This is project 7
The orignial picture is a picture that I took this fall at Beaver Creek.
2 Blur Effects |
gaussian blur |
pixelize blur |
3 Enhance Effects |
deinterlace |
despeckle |
sharpen |
5 Distort Effects |
blinds |
curve bend |
newsprint |
page curl |
waves |
3 Light Effects |
blue light |
reddish pink light |
sparkle |
3 Noise Effects |
hurl |
random pick |
random slur |
2 Edge Detection Effects |
edge detection |
neon edge detection |
1 Film Strip Image (at least 5 images in the strip) |
3 Artistic Effects |
canvas |
cartoon |
cubism |
4 GIMPressionist Effects |
embroidery |
furry |
mossy |
smash |
3 Map Effects |
bump |
displace |
illusion |
3 Render Effects |
flame |
jigsaw |
maze |