the-landing-digest Sunday, September 5 1999 Volume 02 : Number 205
Today's Subjects:
Re: the-landing-digest V2 #204 []
win BOF [Jessica Brandt ]
Date: Sat, 4 Sep 1999 06:36:13 EDT
Subject: Re: the-landing-digest V2 #204
I read the cnn interview with Ms Whalen[yes I know shes married].
I must admit I wasnt very impressed with the journalist.Ialso find
comparisons to Billie Holiday[sp]the easy way out .It doesnt even imply that
thought was used .Simlarities in vocal sound?Yes but I have heard other women
who are much closer in range and style.
I walked away from reading the article with a negative feeling .Iam a snz
fan and a fan of the jazz squad and I have noticed a maturing of Ms whalens
voice and Iam curious as to where that will lead .I just didnt feel I needed
to know about the low attendance in new york or the lazy critics opinions of
Ms Walen [and SNZ].
Maybe it was my bias because I am a fan that made me dislike this article.I
suppose I should be happy that she got some exposure .
What do you all think?
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 15:14:48 -0500
From: Jessica Brandt
Subject: win BOF
Hey, since i know a few of y'all can't afford the new BOF album, and i love
it so much i want everyone to have it....i decided The Shrub should give
away a copy of it.
So go to and read the review of the album then see how
to enter the contest. I decided this was much more fair than me just buying
everyone a copy :)
--New Every Month- -Humor, Music, News and More--
End of the-landing-digest V2 #205
the-landing-digest Monday, September 6 1999 Volume 02 : Number 206
Today's Subjects:
Whalen []
Oh! The Grandeur Review ["theresa mccart" ]
Date: Sun, 5 Sep 1999 13:44:18 EDT
Subject: Whalen
In the magizine, "Jazz Times", there is an artical with a stunning picture of
Katherine. I suggest you all get it. It's an interview about Jazz Squad.
Date: Sun, 5 Sep 1999 19:57:20 -0400
From: "theresa mccart"
Subject: Oh! The Grandeur Review
Helloooo Dahlings!
I just read Jess' review of Oh! The Grandeur. Great stuff Jess! You're an
amazing writer!
First off, the liner notes for Grandeur are simply amazing. Andrew is up
there with Julian Cope (Brit artist) for giving good liner notes. Riveting
reading! What I got from the liner notes, in contrast to Jess' review and
in reference to Andrew's brother being autistic and his grandfather eating
oignons, was that Andrew was doing a nice bit of creative writing. I don't
think that there was any truth to his notes. He was executing the "tongue
in cheek" style of writing . For example, on "Tea and Thorazine", to the
side of the liner notes, Andrew writes "Note: This song contains three
characters and one crackpot idea". Hence, none of the people that were
featured in the song exist.
I love the drawings in the liner notes. What is that thing to the side of
the lyrics for "Wishing for Contentment"? It looks like a garlic clove with
a well pump stuck to the top of it.
Ok. Here are the songs that I like best:
Candy Shop (Hooray for Andrew! I can't wait for the film to come out).
Wait (The violin playing is very lovely).
Beware (Starts off sounding like the soundtrack to a Tim Burton movie).
Dora Goes to Town (Why weren't the lyrics posted for this song?)
Feetlips (I can't imagine this song being used for a commercial. I also
can't imagine BOF actually lending the song to be in a commercial.
Something is amiss here. Well at least the creative directors at the
advertising companies have good taste).
Coney Island Shuffle (I love this song).
What's Your Angle (Triangle)? (I love the lyrics to this song. They remind
me of a "Mr. Men" book).
The BOF style of music also reminds me of the author James Purdy. Great
Oh yes, is anybody going to the record release launch? How about the movie
that is or has come out. Any word on that?
Take care,
>Hey, since i know a few of y'all can't afford the new BOF album, and i love
>it so much i want everyone to have it....i decided The Shrub should give
>away a copy of it.
>So go to and read the review of the album then see how
>to enter the contest. I decided this was much more fair than me just buying
>everyone a copy :)
End of the-landing-digest V2 #206
the-landing-digest Tuesday, September 7 1999 Volume 02 : Number 207
Today's Subjects:
OT: VinceWorld: "Why Can't Our Children Read?" ["My name is Peter Destruc]
Re: the-landing-digest V2 #206 ["Sam ???" ]
Re: the-landing-digest V2 #206 ["theresa mccart" ]
Listen to Trou Macacq on Headphones [Andy Harman ]
Date: Mon, 06 Sep 1999 14:06:44 GMT
From: "My name is Peter Destructo. You killed my father. Prepare to die."
