Does your grade need a boost? Check out some of these events on campus and around town. Go to them and participate. Bring me something to prove you were there. Then type up a one-paged “Shout-Out” (what you learned/liked/didn’t like/what you thought, etc...) DO NOT waste space in your paper telling me what happened (i.e. play-by-play), unless it’s really important to what you have to say. Get it to me within one week of the event!! Have fun!!


Extra Credit




Sexhibition is an erotic art exhibition, celebrating sex and sensuality in the arts. This year’s event will focus on media-based art by photographers, video artists and new media developers.


August 27 – September 12

1300 Gallery

1300 W. 78th St., Cleveland, Ohio

$3 admission to benefit

AIDS Task Force




William Garvey       Karen St. John Vincent   Robby D.    Frank Santabarbara

Ray Blur     Steve Barrett     Greg Heine     Michael Kamann    Nate Goldstock

Erika Neola     Devin Steigerwald      Brian Kelly      Pete Dell     Steve Probert

                        Russell Lee     Robert Banks    Alicia Ross











October 28, 2004

          PRIDE! Kent  special guest lecture with Ru Paul


          Open to public and all students


          *Admission, time and location still in negotiation.
















