© 2008
Larry E.Taylor

This two hand dance is from Scottish tradition. |
This non-progressive sixteen-bar dance
is to begin with dancers facing in a |
room-encircling ring with gents on the inside; partners take sweetheart hold; |
begin holding right hands at the lady's right shoulder and left hands in front; |
when changing directions in the line of dance, however, the hand positions are |
to be reversed. |
At some sites, however, couples dance-free in the
available space while others |
dance another march pattern. |
The line of
dance is anticlockwise around the perimeter of the dance
area. |
The step is a march (walk, walk, walk, walk) except when housing (down-2-3) |
during the final four bars. |
Other versions are danced. |
Gents step forward on the left foot and
ladies begin forward on the right foot. |
Bar counts (quantities of measures) for patterns are
shown in bold. |
Documentation is based upon a video workshop led by
Pat Murphy. |
Edition of January
5, 2007 Contact larryetaylor@hotmail.com |