Collaborating with III, Yankee Book Peddler and OCLC PromptCat to Maximize Technical Services Efficiencies at Record Load
12th Annual IUG Conference, Boston MA, April 3, 2004
Coordinator/Presenter: Kelly Shook, Kentlink Coordinator
Kent State University Libraries and Media Services
Presenter: Margaret Maurer, Assistant Professor,
Catalogi and Metadata Librarian
Datamapping for Approval Orders - YBP / PromptCat Project
Datamapping for Direct Orders - YBP / PromptCat Project
Record Defaults Used for YBPExtended Approval Interface Load Table
YBP Extended Approval Interface and OCLC PromptCat Record Load Table
Bringing YBP firm Orders from YBP into KentLINK
Loading OCLC PromptCat Records for Firm Orders into KentLINK
Loading OCLC PromptCat Records for Approval Items into KentLINK