Business Address:
Department of Mathematics
Kent State University at Tuscarawas
330 University Dr NE
New Philadelphia, Ohio 44663
D.Sc. (Doctor of Science) in Differential Geometry, University of Lucknow, India (2004)
M.S. in Applied Mathematics and Statistics - State University of New York at Stony Brook (1983).
Ph.D. in Differential Geometry - University of Lucknow, India (1979).
M.S. in Pure Mathematics - University of Lucknow, India (1975).
B.S. in Mathematics, Physics, & Chemistry (All Majors) - University of Lucknow, India (1973)
Full member of graduate faculty in the Department of Mathematics at Kent State University, Kent, Ohio. (2004-Present)
Professor: Department of Mathematics, Kent State University Tuscarawas, Fall 2004 - present.
Associate Professor: Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,
Kent State University, Tuscarawas Campus, 1995-2003.
Assistant Professor: Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Kent State University, Tuscarawas Campus, August 20, 1989-95.
Assistant Professor: Department of Mathematics, University of Wisconsin Center at Sheboygan (1984-89).
Instructor: Department of Mathematics, University of Missouri at Columbia (1983-84).
Teaching Assistant: State University of New York at Stony Brook (1980-83)
Refereed a paper entitled “CR Submanifolds and CR-products of a Lorentzian para-Sasakian manifold endowed with a quarter-symmetric connection” Afrika Mathematica, April 2013
Judge Kent State University Tuscarawas Regional Campus Cyber Club Math Competition (STEM-Initiative) Spring 2013
Refereed a paper entitled “Ricci Solitons in Lorentzian of Sasakiem manifolds” Acta Mathematica (AMAPN), Hungary, June 2011.
Refereed a paper entitled “On special weekly Ricci Symmetric and generalized Ricci –recurrent Trans Sasakian manifolds” Kyungpook Math Journal, June 2011.
Examiner for a Ph.D. Thesis entitled “Some topics in contact, almost contact and trans-sasakian manifolds in Riemannian Geometry” University of Pune, India 2012.
Examiner for a Ph.D. Thesis entitled “Certain problems in complex, almost complex and Kaehlerian Spaces” University of Pune, India, June 2011.
Editor, Oriental Journal of Mathematics, Allahabad, India. 2010 to present.
Biography: Who’s Who in America (2010).
Examiner for a Ph.D. Thesis entitled “A Study of Some Problems on Structures in a Differentiable Manifold” University of Lucknow, India, Nov. 2010.
Examiner for a Ph.D. Thesis entitled “Study of Quarter-Symmetric Connection in a Differentiable Manifold” D.D.U. Gorakhpur University, India, 2010.
“Professor who made a positive impact on the student experience at Kent State University.” Quality Initiatives and Curriculum Survey, Kent State University, Office of the Provost, May 2010.
Refereed a paper entitled “The Study of Pseudo-Analytic Vectors in Pseudo Hermitian Hypersurfaces” The Journal of Tensor Society of India, Jan. 2010.
Faculty Professional Development Release Time Program Award, Fall 2009, Fall 2010 and Spring 2012.
Examiner for a Ph.D. Thesis entitled “Integral Formulas in Riemannian Geometry and their Applications” University of Pune, India, 2007.
Examiner for a Ph.D. Thesis entitled “Investigations on Contact Manifolds” University of Kalyani, India, 2007.
On Editorial Board of Bhartiya Ganita Parishad, University of Lucknow, India, 2006 to present.
External Reviewer for Full Professor, review of Dr. Irina Chernikova, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, The University of Akron, OH, 2007.
Foreword by Lovejoy Das to a graduate textbook entitled, “Tensors and their Applications” by Nazrul Islam, Wiley Eastern Ltd.2007.
Refereed paper entitled “On Bi-recurrent Almost Complex Manifold Admitting Semi Symmetric Metric Connection” for Indian Journal of Mathematics, Bulletin of the Allahabad Mathematical Society, India, July 2007.
Examiner for a Ph.D. Thesis entitled “Certain investigations on Riemannian manifolds”, University of Kalyani, India (2006).
Nominated for the U.S. Professor of the Year 2006, The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, Washington, D.C.
Refeered paper for Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics, Refereed paper entitled “On the non-existence of certain types of weakly symmetric manifolds” by Amalendu Ghosh, March 2006.
Refereed paper entitled “Some properties of almost r-constant structure manifold.” February 2005 for the Journal of Ravi Shankar University, Raipur, India.
Referee for International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences (IJMMS), Refereed paper entitled “Invariant f-structures on the flag manifolds S0(N) / S0(2) x S0(N - 3)” for IJMMS, September 2005.
Recipient of the 2005 NOCHE Award for Teaching Excellence given by the North East Ohio Council on Higher Education on October 7, 2005.
Recognized as Ohio’s Top Educator in the 2005 December issue of Ohio Magazine for my contributions and dedication to achieving Excellence in Education.
On Editorial Board of Journal of the Tensor Society of India, 2003 to present.
Recipient of 2004 Distinguished Teaching Awards (DTA) awarded by Kent State University, Kent, Ohio, October 2004.
Refereed paper entitled “Inequality for Ricci curvature of certain submanifolds in locally conformal almost cosymplectic manifolds for IJMMS” August 24, 2004.
Faculty Professional Development Release Time Award, Kent State University Tuscarawas, Fall 2004.
Recognized by the Kent State University, Kent, Ohio graduates as a faculty member who made a difference in their lives during their academic years, Fall 2003 and Fall 2004.
Finalist - Distinguished Teaching Award, Kent State University Tuscarawas, Spring 2003.
Examiner for a Ph.D. Thesis entitled, “On some structures in a differentiable manifold and its tangents and cotangent bundles” for a doctoral student, University of Lucknow, India (Spring 2002).
Recipient of the Kent State University, Office of the Provost, Diversity Incentive Funds Award for $2000 during Spring 2002 for the Development of a new course on Multicultural History of Mathematics.
Faculty Professional Development Release Time Program Award, Kent State University Tuscarawas, Spring 2002.
Nominated for the American Mathematical Association of Two Year Colleges Distinguished Teaching Award, November 2000.
“Educator Who Most Positively Impacted His/Her Education” - May 9, 2000, Garaway High School student.
Kent State University Tuscarawas Faculty Excellence Award, 1996, 1999, 2000 and 2003.
Distinguish Teaching Award, Kent State University, Tuscarawas Campus 1995-96.
Recipient of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Professional Grant administered by the Ohio Board of Regents for $41,727 for a period of October 21, 1996 to December 31, 1997.
Recipient of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Professional Grant administered by the Ohio Board of Regents for $51,155 for a period of September 25, 1995 to December 31, 1996.
