© 2008   Larry E. Taylor


    This set is from the Aran Islands of County Galway, Ireland.
    Chain:  High follow    Ladies first take a waist-level hold right-hand-to-right
              in the center then dance on to the opposite gent (who has danced into his
              partner's position);  partners take left hands and form an arch;  the lady
              dances anticlockwise under the arch and the gent follows her around;
              ladies do not chain when dancing to home.
    Swing in ceili hold.
    Figure One is danced as a half set (two couples).  The First Couple begins the figure
              with backs to the music (as does First Top couple of a full set).
    Figure Two is danced as a full set (four couples).
    Gents begin forward on the left foot and ladies begin forward on the right foot.
    Bar counts (quantities of measures) for patterns are shown in bold.
    The total bar count for each Figure includes an eight-bar introduction of music.
    Documentation is based upon workshops led by Pat Murphy, Seamus Ó Méalóid
              and Eileen O'Doherty.
    Edition of December 25, 2008 Contact 
Dance lift-2-3-4, an ordinary reel step.
Both couples: in file formation, with ladies leading, lead around anticlockwise8;
swing in ceili hold8;
advance and retire  once, holding crossed-hands in front (rights on top)4;
crossover anticlockwise, turning the lady clockwise twice under-the-right-arm4;
advance and retire once, holding crossed-hands in front (rights on top)4;
crossover anticlockwise, turning the lady clockwise twice under-the-right-arm4;
swing in ceili hold8;
ladies chain8;
swing in ceili hold8;
REPEAT "MARKER" first gent and second lady: 
          dance to the center, left-shoulder-to-left, and turn clockwise to face
                    one another4;
          swing in ceili hold8;
          reverse to home4.
Both couples: advance and retire once, holding crossed-hands in front (rights on top)4;
crossover anticlockwise, turning the lady clockwise twice under-the-right-arm4;
advance and retire once, holding crossed-hands in front (rights on top)4;
crossover anticlockwise, turning the lady clockwise twice under-the-right-arm4;
swing in ceili hold8;
repeat from  REPEAT "MARKER"  with second gent and first lady leading40.
Both couples: REPEAT "MARKER"REPEAT "MARKER" while the second couple stand right-hand-in-right, the first couple swing
          across and leave the lady facing the second  man, left-hand-in-left;
          on the final bar, the second lady also turns to face the second  man,
          thus the second  gent holds the ladies' inside hands8;
the trio-and-one advance and retire twice; the solo gent does not hold hands
          with anyone; on the final two bars, the ladies turn in beside the second
          gent and the first gent takes the ladies' free (inside) hands underneath8;
the trio-and-one advance and retire twice, in wheelbarrow or push-pull hold8;
little Christmas, with ladies placing hands on the gents’ shoulders and gents
          grasping hands at the ladies' back6; reverse to place2;
ladies chain8;
swing in ceili hold8.
repeat from  REPEAT "MARKER"REPEAT "MARKER"  with the other couple swinging across48.
Dance down-2-3, an ordinary polka step.
All couples: take open-waltz hold and lead around anticlockwise8;
swing in ceili hold8;
REPEAT "MARKER" take open waltz hold and top couples advance and retire once4;
          side couples advance and retire once4;
still in open waltz hold, top couples crossover anticlockwise to opposite and face-in4;
          side couples crossover likewise4;
still in open waltz hold and top couples advance and retire once4;
          side couples advance and retire once4;
still in open-waltz hold, top couples crossover anticlockwise to home and face-in4;
          side couples crossover likewise4;
ladies chain; top ladies begin and side ladies begin two bars later (interlacing)8;
swing in ceili hold8;
ladies dance outside the set to the next gent on the right2; in open-waltz hold,
          new couples lead around anticlockwise6;
swing in ceili hold8;
repeat from  REPEAT "MARKER"  until original partners swing192.