Industry & Labor





An Individualized Webquest for Miss Sherwood’s U.S. History Classes



Step One:

Visit the hyperlink below & answer the following questions.

Samuel F. B. Morse


1. Who was Samuel F. B. Morse?

2. Where was the first telegraph line built?

3. When was the first message sent?



Step Two:

Visit the hyperlink below & answer the following questions.

Bessemer Converter


1. Who was Henry Bessemer?  Where was he from?

2. What was the Bessemer Process?

3. Who profited from it greatly in America (an individual)?



Step Three:

Read page 142 in your textbook and answer the following questions.


1. What were trunk lines?

2. What brought about the ability for railroads to expand?

3. What did the increase in railroad lines do for the United States?



Step Four:

Visit the hyperlink below & answer the following questions.


1. What was Alexander Graham Bell’s first invention?

2. What was his most famous/important contribution to the Industrial Revolution?

3. When did this contribution occur (date) & who was his assistant?



Step Five:

Visit the hyperlink below & answer the following questions.

Thomas Edison, 1878


1. What is Thomas Edison most widely known for?

2. What are some of his other inventions?

3.What was Edison’s final project?



Step Six:

Read the subheading “The Rise of Big Business” on pgs. 143-144 in your textbook & identify the following terms.


1. proprietorships                    2. partnerships                         3. corporation


4. stock                                    5. stock                                    6. stockholders


7. dividends                             8. trust                                     9. monopoly


10. economies of scale            11. vertical integration           


12. horizontal integration


13. How did sell their products?  What technique did they use?



Step Seven:

Visit the hyperlink below & answer the following questions.


1. What is the official definition of laissez-faire capitalism?

2. What is laissez-faire capitalism in your own words?



Step Eight:

Visit the hyperlink below & answer the following questions.


1. What was the Sherman Anti-Trust Act?

2. Why was it needed?

3. What were some weaknesses in it?

4. Draw a political cartoon depicting the Sherman Anti-Trust Act.


Step Nine:

Visit the hyperlink below & answer the following questions.


1. What was happening to the poor during the Gilded Age?

2. Who did they turn to for help?

3. What were some problems during the Grant presidency?


Step Ten:

Visit the hyperlink below & answer the following questions.


1. Who was Charles Guiteau?

2. In your opinion, was he insane or just searching for reform? Explain.

3. What ended up happening to him?


Step Eleven:

Visit the hyperlink below & answer the following questions.


1. What was the Pendleton Civil Service Act?

2. When was it enacted into law?

3. Why was it needed (give brief history)?


Step Twelve:

Visit the hyperlink below & answer the following questions.


1. Who (what types of people) made up the labor source during the Industrial Revolution?

2. Briefly describe the typical working day of an industrial worker (you can use page 153 in your book along w/the above site to help you).

3. What kind of labor union was the Knights of Labor?

4. Who led the Knights of Labor?

5. What was the reason for its decline?

6. What kind of labor union was the American Federation of Labor?

7. Who led the American federation of Labor?

8. How did the American Federation of Labor differ from the Knights of Labor?


Step Thirteen:

Read the subheading “Industrial Unrest” on pgs. 154-155 in your textbook & identify the following terms.


1. Great Upheaval                   2. Haymarket Riot                  3. anarchists


4. blacklists                             5. yellow-dog contracts           6. lockouts


7. strikebreakers



Step Fourteen:

Read the subheading “The Rise & Fall of Populism” on pgs. 155-156 in your textbook & identify the following terms.


1. National Grange          2. cooperatives                3. Interstate Commerce Act


4. Farmer’s Alliance       5. graduated income tax          6. Populist Party


Answer the following questions.                               


7. Why was there a need for the National Grange?                     

8. How did the National Grange differ from the Farmer’s Alliance?

9. What was the Populist Party also known as?