Physical Geology

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Instructor: Dr. Asim Yousafzai
Office Walker Science 115
Mailbox Dept. of Geography & Geology
Web Source
  Chapter1Introduction  Chapter3Minerals 
  Chapter4&5 Igneous  Chapter6 Weathering
  Chapter7 Sed Rocks  Chapter8 Metamorphics
Chapter9 GeologicTime Chapter15 Landslides
Chapter16 RunningWater  Chapter17 Groundwater

Chapter18 Glaciers  Chapter19 Deserts

Chapter10 Shorelines  Chapter20 Structures

Chapter11 Earthquakes  Chapter12 EarthsInterior

Chapter2 PlateTectonics


Study Tips: Class attendance is essential to success in this course. Focus on understanding concepts rather than memorizing the facts and numbers. Use the online resources, quizzes and other materials provided by the textbook manufacturer.  Handouts may be provided throughout the semester and need to be kept for class reference.

Course Objectives: This course is an introduction to the subject of physical geology. It provide students with the necessary knowledge about earth's internal and external  processes and how they are applicable to daily lives. Important goals include demonstrating the relationship geologic processes, approaches used by geologists in studying the earth, and the impact of geologic processes on the society. Students will acquaint themselves with current scientific principles and methods used in geology.

Major topics:

  • Major Minerals and Rocks
  • Dating events in geology
  • Volcanoes and Earthquakes
  • Mountain building processes
  • Weathering and Erosion
  • Running water
  • Groundwater
  •                                  Course Contents and Schedule. Summer 2009




    Week 1

    June 02



    Chapters 1,3

    What is Geology? An overview of Physical Geology

    Scientific Method. Review of basic Chemistry. Silicate structures. Minerals: physical properties and identification.

    Week 2

    June 09



    Chapters 4,5

    Introduction to Rocks and Rock Cycle. Igneous Rocks: Intrusive rocks. Lava and magma. Volcanism and extrusive rocks

    Week 3

    June 16



    Chapters 6,7

    Weathering and Erosion: Chemical and physical processes

    Soil types and classification. Sediment transport. Sedimentary rocks.

    Week 4

    June 23


    Chapters 8,9,15

    Metamorphism.  Metamorphic rocks. Relative and absolute age. Geologic Time Scale. Landslides.

    Week 5

    June 30

    Midterm exam

    June 30

    Chapters 16,17

    Running water: Erosion and transportation

    Floods. Groundwater: Movement, and Contamination


    Week 6

    July 07

    Chapters 18,19

    Glaciers and glaciation, Glacial landforms. Deserts: Formation and characteristics Wind erosion and transportation.


    Week 7

    July 14

    Chapters 10,20

    Shorelines. Geologic structures: folds, faults and joints.

    Week 8

    July 21

    Chapters 11,12

    Earthquakes: Seismic waves. Cause and Effect. Earthquakes: Prediction, Mitigation and Control. Earth’s Interior. Physical properties of the Earth

    Week 9

    July 28

    Chapter 2

    Final exam

    Plate tectonics: Continental Drift. Sea-Floor Spreading.


    *This schedule is tentative and is subject to later modifications.

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