Dr. Asim Yousafzai

Teaching Experience
Research Interests




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Ph.D. Hydrogeology           2005                                         Kent State University (OH)

M.Phil.      Geology             1997                                         University of  Peshawar                  

M. Sc.        Geology             1993                                         Peshawar, Pakistan

      B.Sc.    (Hon’s) Geology       1992                                         Peshawar, Pakistan        


Teaching experience

1. Assistant Professor, Department of Geography & Geology, University of Southern Mississippi. 2009-2012. Teaching and advising students. Serving as Graduate Coordinator. Teaching Intro Geology, Hydrology, Applied Groundwater Geochemistry. Advanced Groundwater Hydrology.


2. Adjunct Faculty, Excelsior College, New York. 01/2008 – Present. Teaching online geology courses using BlackBoard: Oceanography and Earth Science & Society.


3. Lecturer, Department of Physics and Geology, University of Texas-Pan American Aug. 2005 to June 2006.

     Teaching at PanAm include;

     Physical Geology Lecture and Lab

     Historical Geology Lecture and Lab

     Hydrologic Systems: Upper division, Spring 2006


4. Teaching Fellow at the Department of Geology, KSU from Jan.  2002 to Aug. 2005.

      Teaching at Kent include;

      Earth Dynamics lecture and Lab                (http://www.personal.kent.edu/~masim/)

      Earth History lecture and Lab

      Environmental Geology

      Hydrogeology Assistant

      Geomorphology Assistant

      Oceanography Teaching Assistant


5. Associate Professor, Department of Geology, Univ. of Peshawar, Pakistan from Jan. 2008 to March 2009.

6. Assistant Professor, Department of Geology, Univ. of Peshawar, Pakistan from Oct. 2000 to Jan. 2008.


7. Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Peshawar, Pakistan from Sep.  1993 to Oct. 2001.

Teaching at University of Peshawar included;

Hydrogeology (5000 level)

Remote Sensing (5000 level)

Igneous Petrology (5000 level)

                Metamorphic Petrology (5000 level)

Geological Processes (2000 Level)       

Mineralogy (2000 Level)       


Professional Experience

I.                   Subject Matter Expert, University of MD, College Park, 2013-Present

II          State of Mississippi Registered Professional Geologist (RPG)

III.               Associate Editor, Hydrogeology Journal: 2009-2012. Official journal of the International Association of Hydrogeologists (www.iah.org).

IV        Vice-Chair, Geology and Geography division, Mississippi Academy of Sciences


Research Interests/Dissertation

Dissertation Title “Hydrochemical characterization and numerical modeling of groundwater flow in a part of the Himalayan Foreland Basin”.

I developed a simulation model for groundwater flow in part of the Himalayan foreland basin using FEMWATER module of GMS 5.1 The basin was divided into several hydrostratigraphic units in order to perform numerical simulations. The resultant hydrodynamic model simulates both deformation and induced fluid flow.  Input parameters for the model include recharge, discharge, bulk compressibility of the media, and ramping structures to incorporate tectonic compression.  The ultimate objective of the numerical simulations is to distinguish between topography-driven and tectonically-induced flow.  The results from both simulations have been compared with the field measurements of hydraulic heads to see the extent of any residuals, signifying pressure excess over the topography-driven hydraulic heads.  Results of the transient simulations indicate that topography alone is not sufficient to induce the pressure heads observed in the field.  Instead, transient simulations indicate the presence of positive residuals over the topography-driven flow, which indicate the additional effect of tectonic compression on subsurface water flow.

The Himalayan foreland basin is known to host several trillion cubic feet of gas, and extensive oil and coal deposits. The research will also be significant in locating and quantifying the water resources of the area, which will be of great importance for the inhabitants of the Indus valley.