Dwight D. Eisenhower Professional Grant entitled “Inquiry Based Mathematics Instruction Using Technology” has been published in The Guide to Math and Science Reform as a National Reform Initiative by The Annenberg Foundation Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Math & Science Project, Washington, D.C., 1997.
Finalist for 1997-98 Distinguished Teaching Awards, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio 1997.
Nominated for the Mathematical Association of America, Ohio Section, Distinguished Teaching Award, Spring 1997.
Nominated seven times for Distinguished Teaching Award at Kent State University, Tuscarawas Campus (1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1999 and 2001)
Faculty Professional Improvement Leave, Sabbaticals , Spring 1998 and Spring 2006.
Outstanding Teacher Award from the Ohio Association of Two Year Colleges, OATYC 1995-96.
Biography - Marquis Who's Who in the Midwest (1992-93)
Biography - Who's Who Among America's Teachers, 3rd. edition, 1994
Biography - Who’s Who in the World, 5th edition, 1997
Most Popular Professor Award at Kent State University, Tuscarawas Campus (1990-1991, 1994-95)
Recipient of 1990 Faculty Professional Development Award, Kent State University, Regional Campus for $5000
Held Three Research Grants from University of Wisconsin Centers during Spring 1988, Spring 1987, and Summer 1985.
National Merit Scholarship, State Board of Education, India,1968-1975.
(Total Research Papers Published = 60)
Lovejoy Das, “Second order parallel tensors on para r-sasakian manifolds with coefficient ” ACTA Mathematica (AMAPN), Hungary, Vol.29(1), (2013).
Lovejoy Das, Mobin Ahmad, Abdul Haseeb and Mohd. Danish Siddiqui. “On semi-invariant submanifolds of a nearly trans-sasakian manifold admitting a semi-symmetric semi-metric connection” Demonstratio Mathematica, Vol. 46, No. 2 (2013).
Lovejoy Das, U.C. De, and Abdul Kalam Mondal “On a special class of 3-dimensional trans-sasakian manifolds” Mathematical Sciences Research Journal, U.S.A., Vol. 16 (1), pp. 8-19 (2012).
Lovejoy Das, Ram Nivas and Rupali Agnihotri “On quasi conformal curvature tensor in a Riemannian manifold” Algebra, Groups and Geometries, Vol.28, no.4 (2011),pp.381-386.
Lovejoy Das, “On CR-structure and an structure satisfying
, Tensor, Vol. 73, No. 3 (2011),
pp. 222-227.
Lovejoy Das and Fredrick Johnson “A new approach for the divergence of the improper integral Math AMATYC Educator 5(2011), pp. 44-47.
Lovejoy Das, A.A. Shaikh and Sanjeeb Kumar Jana “On the existence of weakly cyclic ricci symmetric manifolds admitting semi-symmetric metric connection” Academiae Paedagogical (AMAPN), Hungary Vol. 27(2) (2011),pp.307-323.
Lovejoy Das, Mobin Ahmad and Abdul Haseeb “On semi symmetric submanifolds of a nearly Sasakian manifold admitting a semi symmetric non metric connection” Journal of Applied Analysis, USA, Vol. 17 (2011), pp.1-12.
Lovejoy Das, Ram Nivas, and Abishek Singh “On a structure defined by a tensor field F of type (1,1) satisfying
Kyungpook Math. Journal, Vol. 1 (2011), pp. 1-9.
Lovejoy Das, Mobin Ahmad “CR-submanifolds of a Lorenzian Para Sasakian manifold endowed with a quarter symmetric non-metric connection” Math Science Research Journal, USA ,Vol.13, no.7 (2009) ,161-169.
Lovejoy Das, Ram Nivas and M. Nazrul Islam Khan, “On submanifolds of codimension 2 immersed in a HSU-Quarternion manifold” Acta Mathematica Nyiregyhaziensis, Hungary ,Vol. 25, no.1 ( 2009), 129-135.
Lovejoy Das, Ram Nivas, and Abishek Singh “On CR – Structure and F-structure satisfying
Tensor Vol. 70, no.8, (2008), 255-260.
Lovejoy Das and Ram Nivas, “A note on almost -p contact metric manifolds” Hadronic Journal (U.S.A.) 30 (2007), 475-484.
Lovejoy Das and Ram Nivas, “On Lagrangian Manifold with - Polynomial Structure” East European J. Math., Vol. 1, No. 1-2 (2007), 1-5.
Lovejoy Das, U.C. De and Makoto Yawata, “On a Type of Non Flat Riemannian Manifold,” Tensor, Vol. 68, No. 3 (2007),
Lovejoy Das “Second Order Parallel Tensor on Almost r – contact manifolds”, Tensor (N.S.) Vol. 68, No. 3 (2007), 347-353.
Lovejoy Das “Second Order Parallel Tensor on - Sasakian manifold, Acta Mathematica, Academiae Paedagogicae Nyiregyhaziensis, Hungary, Vol. 23(1) (2007), 65-69.
Lovejoy Das, Ram Nivas and Mohd Nazrul Islam Khan, “On semi-invariant submanifolds of conformal
contact Riemannian manifold,” Algebra Groups and Geometrics, Vol. 23, (2006), 291-302.
Lovejoy Das, “On CR-structures and F-structure satisfying , Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, USA, Vol. 36 (2006), 885-892.
Lovejoy Das and Ram Nivas, “On certain structures defined on the tangent bundle”, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, USA, Vol. 36 (2006), 1857-1866.
Lovejoy Das and Joydeep Sengupta, “On conformally flat LP - Sasakian manifolds with a coefficient ”, Bull. Cal. Math Society, Vol. 4 (2006), 377-382.
Lovejoy Das, Jovanka Nikic and Ram Nivas, “Distribution’s Parallelism and Geodesics in - structure Lagrangian manifold,” Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems, Vol. 8, No. 1, (2006), 82-89.
Lovejoy Das, Ram Nivas and Meera Mishra, “Submanifolds immersed in a generalized HSU quarternion manifold”, Demonstratio Mathematica, Vol. 39, No. 3 (2006).
Lovejoy Das, “Interplay between CR-structure and F((K+1), -(K-1)) -structure satisfying
"Algebras Group and Geometrics (2006), Vol. 23, 85-92.
Lovejoy Das, Ram Nivas and D. Singh, “Cartisian products space of r-manifolds”, Algebras Group and Geometrics, 22, (2005), 413-422.
Lovejoy Das and Sudhir Kumar Srivastava, “Induced structures on the tangent bundle of a framed metric manifold”, Algebras Group and Geometers, Vol. 22 (2005), 183-191.
