Projects & Assignments

  What’d you miss in class? All kinds of stuff!

                        Here’s any assignments,

                             notes you’ll have to find on your own...




Assignment Due:                                     What to do:


September 9, 2004          Find a “fact” or piece of “educational” information in

“FACT”                              the media (i.e. Magazines, journals, books, media                                          

                                        blips, etc…) that relates to human sexuality and bring                                            

                                        it with you to class. Take your “fact” or piece of                                             

                                        information and analyze it. Is the source credible?                                         

                                        How do you know? What are any ethical (i.e.                                                        

                                        informed consent, outing issues, etc) or methodological                                  

(i.e. sample issues, bias, fallacy, etc) dilemmas with                                               

ascertaining this information? Is it to be believed? Why or                                        

why not?


September 14, 2004        For the Women ONLY!!!  Ladies please write half of a page

“PERIOD & ORGASM”          on each of the following:  


                                        1. Your first period. What was it like, were you expecting                                        

                                        it? How did it make you feel?




                                        2. What, in your best description, does it feel like to have                                        

                                        an orgasm?


[PLEASE write your name on the top of the page so that I can rip it off before using your words. This way you can get credit, but still remain anonymous.]



September 21, 2004        For the Men ONLY!!! Gentlemen please write half of a page

“EJACULATION & ORGASM” on each of the following:


                                        1. Your first ejaculation. What was it like, were you                                                

                                        expecting it? How did it make you feel?




                                        2. What, in your best description, does it feel like to                                               

                                        have an orgasm?


[PLEASE write your name on the top of the page so that I can rip it off before using your words. This way you can get credit, but still remain anonymous.]



October 5, 2004              If you woke up tomorrow morning to discover that

 “IF I WERE A…”                though you were still basically you, your body had                                         

                                        become of the other sex…


                                        List ten things you would do during the day or that                                                

                                        would happen that would be different than yesterday…




                                        List another ten reasons you would go to bed hoping                                             

                                        your body would be back to it’s good old self when                                                

                                        you woke up.



October 12, 2004            Sexual communication can be extremely treacherous at

“WE NEED TO TALK”           times, and downright embarrassing at others. What are five                                        

                                        things you, or people you know, have difficulty discussing                                        

                                        with sexual partners? On each note card provided, please                                        

                                        write one of these things.


Again, to protect your anonymity, please write your name only on the slip of paper clipped to your cards. This way, I can remove your name for credit before using them for class discussion.


October 26, 2004            Babies, babies, babies…. What are ten reasons you are

“20 REASONS”                   positive you are NOT ready to be a parent (or be a parent again?).

                                        How about ten reasons you might be???


November 2, 2004           Due to the inherent connection of public health issues and

“VOTE!!!!!                         politics I am nudging you to participate in your civic duty to vote

                                        in the upcoming November election (11/2/2004). You can do

                                        this by absentee ballot or in person & still have time to register

                                        if you are not currently. If you need to go home to do so, I will

                                        even excuse your absence!! Proof of your participation is required

                                        for these points.


                                        Please write your name and address on a piece of paper along

                                        with your voting district and the name and address of the place

                                        where you’ve voted, include your “I voted today” sticker & hand in.

                                        If you vote by absentee, instead of the address and location and sticker,

                                        include the envelope you received your ballot in, as well as where

                                        you mailed it to after voting. You’ll also need to hand in your

                                        name and address with your district.


                                        **I will check up on these, so please don’t try to fool me. Either vote

                                        and get credit, or don’t and don’t!!! It will be considered cheating

                                        to lie. And I WILL take appropriate actions if needed.


November 9, 2004           Abortion is among the most controversial topics of all

“ABORTION”                      times. What do you think about it? Why all the controversy?

                                        Finally, do you have any suggestions to help make it less of an

                                        issue in the U.S.?



November 30, 2004         Take home the scenario that you were given in class on

“IS IT RAPE?”                     the 18th . For tonight, simply write yes or no to the question

                                        “Is this rape?” and underline your evidence. After class, take it       

                                        home again and rethink it after we’ve looked at what “Rape” is

                                         in Ohio. Do you feel differently about your initial decision? Why or why not?




