GEOL 4/57024

Environmental Core and Well Logging

Fall 2014
Kent State University Department of Geology

Instructor: Dr. Joseph D. Ortiz

Phone:  330-672-2225

FAX:  330-672-7949
Office and Lab:
McGilvrey Hall, Room 334/336

Dept. of Geology Office, 

McGilvrey Hall, Room 221

Office Hours for Dr. Ortiz
M: 1:15-2:15 pm
W: 10:00-12:00 pm
3:30-5:00 pm
F: 10:00-12:00 pm, or by appointment.

Course Catalog Number:  42074, Section 1 for undergraduate; 52074, Section 1 for graduate students
Registrar's Call Number:  14590 for undergraduates; 14595 for graduate students
Class Meeting: MW: 2:15-3:30 pm, Room 234 McGilvrey Hall

For Graduate students: 

Ellis, Darwin V., Singer, Julian M. “Well Logging for Earth Scientists” 2nd ed., 2007, XIX, 692 p. 450 illus., Hardcover

     ISBN: 978-1-4020-3738-2.


     (NOTE: This book is available to KSU students online through OhioLink).

For Undergraduate and Graduate
Rider, M. H., and Kennedy, M., The Geological Interpretation of Well Logs, 3rd edition, published by Rider-French 
     Consulting Ltd. 432p., 2011, ISBN: 978-0-9541906-8-2.
     (NOTE: This book can be purchased directly from the publisher, Rider-French Consulting LTD online 
                  at their website:

Depending on the pace of the class, additional reading may be assigned from the following sources in addition to the open literature, and handouts:

Blum, P., 1997, Physical properties handbook: a guide to the shipboard measurement of physical properties of deep-sea cores. ODP Tech. Note, 26 [Online]. Available from World Wide Web: <>. [Cited 2004-08-13].

        Available for Download:

CD-Rom Available from the instructor (Must be returned):

ODP Logging Manual, An Electronic Guide to ODP Logging Services, v2.0, Borehole Research Group,
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, 2000.

Students may find the following resources helpful for additional background material.

A Bibliography of Logging Text Books


Rationale and Objectives:

Many basic and applied questions in the Earth Sciences require detailed knowledge of the sub-surface properties and spatial distribution of stratigraphic layers. Core and well logging methods are extremely useful in the fields of paleoclimate, hydrogeology, engineering geology, oil and gas exploration, and environmental remediation. Students in this class will learn the theory behind a range of methods. They will gain hands on experience using magnetic susceptibility and reflectance methods to address real-world logging problems. Examples from a variety of fields will be presented.

Academic Counseling Resources for Students

Accommodations for Students with Special Needs

Class Related Links
Download Class Syllabus
Core and Well Logging links
Class Schedule and Reading Assignments
Important Academic Dates (Fall Term)
Grading Policy

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and select the Vista link in "My Classes"

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