© 2008   Larry E. Taylor


    This set is from county Dublin, Ireland but is based upon a county Clare traditional set.
    Swing in waltz hold.
    Gents dance forward on the left foot and ladies begin forward on the right foot.
    Bar counts (quantities of measures) for patterns are shown in bold.
    Documentation hereon is adapted from a set composed by Denis O'Toole.  See
              Mr. O'Toole's set at www.setdance.com .
    The total bar count for each Figure includes an eight-bar introduction of music.
    First side couple is on the left of the first top couple.
    Edition of December 19, 2008 Contact larryetaylor@hotmail.com .
Dance an ordinary reel step, lift-2-3-4.
All couples: lead around anticlockwise, holding crossed-hands (rights on top)6;
          turn the lady under clockwise with both hands2;
swing in waltz hold8;
Top couples: REPEAT "MARKER" and the couples on their left house each other in waltz hold4;
and the couples on their right house each other in waltz hold4;
1st top couple: house inside in waltz hold8.
Top couples: and the couples on their left     pass through twice :
          gents dance in a square clockwise and ladies square anticlockwise;
          on the initial two-bars, opposite partners pass right-shoulder-to-
          turn ninety degrees (squaring, dancing to-place) and pass original
                    partners left-shoulder-to-left-shoulder2;
          turn ninety degrees (squaring) and pass opposite partners
          turn ninety degrees (squaring, dancing to-place) and pass original
                    partners left-shoulder-to-left-shoulder2.
All couples: swing in waltz hold8;
repeat from   REPEAT "MARKER"   with the second top couple, the first side couple,
          then the second side couple leading96;
full house in waltz hold, doubling the final two bars8.
Dance ordinary reel steps, lift-2-3-4 and step, step, 3-4-5.
All couples: lead around anticlockwise, holding crossed-hands (rights on top)6;
          turn the lady under clockwise with both hands2;
swing in waltz hold8;
Top couples: REPEAT "MARKER" and the couples on their left house each other in waltz hold4;
and the couples on their right house each other in waltz hold4;
1st top couple: house inside in waltz hold8.
right-hand-in-right, with hands above the lady's head and turning her
          clockwise all the while, dance inside to the first position on the right2;
          dance on the spot2;
          repeat the preceding two patterns to home12;
dance by one another twice :
          pass right-shoulder-to-right and dance to the side; turn clockwise and
          dance to the other side, again passing right-shoulder-to-right; on the final
          two bars, second top couple separate and join sides and first top couple
          in two lines-of-four (facing)8;
Both lines: holding inside hands, advance and retire twice (five-step)8;
All couples: swing in waltz hold8; (top couples dance to place2; swing6);
repeat from   REPEAT "MARKER"   with the second top couple, the first side couple,
          then the second side couple leading168;
full house in waltz hold, doubling the final two bars8.
Dance an ordinary reel step, lift-2-3-4 and step, step, 3-4-5.
All couples: lead around anticlockwise, holding crossed-hands (rights on top)6;
          turn the lady under clockwise with both hands2;
swing in waltz hold8;
Top couples: REPEAT "MARKER" and the couples on their left house each other in waltz hold4;
and the couples on their right house each other in waltz hold4;
All ladies: without touching, advance, retire, advance, dance on-the-spot (five-step)8;
little Christmas8.
All gents: without touching, advance, retire, advance, dance on-the-spot (five-step)8;
little Christmas8.
All couples: gents link left hands in the center and right arms around their partner's waist
          and all lead around anticlockwise6;  partners turn to one another and
          all reverse hand/arm positions and direction-of-dance2;
lead around clockwise6; turn to partner and form a circle-of-eight2;
big Christmas clockwise and change directions, stamping the left foot
          toward the center8;
big Christmas anticlockwise, releasing ring-of-eight on the last two bars and
          swinging to home in waltz hold8;
swing in waltz hold8.
repeat from   REPEAT "MARKER"   80;
full house in waltz hold, doubling the final two bars8.
Dance ordinary polka steps, down-2-3 and 1-2, 1-2 (slide).
All couples: lead around anticlockwise, holding crossed-hands (rights on top)6;
          turn the lady under clockwise with both hands2;
swing in waltz hold8;
Top couples: and the couples on their left house each other in waltz hold4;
and the couples on their right house each other in waltz hold4;
1st top couple: REPEAT "MARKER" house inside in waltz hold8.
half-diamond :
          in waltz hold, slide forward (1-2, 1-2) to the first position on the right2;
          turn one-quarter clockwise then slide on to opposite2;
house to home, still in waltz hold4;
Top couples: and the couples on their left :
          pinwheel clockwise with the right hand3; change hands and direction1;
          pinwheel anticlockwise4;
          little Christmas8.
All couples: swing in waltz hold8.
repeat from   REPEAT "MARKER"   with the second top couple, the first side couple,
          then the second side couple leading120;
full house in waltz hold, doubling the final two bars8.
Dance an ordinary reel step, lift-2-3-4 and step, step, 3-4-5.
All couples: lead around anticlockwise, holding crossed-hands (rights on top)6;
          turn the lady under clockwise with both hands2;
swing in waltz hold8;
Top couples: and the couples on their left house each other in waltz hold4;
and the couples on their right house each other in waltz hold4;
All couples: REPEAT "MARKER" swing all around :
          original partners swing in waltz hold (one revolution)2;
          change partners gents dance clockwise and ladies dance
                    anticlockwise one position2;
          new partners swing in waltz hold (one revolution)2;
          change partners as above2;
          original partners swing in waltz hold at opposite2;
          change partners as above2;
          new partners swing in waltz hold (one revolution)2;
          form file in lady-gent order, facing out of the set behind first top lady
                    (order: leading couple, couple to the left of the leading couple,
                    couple to the right of the leading couple, and couple opposite
                    the leading couple)2.
dance to the side (1, 2, 1-2-3), staying in file :
          gents dance left and ladies dance right4;
          gents dance right and ladies dance left and all form facing lines4;
holding inside hands, advance and retire twice (step, step, 3-4-5)8;
dance to home (or dance in-place if already at home)4;
swing in waltz hold (two revolutions)4;
repeat from   REPEAT "MARKER"   with the second top couple, the first side couple,
          then the second side couple leading; the leading lady each time faces
          out of the set from her home120;
full house in waltz hold, doubling the final two bars8.

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