This set from County Clare, Ireland is also known as the REEL SET. |
Swing and house in waltz hold. |
Steps: The jigs are to be danced up-down-2-3 (the up jig with a bit of skip); all other |
rhythms are to be danced in the Clare-style, lift-2-3-4. |
Gents dance forward on the left foot and ladies begin forward on the right foot. |
Bar counts (quantities of measures) for patterns are shown in bold. |
The total bar count for each Figure includes an eight-bar introduction of music. |
First side couple is on the left of the first top couple. |
Documentation is based upon a workshop taught by Mary Fox at Milwaukee, |
Wisconsin USA in August 2004. |
Edition of December 25, 2008 Contact larryetaylor@hotmail.com |
All couples: |
lead around anticlockwise, with crossed-hands (rights on top)6; |
turn the lady under clockwise with four hands2; |
swing in waltz hold (four revolutions)8. |
First top couple: |
change ladies (new lady steps out as the current lady dances to-place)2; |
first top gent and each successive left lady house inside three-quarters around |
and change ladies; the last lady stays at the first top gents home24. |
All couples: |
swing in waltz hold (four revolutions)8. |
repeat from
second side couple leading120. |
full house in waltz hold8. |
All couples: |
lead around anticlockwise, with crossed-hands (rights on top)6; |
turn the lady under clockwise with four hands2; |
swing in waltz hold (four revolutions)8. |
First top couple: |
they and the lady on the left dance high gates: the gent takes the ladies' closest |
hands (no crossed-hands) to form arches; the first top lady dances under |
the arch; the visiting (left) lady dances under the arch and to home; |
the first top lady again dances under the arch; the gent follows each lady |
under-the-arch (under-the-arch order: partner, visitor then partner)8. |
All couples: |
swing in waltz hold (four revolutions)8. |
repeat from
second side couple leading72. |
full house in waltz hold8. |
All couples: |
lead around anticlockwise, with crossed-hands (rights on top)6; |
turn the lady under clockwise with four hands2; |
swing in waltz hold (four revolutions)8. |
First top couple: |
they and the couple on their left little Christmas8. |
All couples: |
swing in waltz hold (four revolutions)8. |
repeat from
second side couple leading72. |
full house in waltz hold8. |
All couples: |
lead around anticlockwise, with crossed-hands (rights on top)6; |
turn the lady under clockwise with four hands2; |
swing in waltz hold (four revolutions)8. |
First top couple: |
change gents (new gent steps out as the current gent dances to-place)2; |
first top lady and each successive left gent house inside three-quarters around |
and change gents; the last gent stays at the first top lady's home24. |
All couples: |
swing in waltz hold (four revolutions)8. |
repeat from
second side couple leading120. |
full house in waltz hold8. |
\ |
Dance an up-jig step (up-down-2-3, with a bit of a skip). |
All couples: |
lead around anticlockwise, with crossed-hands (rights on top)6; |
turn the lady under clockwise with four hands2; |
swing in waltz hold (four revolutions)8. |
Top couples: |
advance and retire once, right-hand-in-right4; |
as gents dance in-place, ladies crossover, right-shoulder-to-right, to opposite4; |
house each other as new top couples8; |
advance and retire once as new top couples4; |
ladies dance to home while gents dance in-place and the side ladies dance |
anticlockwise inside the set to-place at the respective top gent's right; |
(top ladies end the crossover at the visiting ladys right side and |
face-in)4; |
New partners: | repeat from
the final four bars32. |
From about 1995, the preceding 64 bars have been alternatively danced: |
Top couples: |
advance and retire once, right-hand-in-right4; |
as gents dance in-place, ladies crossover, right-shoulder-to-right, |
to opposite (change places)4; |
house each other as new top couples8; |
advance and retire once, right-hand-in-right as new top couples4; |
ladies dance to home while gents dance clockwise to the lady on |
their left (dance outside the set and pass right-shoulder-to-right |
to-place)4. |
New partners: |
repeat from |
four bars, passing right-shoulder-to-right with the lady he leaves32. |
All couples: |
dance at home in waltz hold (two revolutions)8. |
Side couples: |
repeat from |
All couples: |
full house in waltz hold8. |
All couples: |
lead around anticlockwise, with crossed-hands (rights on top)6; |
turn the lady under clockwise with four hands2; |
swing in waltz hold (four revolutions)8. |
Top couples: |
double around at home, still in waltz hold (one revolution)2; |
dance in-place (or slightly in and out) in waltz hold2; |
double half-way around to opposite2; |
dance in-place at opposite2; |
double around at opposite2; |
dance in-place at opposite2; |
double half-way around to home2; |
left-arm hook around with the opposite partner in center2; |
dance to home2; |
dance in-place2; |
double around at home2; |
house each other, doubling the final two bars8. |
Side couples: |
repeat from |
All couples: |
repeat from
dance at home8; |
full house8. |
All couples: |
full house in waltz hold8; |
dance in and out once2; |
as gents dance clockwise at home, ladies dance inside the set to |
the next gent on the right2; |
dance at home as new partners (one revolution, in waltz hold)4; |
repeat from |
quarterhouse16; |
full house in waltz hold8. |