Lovejoy Das and Ram Nivas, “Harmonic Morphism on Almost r - contact Metric Manifold,” Algebras Group and Geometries, Vol. 22 (2005), 61-68.
Lovejoy Das and Mohd. Nazul Islam Khan, “Almost r - contact Structures on the Tangent Bundle,” Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems, Vol. 7 (2005), 30-37.
Lovejoy Das, Ram Nivas, and Virendra Nath Pathak, “On Horizontal and Complete Lifts from a Manifold with - structure to its Cotangent Bundles,” International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 10 (2005).
Lovejoy Das, Ram Nivas and Mobin Ahmad, “Study of submanifolds immersed in a manifold with quarter symmetric semi-metric connection” Tensor Vol. 65 No. 3, (2004), pp. 250-260.
Lovejoy Das, Ram Nivas and Mohit Saxena, “A structure defined by a tensor field of type (1,1) satisfying ," Tensor (N.S.), Vol. 65 2004, 36-41.
Lovejoy Das, “On CR-structures and structure satisfying
," Journal of Tensor Society of India, Vol. 22 (2004) 1-7.
Lovejoy Das, Ram Nivas and S. Ali, “Study of certain structures defined on the cotangent bundles” Mathematical Sciences Research Journal, Vol. 7, No. 12, (2003).
Ram Nivas, Lovejoy Das and Virendra Nath Pathak, – structure manifold, Mathematical Sciences Research Journal, USA, Vol. 12 (2002), 582-588.
Lovejoy Das, “Submanifolds of F-structure manifold satisfying ," International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Science. Florida, USA, Vol. 26, No 15 (2001), pp. 167-172.
Lovejoy Das, "On lifts of structure satisfying ,” Kyung Pook Mathematical Journal, Korea. Vol. 38, No. 1 (1998) 211-222.
Lovejoy Das, “OATYC Teacher of the Year: My Philosophy,” Ohio Association of Two Year Colleges, Vol. XXI, No. 2, Spring 1997, pp. 15-16.
Lovejoy Das, “Inquiry Based Mathematics Instruction Using Technology for Elementary School Teachers in Tuscarawas County,” Project funded by The Dwight D. Eisenhower grant # 5-32 is published in The Guide to Math and Science Reform, published by Annenberg/CPB Math and Science Project, January 1997.
Lovejoy Das, "On a structure satisfying ," International Journal of Mathematics & Mathematical Science, Florida, U.S.A. Vol. 19, No. 1 pp. 125-130 (1996).
Lovejoy Das, "Manifold with the structure satisfying ," Mathematica, Revue d' Analyse Numerique et de Theorie de l'Approximation. Tome 37(60), N 1-2, 1995, pp. 81-91.
Lovejoy Das, "Fiberings on almost r-contact manifolds," Publicationes Mathematicae, Debrecen, Hongrie, Vol. 43 (1-2), 1993 pp. 1-7.
Lovejoy Das, "Prolongations of F-structure to the tangent bundle of order 2,” International Journal of Mathematics & Mathematical Sciences, Florida, USA, Vol. 16 No. 1 (1993), 201-209.
Lovejoy Das, "Complete lift of a structure satisfying ,” International Journal of Mathematics & Mathematical Sciences, Florida, U.S.A., Vol. 15 No. 4, (1992), pp. 803-808.
Lovejoy Das, "F-structure manifold with some linear connexions,” Commentationes Mathematicae, Vol. XXXII, (1992),
pp. 1-9.
Lovejoy Das , "On almost r-contact structures with derivations,” Comptes Rendus, Bulgaria, Vol. 44, (1991), pp. 17-20.
Lovejoy Das, "Complete lift of F-structure manifold,” Kyung Pook Mathematical Journal, Korea, 20 (1980), No. 2, 231-237.
Lovejoy Das, "On almost r-contact metric manifold,” Comptes Rendus, Bulgaria, (1979) 711-714.
M.D. Upadhyay & Lovejoy Das, "On F-structure manifolds,” Kyung Pook Mathematical Journal, Korea, (1978), 277-283.
Lovejoy Das, "On differentiable manifold with -structure of rank r,” Revista Mathematica, Univ. Nac, Tucuman, Argentina, Rev. Ser. A 27 no. 1-2, (1978), 277-283.
Lovejoy Das, "On integrability conditions of -structure satisfying
on a differentiable manifold,” Revista Mathematica, Univ. Nac, Tucuman, Argentina, Rev. Ser. A 27 no. 1-2, (1978) 93-101.
Lovejoy Das, "Some problems on horizontal and complete lifts of F((K+1), -(K-1)) -structure
(K, odd 3),” Math Balkanica 8 (1978) pp. 57-62.
Lovejoy Das, “Second Order Parallel Tensors on Almost r-contact manifolds” Abstracts, American Mathematical Society, Rhode Island, USA, Vol. 26 (2005), Abstract #, 057-00-69.
Lovejoy Das "Manifold with the Structure Satisfying ,” Abstracts, American Mathematical Society, Rhode Island, U.S.A., Vol. 15, (1994) pp. 273.
Lovejoy Das "On lifts of structure satisfying ," Abstracts, American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island, U.S.A., Vol. 14, (1993), pp. 430.
Lovejoy Das, "Complete lift of a structure satisfying ,” Abstracts, American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island, U.S.A. Vol. 12, (1991) pp. 572.
Lovejoy Das, "On a structure satisfying an Algebraic equation, Abstracts, American Mathematical Society Providence, Rhode Island, U.S.A., Vol 11, (1990), pp 513.
Lovejoy Das (2013), review of “Stability index jump for constant mean curvature hypersurfaces of spheres” by Perdomo Oscar and Brasil Aldir Jr., Arch. Math. (Basel) 99 (2012), 493-500
Lovejoy Das (2011) review of “Decomposition of curvature tensor fields in a Tachibana recurrent space of first order” by Rawat and Uniyal, Pure and Applied Mathematica Sciences. Vol. LXXI (2010), 95-101.
Lovejoy Das (2010) review of “On a hypersurface of a manifold of quasi-constant curvature,” by Gazi, Abulkalam, Rev. Bull. Calcutta Math. Soc. 16 (2008), 185-190.
Lovejoy Das (2010) review of “On CR-structures and F-structure satisfying by Abhishek Singh, International Journal of Contemp. Math. Sci (4) (2009), 21-24, 1029-1035.
Lovejoy Das (2007) review of “On submanifold of a unified structure manifold,” by Batuk Prasad Singh, International Journal of Math. Sciences, Vol. 5 (2006), 183-189.
Lovejoy Das (2005) review of “On submanifold of a Riemannian manifold with quarter symmetric metric and non-metric connection” by S. Ali and Ram Nivas; Acte Ciencia India, Vol. XXX No. 2 285 (2004).
