BoatBuilding Books
I highly recommend
each of these books for the home boatbuilder:
Trad Construction:
- "The Dory Book"
By John Gardener
- "BoatBuilding in Your Own Backyard" By S. S. Rabl
Flex Skin kayaks:
- "Baidarka"
By George Dyson
- "Wood and Canvas Kayak Building" By George Putz
- "The Aleutian Kayak"
By Wolfgang Brinck
Stitch & Tape:
- "Canoes & Kayaks for the Backyard Builder" By Skip Snaith
- "The Kayak Shop"
By Chris Kulczyci
- "Ultralight Boatbuilding" by Tom Hill
Native American Boats:
- "The Bark Canoes and Skin Boats of North America" By Edwin Tappan Adney and Howard
I. Chappelle
Magazine Articles
Older Popular Science and Popular Mechanics magazines
often yield cool retro boat designs -- and sometimes very functional
row boats, runabouts and daysailer plans. |
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