Initial Instructions and description of:
Dr Jack's Loft © 2008
A Student-Oriented Website

The following are positive steps to avoid those awkward moments when you are not sure what to do in Dr Jack's class or just the general, stressful times on campus as seen in the previous pictures...
1. Submit your name, class and password through e-mail to Dr Jack at The "password" is any word of your choice so that an inquiry to Dr Jack identifies you as one of his registered students.

2. Dr Jack's Loft ( ) is the Course Web Site for all  Dr Jack's classes. Scroll down to DIRECTORY, click on SYLLABUS and download. This will identify the texts to use, exam dates and other important information. An alternative method to the web site is to go to > current students > class supplements > Dr Jack's Loft and you are there! Any questions? E-mail me.

3. Regularly click on ASSIGNMENTS for class work and exams. Assignments for the following week generally appear late Thursday or Friday, however I do update frequently. Stay current with ASSIGNMENTS and you will be OK. "Running Banners" are indicators of information that need immediate attention.

Dr Jack's Loft ©

"The Loft" is the most comprehensive site in higher education. Getting the most out of Dr Jack's Loft is not complicated and students will find all the information they need to be academically successful. What is not found is the dedication and work to implement that success! If you do not have a PC, the school has many sites on which you can address The Loft. If you are still not sure as to how to get on, just ask a teacher or student aide and they will readily help you out. The school and Loft are here to help you be successful. Learn to use The Loft as a friendly tool and click on often. Because The Loft is a contemporary learning tool, Dr Jack's Classes are never cancelled. If there is bad weather or some other problem, The Loft has triggers to convert it to Distance Education. So if the situation arises whereby other classes are cancelled, check out The Loft to see if it is going into Distance Education mode.

The first two hyperlinks in The Loft are Biography and Dr Jack's Rules for Minimum Wage Workers. The first is a short history of where Dr Jack has been and his experience in teaching - that is all. No stuffy "vitae" or personal aggrandizements to bore the student. "Dr Jack's Rules" are a satire on the minimum wage system which he loathes. It is his personal agenda, a bit of fun and that is the end of that. The more important stuff comes next.

Directory The Directory has three sections:
Academic Aids has discussions on what social science is and how to approach it. There are articles of what to expect when you are graded to mothers bringing children to class. Students of alternative life styles is addressed as well as how to politically maneuver in the academic situation which many students fail to realize. Students with special needs are discussed and many other pages with useful information as how to take tests, doing research and independent study. Read it - you will find the advice carries over to other classes for a successful school experience. Remember too, that at Kent State every student will be heard, but there are ways to do this that are positive. Academic Aids provides some of the answers.

Points for Progress is a student shout out about the things they like or dislike concerning the Kent experience and other issues. The student may write what they wish and comments are kept anonymous if they so stipulate. There are intense debates on drugs, sex and all that uninteresting, boring chatter! So it may be worth your while to drop in and see what is going on in the minds of the students. Usually one finds they are thinking along the same lines that you were singularly wrestling with.

Current Assignments takes the most hits. Each class has a page on which are the daily assignments, readings, work for future classes and a synopsis of what has happened in the most recent class. This becomes a "must read" for all students. It also is a "no-excuse" page because everything is there in terms of what is going on. No student can say "I didn't know!" because the course and its conduct are in plain language and print!

Important Loft and Classroom Advice All exams are announced seven days to several weeks ahead of time with Intro classes having their specific exam material published on The Loft. Higher level classes usually have exam questions weeks ahead of the actual hand-in date so the student may submit the paper, have it evaluated and given the opportunity to re-write to improve their grade. Often higher level classes will receive questions for the entire semester so they can more closely look at the material for a greater in-depth study. Dr Jack has no "pop quizzes" to confuse and embarrass students. Introductory classes have grade distributions published so students can see where they stand and evaluate how the class is doing as a whole. Dr Jack may occasionally use the Class Assignments page to clarify something that was not covered as intricately as it should have been in class or just downright apologize for a classroom faux pas. (If I make a mistake in class, I'll darn well tell you about it!)

The bottom third of the index page has Topic Pix, Syllabi and The Survival Manual. Topic Pix are photos of interest that reflect the social experience. Sometimes Dr Jack roams the campus for pictures and people of interest to put on the web site. Why not? It is your school so you should be on the web site too! Syllabi have the rules, texts and more dates. Usually the texts have ISBN numbers if one wishes to stave off costs and buy on the internet. Today, editions mean little and most instructors tailor their classes to text editions that are recent and old. Cheating is not discussed in the syllabi and, of course, if you are caught cheating you will have your exam taken from you and immediately you will be dismissed from the room. Your grade for that exam will be an "F" and entrance back into the class will be determined by administration. Dr Jack does roam the room during exams and looks for suspicious behaviour and "stuff". Cell phones are not permitted turned on in class (university policy) and especially during exams. Any cell phone that is visible on a desk, seat, floor, purse, in the open will be taken to the front of the room and handed back when the exam is over with no penalty.
Dr Jack does not give extra credit in any class. 1. Extra credit is inequitable. 2. Extra credit can be academic blackmail. 
Finally, The Survival Manual has a detailed discussion of term paper expectations. All papers in Dr Jack's classes are science writing and most students find it difficult because they have not been trained to write objectively. Science is not interested in "feelings" - it deals in facts and that which is quantifiable based on research and logic. Most students that master this form of writing find it most useful when entering the competitive job market and are asked to submit written reports and employment evaluations. Read The Manual carefully and its two forms of presentations along with the "never evers".

Well, that is it, but there is much more to know. Many have said that if you really understand what is in The Loft there is no reason you should not make an "A".  Actually it is not that simple, even still one finds a more fundamental principle for making good grades - there is no substitute for hard work.


Dr Jack

The Loft is not "lofty". "The Loft" is where faculty offices are located on the third floor of the Main Building.