Lovejoy Das (2005), review of Linear Connections on manifold admitting F(K,1)-structure by Ram Nivas, J. Rajasthan Acad. Phy. Sci., Vol. 3, No. 4. (2004) 317-323.
Lovejoy Das (2003), review of “Submanifolds and Hypersurfaces of Hyperbolic HSU-structure manifold” by S.B. Pandey and B.B. Pandey, Ultra Science, Vol. 14(3) (2002), 451-458.
Lovejoy Das (2003), review of “On a structure defined by a tensor field of type (1.1) satisfying
" by Khan Mohd Nazrul Islam, Nepali Math Sci. Rep. 19 (2001), No. 1-2, 63-66.
Lovejoy Das (2002), review of “Null geodesic collineation in a pseudo conformally symmetric space” by U.C. Dey and Majumdar Bimal Krishna, Indian J. Math, 42 (2000), No. 3, 273-276.
Lovejoy Das (2002) review of “On horizontal and complete lifts of (1,1) tensor fields F satisfying the structure equation " by Ram Nivas, Sahadat Ali, and Sudhir Kumar Srivastara, Demonstratio Mathematica, Vol. XXXV, No. 1, 155-163 (2002).
Lovejoy Das (2002) review of “On subspaces of subspaces of a Tachibana Space” by A.K. Singh and Sushil Rana, Pure and Applied Mathematika Science, Vol. LIV, No. 1-2, 91-98, (2001).
Lovejoy Das (2002) review of “Some properties of Riemannian Spaces of Quasi-Constant Curvature” by U.C. De and Samir Kumar Ghosh, Bull Cal. Math. Soc., 93 (1) 27-32 (2001). Review No. 2002f:53020
Lovejoy Das (2001) review of “On - structure manifolds and its integrability conditions” by Sudhir Kumar Srivastava and Ram Nivas, Nepali Math. Sc. Report, Vol. 18, No. 112, 1999 and 2000, pp. 51-61. Review No. 2002g:53041
Lovejoy Das (2001) review of “On semi generalized recurrent manifold” by Prasad, Bhagwat, Math Balkanica (N.S.) 14 (2000), No. 1-2, 77-82. Review No. 2001k: 53026.
Lovejoy Das (2000) review of “Differentiable manifold with a - structure” by Al-Aqeel Adnan; Rev. Teen. Fae. Ingr. Univ., Zulia 22 (1999), No. 2, 139-143. Review No. 2000j: 53035
Lovejoy Das (2000) review of “A study of semi-decomposable generalized 3-recurrent spaces” by De, U.C. Ganit 18 (1990) 31-37. Review No. 2001c: 53020
Lovejoy Das (2000) review of “An application of Lovelock’s Theorem” by Gaftoi, V., Loper-Bonitta, J., and Orlando, G., Bull. Allahabad Math Soc. 14 (1999), 41-44. Review No. 2001h: 53024
Lovejoy Das (2000) review of “A study of pseudo concircular symmetric manifold” by Tarafdar Debasish, Ganit 17 (1997), 25-35. Review No. 2001a: 53037
Lovejoy Das (1999) review of “On Ricci quarter symmetric metric connections in a Riemannian manifold” by Ghosh, A., An. Stiint, Univ. Al. I. Cuza Iasi. Mat. (N.S.), 43 (1997) No. 2. 345-352 (1998). Review No. 2000c: 53051
Lovejoy Das (1999) review of “On a generalized r-recurrent Riamanian manifold” by Singh Hukum and Khan Quddur, Ganita, 49 (1998), No. 2, 127-136. Review No. 99k: 53019
Lovejoy Das (1999) review of “On integrability conditions of a manifold admitting - structure” by Nivas, Ram & Srivastava, S.K., Nepali Math, Sci., Rep. 16 (1997), No. 1-2, 13-17. Review No. 99k: 53059
Lovejoy Das (1993) review of "On hypersurfaces of a differentiable manifold equipped with unified structures" by Singh, Bhanu Pratap, and Singh, S.D., Acta Cienc, Indica Math. 19(1993), No. 4, 178-180. Review No. 96i: 53039
Lovejoy Das (1993) review of “Invariant submanifolds of a manifold admitting an f (2v + 3, 1) - structure”, by Demetropoulou - Psomopoulou, Demetra, Tensor (N.S.) 51(1992), No. 2, 133-137. Review No. 94c: 53067
Lovejoy Das (1993) review of "On generalized recurrent manifolds" by U.C. de and N. Guha, Proc. Math. Soc. 7 (1991), 7-11. Review No. 94a: 53067
Lovejoy Das (1992) review of "Submanifolds of finite type in hyperbolic space" by Bang-Yen Chen, Chinese J. Math. 20(1992) No. 1. 5-21. Review No. 93d: 53068
Lovejoy Das (1991) review of "Almost complex surfaces in the nearly Kaehler S6" by Deshmukh, Sharief, International J. Math. Math. Sci 15(1992) No. 1, 107-110. Review No. 92k: 53056
Lovejoy Das (1991) review of "Minimal compact connected type 1-submanifolds of Grassmannian manifolds" by Brada, Claude, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sèr I. Math 311 (1990) No. 13, 899-902. Review No. 92a: 53080
Lovejoy Das (1991) review of "Curvature and complex geometry on the Kodaira - Thurston manifold: by Luis, C. de Andre's, Marisa Fernández & Jose' J. Mencia, Proceedings of the workshop on curvature Geometry, Lancaster 1989. Review No. 92b:53035
Lovejoy Das (1991) review of "A theory of real curves in Kähler manifolds" by V. Cruceanu, An. Univ. Tomisoara, Ser. Stiint Mat., 26 (1988), No. 1, 13-20. Review No. 90i:53025
International Invited
2008 I was invited to deliver an invited talk for 45-60 minutes in an International Symposium on Modern Trends in Differential Geometry and Mathematical Modeling in BioSciences , Lucknow,India ( Dec. 24,25 ,2008 )
National Invited
2001 Facilitator for “Building a Community of Diverse Scholars” presented by Dr. Laura Davis, Associate Provost, Planning & Academic Resource Management of Kent State University at the National Conference on Affirming Diversity, October 18-20, 2001, Cincinnati, Ohio.
1994 Presented a paper "Manifold with the structure satisfying at the American Mathematical Society, at University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, March 18-19, 1994.
1993 Presented a paper "On lifts of structure satisfying at the American Mathematical Society, at Northern Illinois University, Dekalb, Illinois, May 22, 1993.
1991 Presented a paper "On complete life of a structure satisfying , at the American Mathematical Society at North Dakota State University, Fargo, North Dakota, October 25-26, 1991.
