. :) It rules.
Dan Jarvis
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 23:06:39 -0400 (EDT)
From: Daniel F Jarvis
Subject: Re: versus!
> what's better ya think, heretic blues or oh the grandeur?
That really is a tough one... but I think Oh The Grandeur might have to
win.... :)
Anyone else on this list have Andrew's album, "Music of Hair?" I think
it's really cool to hear how much his style is changing and developing...
you can hear the confidence growing in his voice. I dunno.. i just thought
that was cool.
Dan Jarvis
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 21:01:29 PDT
From: "Ryan Sargent"
Subject: Re: Thread of fun things to do with instruments...
>Cicular Breath... mmm... I haven't nearly mastered it on trumpet
>Another fun thing... Make your own instrument!
famous trumpeter and plunger master Clark Terry (this man could literally
make you think the trumpet was talking) made his first trumpet from a garden
PS: Whatever happened to the new Knockdown Society album?
Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 00:25:11 -0400
From: Andy Harman
Subject: Lou Bega, Sam The Sham
At 11:33 AM 8/26/99 -0600, you wrote:
>channel surfing session. Besides being eye candy, I was super intriqued by
>the song, and stuck around to pick up the artist in the credit block. Very,
>very maybe something good is actually coming out of the
>Rickey Martin latin craze. Tell us more! Where did you track down the CD, or
>was it a special order?
As of Tuesday 8/24/99 it's in full blown release in the US, should be
available on cassettes and CD in any major music store. The album is
called "A Little Bit of Mambo". It's difficult to figure out where this
guy is from... does Latin and Jamaican styles, talks like an American,
looks like Billy Dee Williams, dresses like Desi Arnaz... CD issue is from
Germany. One thing he's NOT is German... ah well, we're all Earth People
today anyway and this produces some very interesting music!
>Sorta like a morph of Sam and Cab Callaway.
The fact that 3-4 of the songs on the album have nearly identical rhythm
with "Mambo Number 5" is very Sam-ish. Pretty hard to tell
"Pharoah-a-Go-Go", "Ju-Ju Hand", "Ring Dang Do" and "Standing Ovation" from
"Wooly Bully".
Domingo "Sam The Sham" Samudio was another cross-culture artist... a
Mexican-American and four west Texan greasers dressed up in fake Egyptian
robes riding around in a hearse playing some of the hottest garage stuff of
the 60's. I think they once appeared on Ed Sullivan in full costume - no
doubt from looking at the pictures what inspired Steve Martin's live
performance of "King Tut" on Saturday Night Live. Sam is great party
stuff... available on Polydor (greatest hits CD) and there may be a Rhino
collection too. As rock music got more "sophisticated" and hard core fans
of CSNY and Simon & Garfunkel et. all turned up their noses at head-bashing
bands like Sam's, rock drifted from it's roots until brought back to ground
zero by the punk movement in the late 1970's... fortunately it has retained
some decent diversity since then.
BTW, if you want to hear the most honest-to-God rock & roll tune recorded
in the 1970's, try 1 minute and 35 seconds of Elvis Costello's "Mystery
Dance" from his first album "My Aim Is True".
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 00:26:22 -0400
From: Andy Harman
Subject: Re: Lou Bega
At 11:43 AM 8/26/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Is that different from the CD, "Little Bit of Mambo," available
That's the one and only Lou Bega anything available, although I've bid on
the promo CD which contains 5 mixes of "Mambo Number 5"... these are
already floating around on the bootleg market.
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 00:29:01 -0400
From: Andy Harman
Subject: Re: Thread of fun things to do with instruments...
At 10:53 PM 8/26/99 -0400, you wrote:
>Another fun thing... Make your own instrument! I made on... It's called
>the Jarvophone. It is composed of a trumpet with a trombone bell in the
>place of a trumpret bell. :) It rules.
I invented only one instrument, the Double-Bell Slide Bedside - which
consisted of a trombone slide, two trombone bells, and a tubular bed
railing. Unfortunately it couldn't make up it's mind what key to play in
with two bells at different distances from the leadpipe. Also a bit tough
to march with unless you have two helpers.
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 00:34:11 -0400
From: Andy Harman
Subject: Re: Thread of fun things to do with instruments...
At 09:01 PM 8/26/99 PDT, you wrote:
>famous trumpeter and plunger master Clark Terry (this man could literally
>make you think the trumpet was talking) made his first trumpet from a garden
The best way to play a hose is with a French horn mouthpiece... it seems
better suited to the long tubing for some reason. I knew a guy who could
play the hose pretty well (majored in French horn in college). Also I have
an old record of the Hoffnung Music Festival, featuring among other things
Dennis Brain on the garden hose (called a "hosepipe") and Gerard Hoffnung
on an 8-foot tall subcontrabass tuba which he claimed had hot & cold water
taps on it somewhere. Hoffnung also used rifles, a Hoover floor polisher,
and smashed dishes. His version of Haydn's "Surprise" Symphony really has
a serious surprise! Hoffnung is mostly remembered as a cartoonist (for the
British magazine "Punch") and not as the forbear of Peter Shickele's "PDQ
Bach" parodies, many of which are too cerebral to be funny.
