Fall 2002 Human Sexuality

Following the Evaluation Reports are all of the comments I received from the students in each of the sections. I have copied those comments exactly as they appeared on the evaluation sheets because I believe it is important to view these comments in the exact way they were given. No attempts were made to correct any aspect of these statements (ie Lori Laurie, professor → instructor, etc...).


4:30 Class

Additional Comments:


Aspects of this course that were especially successful?

        -all of it

        -everything was good. Laurie Wagner did a great job of teaching this course

        -stimulating independent thinking

        -I enjoyed the videos and I liked how we earned points different ways –homework, tests, paper, attendance

        -online website & grade book

        -having the gradebook online to monitor progress

        -weekly homeworks kept the class flowing

        -group work

        -it was fun, well organized and interesting

        -the ample amounts of extra credit and the paper were a huge successor for this course

        -she was very successful in getting everyone involved


Aspects of this course that need to be improved?

        -the only thing I was uneasy about was the movie on the female anatomy—it seems like it was close to a porn   movie

        -better notes for class exams

        -tests are a little crazy

        -maybe more tests – there were only three

        -perhaps covering more sexual STDs

        -although the class was very good, I felt the test questions could have been constructed better. A lot of the     questions were confusing and the answers seemed verbatim.


Any comments about class management (syllabus, examinations, class cancellations, office hours, etc.)?

        -the class was very organized

        -she is a good teacher just jumpy like a poodle.

        -great job

        - J

        -although I spent many hours studying for the exams I found my grades not reflecting my effort. I feel that      there may have been poor word choices for the questions misleading the reader


Additional comments on the instructor or the course?

        -she was great – very effective – very fair too.

        -Laurie is great!!!!

        -great professor!!

        -she was a very good instructor, really made you think

        -they should have courses like this for high school students! It would help them a lot at that age.

        -this the best class I’ve taken at Kent ever

        -she is very interesting and really knows the material

        -Ms. Wagner is an excellent teacher. She really enjoys what she is doing.

        -she kept the class interesting while learning a lot of information


        -I enjoyed this class & I actually learned more than I expected to. Thanks!

        -she was fun and very informed on current information and statistics.

        -I learned a lot of useful information from this instructor. She was very respectful in all areas of discussion!

        -she did not answer the 4 E-mails I sent her

        -I think that Laurie really knows what she is talking about. However, I feel she has some bias, that as hard as   she tried to hide them, they came through. She couldn’t hate the Greek Community anymore! It’s insulting   really!

        -I really enjoyed this class. Laurie made you want to come, and how many college students can say they never         missed a once-a-week, 2 ˝ hour class? Well, I’m sitting in a class with 60+ students who also haven’t missed

        -the instructor was great. She was very knowledgeable about the subject and made the class interesting and     fun

        -thankyou for making the class passible for those people who wanted to work

        -Lori Wagner made the class very enjoyable and subject material interesting







7:10 Class



Additional Comments:


Aspects of this course that were especially successful?

        -she was very down to earth and cool about things

        -in-class activities

        -the class assignments & group discussion projects were effective in learning

        -the real life teachings

        -the website was helpful

        -the openness was nice for a change

        -I loved this class

        -the webpage for the class was very useful

        -she overcame the difficulty of the subject very well

        -better sex, fellatio given, new positions


Aspects of this course that need to be improved?

        -nothing really- she did an awesome job

        -too much stuff that I already learned in earlier health classes (i.e. STDs, contraception)

        -I think more assignments that we get credit for would be helpful

        -group work in class was very boring, but I can see why we did it

        -the tests were too tricky

        -more hands on, more graphic movies


Any comments about class management (syllabus, examinations, class cancellations, office hours, etc.)?

        -great – very effect & organized

        -I think that a couple short answer questions would be helpful and be a nice change from all multiple choice    questions

        -I think the paper at the end of the course is too much work.

        -teacher doesn’t check e-mail enough


Additional comments on the instructor or the course?

        -great job

        -great job !! It was a fun experience while also a very stimulating learning experience too!

        -I never received e-mails with links to my grades. The website would not work on my computer so it was very hard for me to keep up with how I was doing.

        -I thought the instructor was very good. I wish she taught more classes. She deserves a raise!!

        -Ms. Wagner is very informed and well-versed on this topic. Her enthusiasm shows.

        -she was a very good instructor.

        -many examples in class & unique teaching ideas were very effective in the learning process