1987 Presented a paper "On Almost r-contact structure" at University of Wisconsin Center-Sheboygan County sponsored by Mathematical Association of America, Spring, 1987.
1984 Presented a paper "On f-structure manifold" Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI., Fall, 1984.
1984 Presented a seminar on "Lie Groups" Department of Mathematics, University of Missouri at Columbia, Mo., Spring, 1984.
1983 Presented a seminar "On f-structure" Department of Mathematics, University of Missouri at Columbia, Mo., Fall, 1983.
Regional Invited
2006 Presented a talk on “Mathematics in Nature” September 18, 2006, Union Hospital, Dover, Ohio.
2006 Presented a talk on “Simplifying Expressions,” April 4, 2006 to prospective student on Blue-Gold Night, Kent State University Tuscarwas.
2002 Presented a talk on “How to find the limit using DERIVE 5” at the eighth annual AURCO Conference held at the Ohio State University, Lima, Ohio, April 5 and 6, 2002.
Research on Cronbach on Attitudes Toward Learning, NCTM Standards, Feb. 22, 1997 (8:00-1:00 pm) by Dr. J. David Keller, Kent State University.
Problem Solving Learning Styles as it Relates to Mathematics, March 8, 1997 (8:00 - 1:00 pm) by Dr. J. David Keller, Kent State University.
Attribute Blocks, Thumbs Up, Beads on a String, March 15, 1997 (8:00 - 1:00 pm) by Dr. J. David Keller, Kent State University.
Geometry and Sequence, Measurement, Estimation, Computer Activities Related to Geometry & Patterns, March 22, 1997 (8:00 - 1:00 pm) by Dr. J. David Keller, Kent State University.
Measurement, weather pattern, data analyses and rocket mathematics, April 12, 1997, (8 a.m. - 3 p.m.) by Dr. J. David Keller, Kent State University.
Teaching Geometry with Geometer’s Sketchpad, May 10, 1997, (8 a.m. - 4 a.m.) by Dr. Mike Mikusa, Kent State University.
Problem Solving as Related to Ohio Model, May 24, 1997 (8 a.m. - 4 p.m.) by Dr. Mike Mikusa, Kent State University.
Discovery Learning - Discussion of Strands, June 16, 1997 (8 a.m. - 4 p.m.) by Project Discovery Team - Kathy Yocum, Debora McConnell and Elizabeth Brown
Geometry Patterns Relations - hands on activities, June 17, 1997 (8 a.m. - 4 p.m.) by Dr. Mike Mikusa, Kent State University.
Cooperative Learning, Inquiry Based Approach to Probability, June 18, 1997, (8 a.m. - 4 p.m.) by Project Discovery Team - Kathy Yocum, Debora McConnell and Elizabeth Brown.
Frog Jumping - Measurement Mean - Median Mode and Alternative Assessment, June 19, 1997 (8 a.m. - 4 p.m.) by Dr. Mike Mikusa, Kent State University.
Use of calculators to teach rational numbers, ratio proportion and percents, alternative assessment techniques, June 20, 1997, (8 a.m. - 4 p.m.) by Dr. Mike Mikusa, Kent State University.
Using internet gophers and the world wide web for teaching mathematics, June 27, 1997, (8 a.m. - 4 p.m.) by Dr. Mike Mikusa, Kent State University.
Mathematical Reasoning in Inquiry, Feb. 10, 1996 (8:00 - 1:00 pm) by Dr. Robert Dressel, Mr. David Langley and Mrs. Jo Shiffbaur, Project Discovery Math Team Eastern Region.
Exploring Concepts of Chance, Modeling Fractions, and Computer Software, Feb. 24, 1996 (8:00 - 1:00 pm) by Dr. Robert Dressel, Mr. David Langley and Mrs. Jo Shiffbaur, Project Discovery Math Team Eastern Region.
Place Value and Floor Graph, March 9, 1996 (8:00 - 1:00 pm) by Dr. J. David Keller, Kent State University.
Geometry and Sequences, March 16, 1996 (8:00 - 1:00 pm) by Dr. J. David Keller, Kent State University.
Measurement Weather Patterns and Identifying Gifted and Talented in Mathematics, April 13, 1996 (8:00 - 1:00 pm) by Dr. J. David Keller, Kent State University.
Technology in Mathematics Education, June 4, 1996 (8:00 - 3:30 pm) by Dr. Margaret Comstock, Ohio State University and Dr. Mike Mikusa, Kent State University.
Using Logo and Geometer’s Sketchpad to Teach Elementary School Mathematics, June 5, 1996 (8:00 - 3:30 pm) by Dr. Margaret Comstock, Ohio State University and Dr. Mike Mikusa, Kent State University.
Solving Problems Involving Surface Area & Volume Using Manipulatives to Model Two and Three Dimensional Objects, June 6, 1996 (8:00 - 3:30 pm) by Dr. Margaret Comstock, Ohio State University and Dr. Mike Mikusa, Kent State University.
Using Technology to Solve Problems, June 7, 1996 (8:00 - 3:30 pm) by Dr. Margaret Comstock, Ohio State University and Dr. Mike Mikusa, Kent State University.
Using Scientific Calculators to Explore Number Patterns, June 10, 1996 (8:00 - 3:30 pm) by Dr. Margaret Comstock, Ohio State University and Dr. Mike Mikusa, Kent State University.
Activities Using Scientific Calculators to Explore Number Relationships and Rational Numbers, June 11, 1996 (8:00 - 3:30 pm) by Dr. Margaret Comstock, Ohio State University and Dr. Mike Mikusa, Kent State University.
Use of Internet Gophers and the World Wide Web to Find Resources for Teaching Elementary School Mathematics, June 12, 1996 (8:00 - 3:30 pm) by Dr. Margaret Comstock, Ohio State University and Dr. Mike Mikusa, Kent State University.
Introduction to E-mail, Upload and Download Files, June 13, 1996 (8:00 - 3:30 pm) by Dr. Margaret Comstock, Ohio State University and Dr. Mike Mikusa, Kent State University.
Data Analysis and Role of Communication into Inquiry, January 27, 1996 (8:00 - 1:00 pm) by Dr. Robert Dressel, Mr. David Langley and Mrs. Jo Shiffbaur, Project Discovery Math Team Eastern Region.
NCTM Standards, Patterns and Relationships, Data Generation, October 21, 1995 (8:00-1:00 pm) by Dr. J. David Keller, Kent State University.
Problem Solving - Learning Styles, October 28, 1995, (8:00 - 1:00 pm.) by Dr. J. David Keller, Kent State University.