Subject: OT: VinceWorld: "Why Can't Our Children Read?"
Sorry if this reads like a spam... but...
Go to and download the new animation, "why
can't our children read?" It's really thought-provokingly cool (and
scary as hell!)
- -PD
Date: Mon, 06 Sep 1999 18:59:28 PDT
From: "Sam ???"
Subject: Re: the-landing-digest V2 #206
>Beware (Starts off sounding like the soundtrack to a Tim Burton movie).
hence, danny elfman :)
Get Your Private, Free Email at
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 00:28:27 -0400
From: "theresa mccart"
Subject: Re: the-landing-digest V2 #206
Who is Danny Elfman?
>>Beware (Starts off sounding like the soundtrack to a Tim Burton movie).
>hence, danny elfman :)
Date: Tue, 07 Sep 1999 02:55:16 -0400
From: Andy Harman
Subject: Listen to Trou Macacq on Headphones
Pretty cool... my Stax high-$$ headphones have been dormant since way
before I got into SNZ. Most songs sound more or less the same, but on Trou
Macacq all the horns are on the left and on the right almost nothing but
Tom and Stu! And Tom's noisemaker. Pretty cool sound... most music
doesn't have much channel separation anymore. I've been playing with my
8-track and mixer and working on multi-sax arrangements... pretty much fun.
End of the-landing-digest V2 #207
the-landing-digest Wednesday, September 8 1999 Volume 02 : Number 208
Today's Subjects:
Re: Who is Danny Elfman? ["Dave Doll" ]
KOQS webcast. ["Ryan Sargent" ]
Re: KOQS webcast. [Bryan Stover ]
Re: Who is Danny Elfman? ["My name is Peter Destructo. You killed my fath]
Re: Who is Danny Elfman? []
Date: Tue, 07 Sep 1999 03:41:34 PDT
From: "Dave Doll"
Subject: Re: Who is Danny Elfman?
Danny Elfman was the brilliant leader of a band called Oingo Boingo.
He does a lot of movie soundtracks now.
If you've seen a movie in the last 10 years or so, you've heard his music.
Get Your Private, Free Email at
Date: Tue, 07 Sep 1999 12:41:08 PDT
From: "Ryan Sargent"
Subject: KOQS webcast.
You can hear Kevin O'donnell's Quality Six live from Schubas at:
Get Your Private, Free Email at
Date: Tue, 07 Sep 1999 15:09:04 -0500
From: Bryan Stover
Subject: Re: KOQS webcast.
Thanks, Ryan, for the tip!
It should be mentioned that the first 14 minutes of the webcast
are dead air, so don't be concerned if you don't hear anything—
just drag the RealPlayer over a bit to reach the 14 minute mark.
Great stuff!
At 12:41 PM 9/7/99 -0700, Ryan Sargent wrote:
>You can hear Kevin O'donnell's Quality Six live from Schubas at:
Date: Wed, 08 Sep 1999 00:28:50 GMT
From: "My name is Peter Destructo. You killed my father. Prepare to die."
Subject: Re: Who is Danny Elfman?
On Tue, 07 Sep 1999 03:41:34 PDT, you wrote:
>Danny Elfman was the brilliant leader of a band called Oingo Boingo.
What kind of music did they play? I didn't know he was in a band!
>He does a lot of movie soundtracks now.
>If you've seen a movie in the last 10 years or so, you've heard his music.
A NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS being the coolest by far :)
- -Peter Destructo
"That was shallow, cheap, and based solely on hormones... Works for
me!" - Freakazoid
"I'm Piles the Beaver. Hey." - Piles the Beaver
"No, nothing for me, I'm on a seafood diet: When I see food, I HATE
ICQ: 48622775
The trash heap has spoken. Nyeh!
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 1999 03:20:09 EDT
Subject: Re: Who is Danny Elfman?
Oingo Boingo! Dead Man's Dance! Wierd Science! And many more! I am
friends with his nephew, who is the brother of the husband of Jenna Elfman.
Danny Elfman is Jenna Elfman's Uncle-in-Law so to speak.
End of the-landing-digest V2 #208
No digest September 9, 10 or 11