1. Modeling flow and transport in fractured rocks

2. Groundwater in hardrock areas, Mapping aquifer heterogeneity

3. Environmental tracers, Site assessment, contaminant transport, flow direction, coupled processes

4. Water resource management systems



  1. Lucas Award for Faculty Excellence, 2011, USM.

  2. Pittsburgh Geological Society Outstanding Student Paper Award, 2005

  3. Kent State University Graduate Students Senate Excellence Award in Research, 2005

  4. Geological Society of America (GSA) Travel grants for Annual Meetings in Denver, CO., Seattle, WA., and Salt Lake City, UT. 2002-2005

  5. Sigma Xi Grant-in-Aid of Research, 2003

  6. GSA Research Grant, 2003

  7. National Science Foundation Grant Proposal Co-PI. Submitted.

  8. Sigma Xi Student Research Conference Judge, Montreal, QC, Canada, 2004.

  9. Top positions on exams at the University of Peshawar, both at the B.Sc. (Hon’s) and M.Sc. levels and received a gold medal for each exam, 1992; 1993.


Computer Skills

ArcView 3.3, ArcInfo, ArcGIS (ArcMap 8.2), MODFLOW, Groundwater Modeling System (GMS 5.1), Groundwater Vistas (3.0), Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Viewxsxn. DOS, Windows (3.1, ME, XP), MS Office, Quattro Pro, AutoCAD, Surfer, Grapher, FTP, Dreamweaver, MS FrontPage

      Hardware: Internal modems, hard and floppy disk drives, CD-ROMs, RAM, Add-On Cards.


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1. Geological Society of America (GSA)

2. International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH)

3. American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)

4. Association of Engineering Geologists (AEG)

5. National Ground Water Association (NGWA)

6. Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society

7. Mississippi Geological Society (MGS)

8. Phi Beta Delta-Beta Zeta Chapter: Honor Society for Int'l Scholars



I.                   GEO-POLITICAL

Yousafzai, A. 2019. Pakistan may win the Space Race –Through Terrorism, Not Technology.



Yousafzai, A. 2018. From a Moment to a Movement.



Yousafzai, A. 2018. Manzoor Pashteen and the War Machines



Yousafzai, A. 2018. Pashtun Awakening 3.0: The Power of Non-Violence. http://www.southasiaathudson.org/blog/2018/2/12/pashtun-awakening-30-the-power-of-non-violence


Yousafzai, A. 2018. Pashtun Uprising 3.0.



Yousafzai, A. 2017. The Art of Dealing with the Taliban.



Yousafzai, A. 2016. No consensus on Pakistani census



Yousafzai, A. 2016. Edhi-The passing of a Humanist



Yousafzai, A. 2016. Kashmir Imbroglio; Is there a solution? An environment-based approach. http://www.southasiaathudson.org/blog/2016/10/11/kashmir-imbroglio-is-there-a-solution


Yousafzai, A. 2016. Attacking Non-Violence. Editorial piece published in Frontier Post.



Yousafzai, A. 2016. Islamic State is expanding to Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Published in Daily Times.



Yousafzai, A. 2015.The Taliban are winning. Published in Foreign Policy.


Yousafzai, A. 2014. Troubled US-Afghanistan legacy. Published in The Diplomat. http://thediplomat.com/2014/06/the-troubled-us-afghanistan-legacy/

 Yousafzai, A. 2014. The Taliban unity of purpose. Published in The Diplomat. http://thediplomat.com/2014/03/the-talibans-unity-of-purpose/

 Yousafzai, A. 2014. Is Waziristan the problem or the solution? Published in Pashtun Women ViewPoint. http://www.pashtunwomenvp.com/index.php/2013-01-28-03-21-27/current-issue/467-is-waziristan-the-problem-or-the-solution

 Yousafzai, A. 2014. Last nails in the coffin: Ground assault on a civilian airliner at Peshawar. Published in Pashtun Women ViewPoint. http://www.pashtunwomenvp.com/index.php/2013-01-28-03-21-27/current-issue/473-last-nails-in-the-coffin-ground-assault-on-a-civilian-airliner-at-peshawar