Theory of Constructivism, Introduction to Inquiry Role of Cooperative Learning and Authentic Assessment, November 4, 1995, (8:00 - 1:00 pm) by Dr. Robert Dressel, Mr. David Langley and Mrs. Jo Shiffbaur, Project Discovery Math Team Eastern Region.
Geometry, Role of Technology in Inquiry, Ohio Model Critical Objectives and Inquiry Dissemination of Project Discovery, November 18, 1995 (8:00 - 1:00 pm) by Dr. Robert Dressel, Mr. David Langley and Mrs. Jo Shiffbaur, Project Discovery Math Team Eastern Region.
1993 Presented a talk on "The Spread of technological innovations" at the Mathematical Association of America, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio, April 15-16, 1993.
1992 Presented a talk on "Differential equations models in mildly diabetic patients" in MAA at the University of Dayton, Ohio, March 27-28, 1992.
1992 Presented a talk on "Differential equations in combat models" at the Mathematical Association of America (MAA), Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio, October 30, 1992.
State Invited
2002 Presented a talk on “Multicultural History of Mathematics” at the Mathematical Association of America, Ohio Section, Kent State University Trumbull Campus, October 25, 2002.
1991 Presented a talk on "Another approach to find a particular integral for a differential equation with constant coefficients f(D)y = sin ax at MAA at Bowling Green State University, April 5-6, 1991.
1990 Presented a talk on "Another Method to Find a Particular Integral for the Linear Differential Equation with Constant Coefficients " at the Mathematical Association of America at Marietta College, October 19-20, 1990.
1990 Presented a talk on "Evaluation of a Definite Integral" at the Mathematical Association of America at University of Cincinnati, April 27-28, 1990.
1989 Presented a talk on "Some Properties of Definite Integrals" at the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) at Denison University October 1989.
Local Invited
2007 On panel for Blue-Gold Night, Kent State University Tuscarawas, April 4, 2007.
2003 Presented a talk on “The Golden Mean,” April 23, 2003 to celebrate Math Awareness Week at Kent State University Tuscarawas.
1991 Presented a talk "On Human Diversity in Education" in Dr. Kenneth Wulff's Education class. Kent State University, Tuscarawas Campus, Oct. 17, 1991.
1987 Presented a workshop on Problem solving at University of Wisconsin Center ‑Sheboygan County, Fall, 1987.
Attended International Institute on Scholarship of Teaching Scholars and Mentors. Lyola Marymount University, LA, USA, May 29-June 2, 2013
Attended Kent State University Tuscarawas Strategic Planning Retreat, April 16, 2010
Attended University Teaching Council Conference, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio, 2008.
Attended University Teaching Council Conference, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio, Nov. 2, 2007.
Attended University Teaching Council Conference, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio, Oct. 2006.
Attended Mathematical Association of America MAA Spring Meeting, University of Akron, Ohio, March 31, 2006.
Attended Midwest Geometry Conference, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, April 29 - May 1, 2005.
Attended Mathematical Association of America MAA Spring Meeting on April 4-5, 2003, Ohio State University, Ohio.
Attended Diversity meeting for all chairpersons, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio, June 14, 2002.
Attended Diversity Conference, Kent State Trumbull Campus, Ohio, April 30, 2002.
Attended National Conference on Diversity, “Educating All of One Nation,” Affirming Diversity in the 21st Century, Oct. 18-20, 2001, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Attended Diversity Meeting of all Chairpersons, Kent State University, September 28, 2001.
Attended International Conference on “T3 - Teachers Teaching with Technology”, Columbus, Ohio, March 16 - 18, 2001.
Attended Strategic Planning Retreat, Kent State Tuscarawas, January 26, 2001.
Attended Mr. Ralph Nader, Presidential Candidate for 2000 at Kent State Tuscarawas Artist Lecture Series, April 2001.
Attended NSF - MATC Conference, Indiana University, Bloomington, July 9-10, 1999.
Attended Ohio Section MAA meeting - College of Wooster, Oct. 22-23, 1999.
Attended Hearing Officer Meeting, Kent State University, Nov. 19, 1999.
Attended Mathematical Association of America meeting in Ohio Northern University, October 22-23, 1993.
Attended a meeting on the Committee on Student Membership (CONSTUM) Mathematical Association of America, Ohio Section, October 22-23, 1993.
Attended a meeting on "Diversity at Kent State University" at Tuscarawas Campus, April 21, 1993.
Attended a Conference on Teaching of Calculus at Harvard University on June 12-13, 1992.
Attended a conference on Writing Across the Curriculum at Kent State University, Salem Campus on April 24, 1992.
Attended American Mathematical Society Convention at Baltimore, Maryland, Jan 11-12, 1992.
Attended a talk by Professor Garett Birkhoff at Kent State University, Stark campus on April 12, 1991.
Attended NEH Grant Writing Workshop on Core Curriculum at Kent State University, Stark Campus on June 15, 1990.
Directed student research project for two post-secondary high school students in his Intuitive Calculus class, Spring 2013
Served as a faculty mentor for Mr. Roberts Blick on his student presentation “Divergence of Made Simple” which was presented at the Kent State Tuscarawas 2009-2010 Student Research Colloquium held on April 20, 2010.
Recipient of the Kent State University, Office of the Provost, Diversity Incentive Funds Award for $2000 during Spring 2002 for development of a new course on Multicultural History of Mathematics.
Recipient of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Professional Development Grant administered by the Ohio Board of Regents.
Title: Inquiry Based Mathematics Instruction Using Technology for Elementary School Teachers (Grades K-4) in Tuscarawas County.
Funding Agency: The Dwight D. Eisenhower
Amount: $51,155
Grant Period: September 25, 1995 - December 31, 1996
Recipient of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Professional Development Grant, administered by the Ohio Board of Regents.
Title: Systemic Change in Mathematics Instruction Using Inquiry and Technology for Middle School Teachers (Grades 5-8).
Funding Agency: The Dwight D. Eisenhower
Author: Lovejoy Das
Amount: $41,727
Grant Period: October 21, 1996 - December 31, 1997
Held 1990 Faculty Professional Development Award
Title: Some Problems on Structures and Lifts of (1,1) Tensor Fields in Differentiable Manifolds
Funding Agency: Kent State University, Regional Campus
Author: Lovejoy Das
Amount: $5000.00
Grant period: Summer 1990
Reviewer for Mathematical Reviews, Ann Arbor, MI, U.S.A. (1986 to present).
Advisor, Mahaveer Scholarship, Kent State University at Tuscarawas ( 1991- 2013)
Advisor for Mathematical Association of America, Student Chapter at Tuscarawas Campus
( 1991-1999).
Member, American Association of University Professors (AAUP), Kent State University Chapter (1990 to present).
