Extinction remains at the forefront of memory memory's essence is that it is the future 


As a destining, it banishes man into that kind of revealing which is an ordering. Where this ordering holds sway, it drives out every other possibility of revealing.  Above all, Enframing conceals that revealing which lets what presences come forth into appearance. But Enframing does not simply endanger man in his relationship to himself and to everything that is.


But now everything has turned about.  Insight does not name any discerning examination [ Einsicht] into what is in being that we conduct for ourselves. Simply put, archive fever is incessant in our culture.  We are the packrats of our time, and we will be remembered for an extraordinary amount pablum and detritus that we spew forth in the form of information.  Museum curators have the most difficult job in the world--along with librarians, though they are struggling to become un-antiquated.