 Yousafzai, A. 2014. A dummies guide to tackling terrorism in Pakistan. Published in Pashtun Women ViewPoint. http://www.pashtunwomenvp.com/index.php/2013-01-28-03-21-27/current-issue/482-a-dummies-guide-to-tackling-terrorism-in-pakistan

 Yousafzai, A. 2014. The Antithesis of Anti-Malala Day in Pakistan. Published in Pashtun Women ViewPoint.http://pashtunwomenvp.com/index.php/2013-01-28-03-21-27/current-issue/541-the-antithesis-of-anti-malala-day-in-pakistan

Yousafzai, A. 2014. Pakistan is sitting on a ticking time bomb and its not Taliban or extremism. Published in Project Pakistan. http://project-pakistan.com/pakistan-is-sitting-on-a-ticking-time-bomb-and-its-not-taliban-or-extremism/  

Yousafzai, A. 2014. Environmental Fallout from Pakistan’s nuclear tests in Balochistan. Opinion piece published by the Daily Times. http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/opinion/02-Aug-2014/environmental-fallout-from-nuclear-tests


II.                SCIENTIFIC

Yousafzai, M.A. and Kar, B. 2011. International water disputes; winners and losers.  Annual Review of       Environment and Resources.

 Yousafzai, M.A., Eckstein, Y. & Dahl, P.S. 2010. Hydrochemical signatures of deep groundwater circulation in a             part of the Himalayan Foreland Basin: Environmental Earth Sciences, 59, 1079-1098


: 10.1007/s12665-009-0099-0

 Yousafzai, M.A., Eckstein, Y. & Dahl, P.S. 2008. Numerical simulation of groundwater flow in the Peshawar       intermontane basin, NW Himalayas: Hydrogeology Journal, 16, 1395-1409.

 Yousafzai, M.A., 2008. Major ion chemistry of groundwaters from the Peshawar Intermontane Basin,       NWFP, Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 51, No 3, 140-146.

Yousafzai, M.A., 2007. Is the hydrologic environment pristine in northern Pakistan with respect to metals and             inorganic compounds? COMSATS Institute of Information Technology 2nd International Conference             “Environmentally Sustainable Development”, Proceedings. Abbottabad, NWFP, Pakistan.

Farooq, A., Yousafzai, M.A, & Jan, M.Q. 2007. Hydrogeochemistry of a part of the Indus Basin in Rahim Yar             Khan district, Central Pakistan. Journal of the Chemical society of Pakistan, 29 (6), 525-537.

 Asim, M., Dokter, C., Nitzsche, C. Winegar, A. & Eckstein, Y. 2004. A procedure for delineation of  bedrock       fracture zones under glacial drift formations. Journal of Environmental Hydrology: The Electronic Journal of the             International Association for Environmental Hydrology, 12, 1-12. Paper 15.

 Farooq, A., Asim, M. & Jan, M.Q. 2001. Groundwater geology of a part of the Indus Basin in Rahim Yar Khan       District, southern Punjab, Pakistan. Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences. 38, 111-120. 

Asim, M., Karim, A. & Khan, M.H. 2001. Geology of Shamozai area in lower Dir District, NWFP, Pakistan. Acta       Mineralogica Pakistanica, 12, 57-62.  

Asim. M., Majid, M., & Shah, M.T. 2000. Geology, geochemistry and tectonic setting of ophiolitic rocks from the                   Waziristan Ophiolite Complex, NW, Pakistan. Geologica, 5, 109-132.  

Asim, M., Majid, M., & Shah, M.T. 2000. Mineral chemistry and origin of ophiolitic rocks from the Waziristan       Ophiolite Complex, NW Pakistan. Geol. Bull. Univ. Peshawar, 33, 39-52. 