Member, the Citation and Recognition Committee, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio
Appointed by the Kent faculty Senate for the term 2013-2016. This committee reports to the President, Kent State University
Member, the University Commencement Committee Kent State University, Kent, Ohio. Appointed by the Kent faculty Senate for the term 2013-2016. This committee reports to the President, Kent State University
Alternate member, the Transportation Advisory Committee, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio. Appointed by the Kent faculty Senate for the term 2013-2014. This committee reports to the Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration
Member Provost’s Promotion Advisory Board (RC-PAB), During Spring 2013
Reviewed and wrote a letter of recommendation for Dr. A.A. Shaikh. Appointment as a full professor in a prestigious Presidency university in Calcutta, India ( July 2012).
Chairperson, Full Professor Review Committee, Kent State University Regional Campuses, October 2010.
Member, American Math Association of Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC), Executive Committee on Research in Math Education for Two-Year Colleges, ( 2010 to present).
Member, Full Professor Review Committee, Kent State University, Kent, 2009-2010.
Member, Kent State University at Tuscarawas, Student Research Colloquium, 2009-2010.
Member, Mechanical Engineering Search Committee, Kent State at Tuscarawas, 2009.
Member, Full Professor Review Committee, Kent State University, Kent, 2008, 2009.
Member, Kent State University at Tuscarawas, Faculty Affairs Committee, 2008-2009.
Chairperson to review Full Professor Review Committee, Regional Campuses, Oct. 2007.
Member, Full Professor Review Committee, Regional Campuses, Oct. 2007.
Alternate University Hearing Officer for Student Conduct, Kent State University, 2006-13.
Member, Faculty Affairs Committee, Kent State University Tuscarawas, 2007.
Member, New Associate Degree with Concentration in Mathematics Committee, Kent State University, 2006-07.
Member, Full Professor Review Committee, Regional Campuses, Oct. 2006.
Member, Promotion, Tenure and Reappointment Committee, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio, Oct. 2006.
Member, Full Professor Review Committee, Regional Campuses, Sept. 2004 and 2005.
Member, Full Professor Review Committee, Math Department, Kent State University, Oct. 2004 and 2005.
Member, Faculty Affairs Committee, Kent State University Tuscarawas, 2005.
Member, Electronic Committee, Kent State University Tuscarawas 2003-04.
Member, Physics Search Committee, Kent State Tuscarawas, 2002-2003.
Member, Academic Affairs Committee, Kent State Tuscarawas, 2002-2003.
Member, Physics Search Committee, Kent State University Tuscarawas, Spring 2002.
Chairperson, Institutional Diversity Advisory Committee, Kent State University Tuscarawas, 2001-2002. (Conducted several meetings during Fall 2001 and Spring 2002)
Invited Dr. Angela Neal Barnette, Associate Professor, Kent State University to present a talk on “Acting White, Being Black, Being Yourself” under the auspicious of the Kent State University Tuscarawas Institutional Diversity Committee, March 20, 2002.
Invited Dr. Bharat Oza, M.D., Union Hospital, Dover, Ohio to present a talk on “Glimpses of India” under the auspicious of the Kent State University Tuscarawas Institutional Diversity Committee January 30, 2002.
Invited Mr. Louis Feng, Department of Computer Science, Kent State University to present a talk on “Importance of Math in Computer Science” October 28, 2001.
Invited Rev. Chris Lowery to present a talk on “Race Relations” under the auspicious of
Institutional Diversity of Kent State University, November 20, 2001.
Organized and showed a movie on “Islam” under the auspicious of Institutional Diversity of Kent State University, September 26, 2001.
Invited Attorney Richard Renner to present a talk on “History of Guatemala” under the auspicious of Institutional Diversity of Kent State University, October 31, 2001.
Invited Dr. Jim Hartman, Chairman, Department of Mathematics, College of Wooster, to present a talk on “Super Exponentiation,” March 19, 2001.
Chairperson, Mathematical Search Committee, Kent State University Tuscarawas, 2001-2002.
Member, Faculty Affairs Committee, 2000-2001, 2001-2002.
Interviewed four math candidates for one faculty position during Spring 2001.
Wrote five letters of recommendations for students during Fall 2001 and Spring 2001.
Member, Faculty Excellence Award Committee, 2000.
Member, Faculty Release time Committee, Spring 2000.
Interviewed five math candidates for two faculty positions during Spring 2000.
Evaluated Professor Charles Heinbach’s teaching, November 2000.
Chairperson, Institutional Diversity Advisory Committee, Kent State University Tuscarawas Campus, Spring and Fall 2000.
Chairperson, Mathematical Search Committee, Kent State University Tuscarawas Campus, 1999-2000.
Chairperson, Academic Affairs Committee, Kent State University Tuscarawas Campus, 1999-2000.
Chairperson, Distinguished Teaching Award Committee, Kent State University Tuscarawas Campus, Spring 1999.
Chairperson, Academic Affairs Committee, Kent State University Tuscarawas Campus, 1999-2000.
Chairperson, Mathematical Search Committee, Kent State University Tuscarawas Campus, 1998-1999.
Evaluated three math faculty, Kent State University Tuscarawas Campus, Fall 1999.
Chairperson, Missions Committee, Broadway United Methodist Church, New Philadelphia, Ohio, 1998-2000.
Mentor for Dr. Jeffery Osikiewicz, Dr. Beth Osikiewicz and Dr. Bao Qi Feng, Assistant Professors, Kent State University Tuscarawas Campus, 1998-2004.
University Hearing Officer for Student Conduct, Kent State University, 1999-2005 (Appointed by President Cartwright).
Invited Dr. Gordon Swain to present a talk on “Some Favorite Problems” under the auspicious of the Mathematical Association of America Chapter, Oct. 29, 1999.
Interviewed Professor Linda Eaton for a part-time math position at Kent State University Tuscarawas Campus, July 1999.
Adhoc member of the Mathematical Search Committee, Spring 1998 during my sabbatical in Spring 1998.
Served on FAC Kent State University - Math Department, 1997-98.
Chairperson for Subcommittee to review the Math Department Handbook, 1997-1998.
Chairperson on Promotion, Tenure and Reappointment, New Guidelines Committee for Regional Campuses, Kent State University, Math Department, 1997-98.
Arranged a visit with Dr. Austin Melton, Math Chair, Kent State University to the Tuscarawas Campus on November 20, 1997.
Evaluated three math faculty at Kent State University Tuscarawas Campus, Fall 1997.
Kent State University Tuscarawas Campus Academic Affairs Committee Member, 1997.
Attended the Multimedia Conference held at the Tuscarawas Campus on November 7, 1997.
Reappointment Tenure and Promotion Adhoc Committee Member, Tuscarawas Campus, Fall 1997, 1998.