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 01:00:10 EDT
Subject: Re: the-landing-digest V2 #196
<< Crazy as in insane or crazy as in "Beatle fan" crazy. Did she attack them
something? >>
Insane crazy. It was funny, cause Josh and Kevin were just kind of humoring
her. I think she was schizophrenic. Kevin actually used me as a sort of a
decoy to get her to go away. He was like, "Come on, Laura, I think you can
help us with soemthing over here...." She got the hint. Josh offerend to
tackle her if she tried to jump me going back to my seat. :)
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 01:55:54 -0400
From: Andy Harman
Subject: Re: the-landing-digest V2 #196
At 01:00 AM 8/27/99 EDT, wrote:
>Insane crazy. It was funny, cause Josh and Kevin were just kind of humoring
>her. I think she was schizophrenic.
Hmm. I wonder what my ex-wife was doing at a BOF gig?
Andy ;-)
End of the-landing-digest V2 #197
the-landing-digest Saturday, August 28 1999 Volume 02 : Number 198
Today's Subjects:
schizophrenia (off topic, naturally) ["theresa mccart" ]
Re: New Ellington release on Buddha -- baby! ["My name is Peter Destructo]
Re: Thread of fun things to do with instruments... [Daniel F Jarvis
Subject: schizophrenia (off topic, naturally)
That's a bit sad. One of my friends from university suffered from extreme
delusions, bordering on schizophrenia (he thought the radio was talking to
him and that a mercenary group was out to kill him just because he tapped
into the wrong internet site). He had to get psychiatric help and take time
off from uni.
Actually, it's quite scary when a schizophrenic person makes it a point to
pay exclusive attention to you. Best thing to do is to just waaallkkk
It's wierd that one of the bouncers wouldn't have intervened. That is, if
they were being bothered during their set.
>Insane crazy. It was funny, cause Josh and Kevin were just kind of
>her. I think she was schizophrenic. Kevin actually used me as a sort of a
>decoy to get her to go away. He was like, "Come on, Laura, I think you can
>help us with soemthing over here...." She got the hint. Josh offerend to
>tackle her if she tried to jump me going back to my seat. :)
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 11:44:51 PDT
From: "Daniel Summers "
Subject: That there Katherine Whalen
Hello all;
Long time lurker (Well, a few months at least), first or second time
Just thought you might all be interested in my little story that sort of
involves Katherine Whalen:
Last night I got off work at KMart at 7:00, and decided to run to the mall
to get some minidiscs, cause I'm out right now. Well, I got the minidiscs
(a nice pack of 8, made by Sony, in there own box!), and proceded to leave
the place, but then I remembered that Tori Amos' new single had come out,
and thought I'd drop by a music store across from the mall, and grab it.
Well, I hopped out of my car, and went inside. Found the single for $6.99,
and since I'm so cheap, I decided to try to find it cheaper elsewhere (My
goodness--It only has 3 songs on it!!!). Well, I walked out to my car,
reached into my pocket to get my keys, and WHOOM, I couldn't find them!
Well, I looked in my car window, and there they were, dangling from the
ignition! SO, I went to a payphone, and dialed my parents house, hoping
they would be home to bring me my extra keys, well, no such luck, they were
at the local fair (Even though it was raining), so I spent two hours walking
around in the rain, and also inside the mall.
(Be patient, Katharine's coming up soon!)
Well, I was walking outside, in the rain, past the Olive Garden, and guess
who's album they were playing on the loudspeaker outside? That good old
Katharine Whalen's!
Just thought I'd tell you all that! Maybe more people are fans of hers
than we think!
the longtime lurker;
Daniel J. Summers
Get FREE voicemail, fax and email at
Talk online at
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 21:32:31 GMT
From: "My name is Peter Destructo. You killed my father. Prepare to die."
Subject: Re: New Ellington release on Buddha -- baby!
On Thu, 26 Aug 1999 14:53:50 PDT, you wrote:
>take the "A" train, Caravan, Yesterdays, Things aint what they used to be,
>Autumn Serenade, Cotton Tail, etc... are not never before heard songs.
Never before heard RECORDING and ARRANGEMENTS, not songs.
- -Peter Destructo
"...The Iron Giant is one of those movies that you walk out of feeling
good about the world and everything in it.It brightens your day and
makes even the bad things seem in some way good. For example I went to
Dunkin' Donuts to get something to eat and there was this gorgeous
girl behind the counter and when I got my food and started eating it I
noticed that there was a long strand of her hair in it.
"Ooh Baby."
- - Damian Allen
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 1999 22:44:23 -0400 (EDT)
From: Daniel F Jarvis
Subject: Re: Thread of fun things to do with instruments...
> I invented only one instrument, the Double-Bell Slide Bedside - which
> consisted of a trombone slide, two trombone bells, and a tubular bed
> railing. Unfortunately it couldn't make up it's mind what key to play in
> with two bells at different distances from the leadpipe. Also a bit tough
> to march with unless you have two helpers.
Now that's some cool stuff! Did it play two notes at once? It would be
sweet if you could make the two notes be like a minor third apart... give
a cool sound. Anyway... rock on. :)
Dan Jarvis
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 1999 02:14:53 EDT
Subject: Tom
I just went onto the SNZ mammoth page and there is new stuff there. Well,
kinda. They just put up a link to an old statement by Tom from the 8th of
July, and also have advertized a CONCERY BRODCAST ON YAHOO BY SNZ ON SEPT
20!!!! I am so looking forward to it.....oh yeah. They have listed on the
mammoth page that Tom has an official site,, but I tried
it with no luck....any more on that, mail me. TaTa.
George Missett
End of the-landing-digest V2 #198