Latif A., Asim, M. & Assadullah, 1996. Science and technology in Pakistan: Alpha and Omega. Peshawar University Teachers’ Association Journal (PUTAJ), 2, 33-45.


 Eckstein, Y., Yousafzai, M.A. & Dahl, P.S. 2010. Western extension of the Himalayan geothermal belt.  IAH Congress 2010, Krakow, Poland.

Yousafzai, M.A. 2009. Hydrochemistry as a tool for investigating geothermal energy sources in the Himalayas.   GSA Abstracts with Programs, Portland, OR. v 41(7), 579p.


Yousafzai, M.A. 2008. Some natural and anthropogenic sources of groundwater contamination in Northwest             Himalayas. 33rd International Geological Congress, August 6-14, Oslo, Norway. Lecture # HYH01707L.


 Yousafzai, M.A. 2008. Hydrochemical characterization and numerical simulation of fluid flow in a       compressional tectonic environment. IAHR International Groundwater Symposium: Flow and transport in       heterogeneous subsurface formations: Theory, modelling & applications. Istanbul, Turkey. June 18-20, 2008. Http://www.iahr-gw2008.net

 Eckstein, Y., Yousafzai, M.A. & Dahl, P.S. 2007. Western extension of the Himalayan geothermal belt.  GSA       Abstracts with Programs. Denver, CO. v. 39 (6) 476p. http://gsa.confex.com/gsa/2007AM/finalprogram/abstract_131873.htm

 Yousafzai, M.A., Eckstein, Y. & Dahl, P.S. 2006. On the relationship between groundwater flow and tectonic       stresses: evidence from hydrochemical signatures and numerical modeling.  GSA Abstracts with Programs.       Philadelphia, PA. v. 38 (7) 431p. http://gsa.confex.com/gsa/2006AM/finalprogram/abstract_113507.htm

 Herrera, H.A., Mazariegos, R.A., Yousafzai, M.A, Cortez, J.L.M., Pazdera, D. 2005. Using GIS to evaluate potential     environmental health risks in Superfund Sites, Mission, Texas. HESTEC (Hispanic Engineering, Science and            Technology) Conference, UTPA (Poster  presentation).

 Asim, M. & Eckstein, Y. 2005. Numerical simulation of groundwater flow in a basin under tectonic compression.       GSA Abstracts with Programs. Salt Lake City, UT. v. 37 (7), 145p. (Poster  presentation)


 Asim, M. 2004. Some natural and anthropogenic sources of groundwater contamination in the Himalayan mountain       belt. 4th            Sigma Xi Annual Meeting and Student Research Conference. Montreal, QC, Canada. 68p. (Poster       Presentation).  

Asim, M. & Eckstein, Y. 2004. Hydrochemical characteristics of ground water of the Himalayan fold-and-thrust belt            in north Pakistan. GSA Abstracts with Programs. Denver, CO. 36 (5), 141p. (Poster  presentation)


Asim, M. & Eckstein, Y. 2003. A review of the geological and hydrogeological regimes at the Himalayan foothills in   Northwest Pakistan. GSA Abstracts with Programs. Seattle, WA. 35 (6) 572p. (Poster presentation)


Presented a Colloquium at the Department of Geology, KSU in Fall 2003 entitled “Northwest Himalayas as seen       under 2 Mega Pixels. I presented the field work that I conducted for my dissertation.

 Asim, M., Dokter, C., Nitzsche, C. Winegar, A. & Eckstein, Y. 2002. Effects of dual porosity on the hydraulic       properties of  the bedrock sandstone formations in northeastern Ohio. GSA Abstracts with Programs. Denver, CO.            34, 147p. (Poster presentation)


Asim. M. Majid, M., & Shah, M.T. 2001. Mineral chemistry and origin of ophiolitic rocks from the Waziristan       Ophiolite Complex, NW Pakistan. 4th Pakistan Geological Congress, Islamabad,       Pakistan (Abstract volume) l p.             (Oral presentation)


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