Chaired Physics Search Committee at Kent State University Tuscarawas Campus, Spring 1997.
Directed an Eisenhower Grant from October 21, 1996 to December 31, 1997.
Served on Kent State University Teaching Council during 1996-97.
Served on Merit Committee, Kent State University Tuscarawas Campus, Spring 1997.
Directed an Eisenhower grant from September 25, 1995 to December 31, 1996.
Served on Reappointment, Tenure and Promotion Committee, Fall 1996.
Served on Academic Affairs Committee, Fall 1996.
University hearing officer for student conduct, Kent State University, 1996-98. (Appointed by President Cartwright)
Invited Dr. Kamal Bichara to give a presentation to the MAA Chapter on “The Applications of Mathematics in Engineering Technologies” on March 20, 1996.
Reviewed Professor Steve Masten's teaching, October 1995.
Chaired Academic Affairs Committee 1995-96.
Invited Dr. Craig from Geology Department to present in MAA chapter at Kent State University, Tuscarawas Campus 1995-96.
Served on FAC Kent Campus Math Department, 1995-96.
Served on Mathematics Search Committee for Kent State University, Stark Campus, Spring 1996.
Served on Promotion and Tenure Advisory Committee, Regional Campus, Spring 1996.
Reviewed Dr. Bogdan Kotkowski's teaching, Spring 1996.
Served on Artist/Lecture Series Committee, 1995-96.
In charge of April 11, 1996 Artist/Lecture Series for Mr. Earl Olmstead, Historian.
Served on Mathematics Search Committee for Kent State University, Stark Campus, March 3, 1995 (Interviewed all candidates for the two positions)
Served as a math department designee for Mathematics Search Committee for the Stark Campus, 1995.
Appointed by Dr. Keller to serve on Promotion and Tenure Advisory Committee - Regional Campuses 1994-95.
Served on the Special Committee to involve Regional Campus faculty to teach at Kent Campus, April 8, 1994.
Served on the committee on student members (CONSTUM) for the Mathematical Association of America, Ohio Section.
Served on Kent State University, Tuscarawas Campus Reappointment Committee 1994-95. (Reviewed all files for reappointment)
Mathematical Association of America - representative for Kent State University, Tuscarawas Campus appointed by Dr. Olaf Stackelberg, Chairman, Kent State University, Math Department.
Served on the search committee for the English position at Tuscarawas Campus, 1994.
Served on the search committee for the mathematics position at Tuscarawas Campus, 1993.
Invited Dr. Andrew Sterrett from Mathematical Association of America, Washington, D.C. to talk on "Career Opportunities", November 28, 1994.
Invited Dr. Antonio Quesada, University of Akron, to present a talk on "The Use of TI-82 Calculator in Mathematics, April 17, 1995.
Served on Adhoc Computer Committee at Tuscarawas Campus, Fall 1995.
Assisted in developing the Tuscarawas Valley Tech Prep Consortium's Tech Prep Technical Competency Profile for our Engineer Cluster - April 14, 1995.
Served on the part time instructors pool committee, Kent State University, Tuscarawas Campus, May 19, 1994.
Organized a picnic, sponsored by the Mathematical Association of America, Kent State University, Tuscarawas Campus, Student Chapter, May 21, 1994.
Organized a buck lunch, sponsored by the Mathematical Association of America, Kent State University, Tuscarawas Campus Student Chapter, November 18, 1993.
Served on Faculty Advisory Committee (FAC) for Mathematics Department at Kent State University, Kent, Ohio (1993-94).
Served as Secretary Treasurer for Faculty Advisory Committee (FAC) at Kent State University, Tuscarawas Campus (1993-94).
Member of Mathematics Search Committee, Kent State University, Tuscarawas Campus, Summer 1993.
University hearing officer for student conduct, Kent State University 1991-92, 1992-93, 1993-94, 1994-95. (Appointed by President Cartwright)
Member, of the Academic Affairs Committee, Kent State University, Tuscarawas Campus (1992-93 and 1993-94)
One of my calculus student presented a talk in Mathematical Association of America at University of Dayton, OH on March 27-28, 1992.
Invited Dr. Lloyd Stockdale - Kent State University - East Liverpool to present a talk on "Computer in Mathematics" on February 27, 1992.
On Developmental Education Curriculum Committee at Kent State University.
Established Mathematical Association of America Student Chapter at Tuscarawas Campus during 1991-92.
Member of the Faculty Affairs Committee, Kent State University Tuscarawas Campus - 1991-92.
Member of the Faculty Development Award Committee, Kent State University, Regional Campuses 1991.
Served on Developmental Education Curriculum Committee at Kent State University, 1990.
Member of the Social Committee, Kent State University, Tuscarawas Campus, 1989.
Member of the Library Committee, Kent State University, Tuscarawas Campus, 1990.
Chairman, Evangelism Committee, Broadway United Methodist Church, New Philadelphia, Ohio, 44663, 2005 - 2008.
Member, Strategic Planning Committee, Central Catholic High School, New Philadelphia, Ohio, 2002 - 2003.
Lay Person and Lay Leader, Broadway United Methodist Church, New Philadelphia, Ohio, January 2002 to present.
Member, Staff Parish Relations Committee, Broadway United Methodist Church, New Philadelphia, Ohio, January 2002 to present.
Conducted several meetings for Kent State University MAA Student Chapter during Fall 2001 and Spring 2002.
Conducted Math Olympiad to all area high school students, March 31, 2001.
Student field trip to COSI for MAA Student Chapter, Nov. 19, 1999.
Organized and hosted a Math Fair under Eisenhower Grant #5-32 for all elementary school teachers in Tuscarawas and adjoining counties, October 19, 1996.
Presented CORE plus mathematics curriculum in the Department of Math and Computer Science at Kent State University on March 7, 1997.
Conducted the Mathematical Olympiad sponsored by Mathematical Association of America Student Chapter, Kent State University, Tuscarawas Campus 1994 - 1999.
Conducted the mathematics competition sponsored by OCTM on February 26, 1994 and February 25, 1995 at the request of Mrs. Agnes Swigart, Assistant to the Dean at Kent State University, Tuscarawas Campus.
Student field trip to NASA Lewis Space Center organized by the MAA Student Chapter, Kent State University, Tuscarawas Campus March 25, 1995.
Presented a talk on "Applications of mathematics in the real world" at Sacred Heart School, New Philadelphia, Ohio on March 24, 1993.
Prepared, organized, and conducted mathematical olympiad for high school students, funded by Kent State University, Tuscarawas Campus Foundation, March 27, 1993.
Presented a talk on Career Opportunities in Mathematical Sciences in Dover High School, March 25, 1992.