© 2008   Larry E. Taylor


    This is NOT a traditional set of Ireland.  Perhaps based upon the MAYO HALF SET,
              this Ohio USA creation dates to at latest the 1940s.  It is danced predominantly in
              Cuyahoga County, Ohio USA.  In August 2006, Ann Highland Reilly reported
              she well remembered dancing the set "right after the war" at both the eastside
              and westside Irish-American clubs in Cleveland.  She said she and others would
              have to teach the set to ones coming to the United States  from Ireland.  She
              further remembered the set having been danced "all night long," with SIEGE
              OF ENNIS and other ceili dances.
    The set is often danced with a lively, high-stepping ceili style (on-the-toes).
    Swing in ceili hold.
    House with crossed hands in front, rights on top.
    Gents dance forward on the left foot and ladies begin forward on the right foot.
    Bar counts (quantities of measures) for patterns are shown in bold.
    The total bar count for each Figure includes an eight-bar introduction of music.
    First side couple is on the left of the first top couple.
    Documentation is based upon the Mayo Set having been danced at North Olmsted,
              Ohio USA in March 2005.
    Edition of December 25, 2008 Contact 
Top couples: house each other holding crossed hands8;
swing in ceili hold8.
Side couples: house each other holding crossed hands8;
swing in ceili hold8.
Top couples: again house each other holding crossed hands and swing in ceili hold16.
Side couples: again house each other holding crossed hands and swing in ceili hold16.
Top couples: REPEAT "MARKER" first top gent and second top lady swing in the center and dance to
          respective opposite sides while the first top lady and the second top
          gent dance anticlockwise across to opposite (the leading couple dance
          to the center2, swing4 and reverse to opposite2)8.
swing in ceili hold at opposite8;
advance and retire once in sweetheart hold4;
crossover anticlockwise to home; pull the lady's right hand up from her
          shoulder to waist-level as partners dance to-place4.
All couples: repeat from   REPEAT "MARKER"   with first side gent/second side lady, then second top
          gent/first top lady, then second side gent/first side lady leading72.
All couples: REPEAT "MARKER" take hands in a circle and advance and retire twice8.
top gents form an arch with the lady on the left and the top ladies pass under
          the arch to the side gents while the side ladies dance to place beside the
          top gents; (top gents form the same arch for all repeats.)2.
swing in ceili hold6.
all ladies dance to original partners, passing right-shoulder-to-right2.
First top couple: swing in ceili hold6.  (The leading couple only swings for each repeat.)
Top couples: house each other holding crossed hands8;
All couples: repeat from   REPEAT "MARKER"   with first side couple, then second top couple, then
          second side couple leading96.
Top couples: REPEAT "MARKER" house each other holding crossed hands8;
advance and retire once in sweetheart hold4;
crossover anticlockwise, still in sweetheart hold4;
advance and retire once in sweetheart hold4;
crossover anticlockwise passing the other couple then both couples
          turn-in to meet in the center4;
little Christmas6; reverse to home2.
All couples: chain14 (gents dance anticlockwise, ladies dance clockwise); turn once
          at home, right-hand-in-right2.
Side couples: repeat from   REPEAT "MARKER"   48.
Top couples: repeat from   REPEAT "MARKER"   48.
Side couples: repeat from   REPEAT "MARKER"   48.
All couples: take hands in a circle and advance and retire twice8.
swing in ceili hold8;
lead around in sweetheart hold8;
Gents: REPEAT "MARKER" pinwheel with the right hand and all dancers clap on the fourth beat4;
pinwheel with the left hand4;
All couples: swing in ceili hold8;
lead around in sweetheart hold8;
repeat from   REPEAT "MARKER"   through home (repeat four times)--all ladies dance to the
          next position on the right while gents begin the left pinwheel96;
All couples: take hands in a circle :
          advance and retire twice8;
          dance sevens and threes (sidestep) anticlockwise4;
          dance sevens and threes (sidestep) clockwise4;
          advance and retire twice8;
          dance sevens and threes (sidestep) clockwise4;
          dance sevens and threes (sidestep) anticlockwise4;
          advance and retire twice8;
swing in ceili hold8.

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