© 2008
Larry E.Taylor

This non-progressive, sixteen bar,
two-hand dance is to begin with partners side-by-side |
(gent on the left); no other particular order
for couples-on-the-dance floor |
is specified. |
begin either holding the closest (inside) hands between waist and
shoulder |
level or in open waltz hold (gents arm at ladys waist behind and
ladys hand |
on the gents inside shoulder or upper arm). |
Gents begin forward on the left foot
and ladies begin forward on the right foot. |
Bar counts (quantities of measures) for patterns are
shown in bold. |
Documentation is based upon a
workshop taught by Gerard Butler in Chicago, |
Illinois USA on January 14, 2006. |
Edition of
December 25, 2008 Contact larryetaylor@hotmail.com |