Lesson 4 Words


CRUC- cross

crucial, extremely significant or important; vital to the resolution of a crisis
crucible, small container for melting metals; "severe test or trial"
crucifix, cross with JC on it
cruciform, cross-shaped
crucify, execute on the cross
crux, difficult problem, the essential/deciding point
excruciating, intensely painful

GREG- flock

aggregate, a mass of things gathered
congregate, to assemble in a crowd
congregation, group of people gathered (esp. for religious worship)
gregarious, seeking and enjoying the company of others; sociable
segregate, to set apart from others

HAB-, AB- have,
[HIB-} hold as customary

ability, a specified capability
able, having power to do something; skilled
cohabit, to live together (partic. when not legally married)
cohabitation, the state of living together
dishabille, a state of undress
exhibit, display
habit, a thing done often and, hence, easily; customary garment, esp. of religious order
habitat, the place in which a person or thing is most likely to be found
inability, lack of power to do something
inhabit, dwell
inhibit, to check or repress (hold in)
prohibit, to forbid by authority; prevent


PED- foot

biped, two-legged animal
centipede, hundred-legged bug
expedient, guided by self interest; serving a narrow/selfish interest
expedite, speed up the process, facilitate
expedition, journey or voyage, esp. for exploration or battle
expeditious, efficient, speedy, prompt
impede, to hinder the progress, obstruct
impediment, hindrance
millipede, thousand-legged bug
pedal, foot lever
pedestal, bottom support for statue, column, etc.
pedestrian, one who walks
pedicure, trimming, polishing. etc. of feet
pedigree, list of ancestors, lineage ("crane's foot")
pedometer, instrument that measures distance walked
quadruped, four-legged animal
sesquipedalian, long word, "foot and a half"
velocipede, bicycle or tricycle

PUNG-, point, prick

pungent, sharp smelling
punctilious, very exact, scrupulous; very careful on points of behavior
compunction, uneasy feeling prompted by guilt
expunge, strike out, erase "record"
punctual, on time, prompt
punctuate, interrupt, use standard marks to clarify meaning
puncture, to pierce with a sharp object

SACR-, SECR- sacred

consecrate, to devote to sacred use
desecrate, to violate the sacredness of; profane
execrate, to denounce scathingly
sacrament, any of certain Christian rites
sacred, holy
sacrifice, an offering to a deity; to give up one thing for another
sacrilege, desecration
sacristy, room in church for storing sacred vessels, etc.
sacrosanct, very sacred, holy, inviolate

SANCT- holy

sanctify, to consecrate, devote to sacred use
sanctimonious, pretending to be pious
sanction, authorize, confirm; a coercive measure done by a government
sanctuary, holy place, refuge
sanctum, private place

SENT-, SENS- feel, think

assent, to agree, as to a proposal; concur
consensual, agreeing
consent, agree, approve
dissent, to differ in opinion or feeling; disagree; to withhold approval
insensate, inanimate; unconscious; unfeeling
insensible, unconscious; indifferent, unaware
nonsense, subject matter, behavior, or language that is foolish or absurd
(NOT "present")
presentiment, feeling that something is about to happen
resent, to feel indignantly offended at
sensation, perception associated with stimulation of a sense organ or with a specific body condition
sensible, acting with or exhibiting good judgment
sensitive, responsive to external conditions or stimulation; quick to take offense
sensory, related to the five senses
sensual, enjoying sensation
sensuous, of the body as opposed to the intellect; connected with sexual pleasure
sentence, a grammatical unit (containing a subject and predicate)
sentient, having sense perception or feeling; conscious
sentimental, resulting from or colored by emotion rather than reason or realism; with tender feelings, maudlin

TURB- disturb

"turbo"< turbocharger < turbosupercharger
disturb, upset; interfere with; interrupt
imperturbable, unable to be disturbed, unflappable
perturb, to cause to be agitated
perturbation, A small change or disturbance in a physical system
turbid, muddy, thick
turbine, engine which converts kinetic energy of fluid to mechanical energy
turbulent, full of motion, violently agitated or disturbed


VERT-, VERS- turn

adverse, unfavorable
adversity, unfavorable circumstances
avert, to turn away, to ward off
averse, having a feeling of opposition or distaste; strongly disinclined
conversion, change over to another way of thinking
convert, to change (something) into another form, substance, state, or product; transform; one who has gone through a change
diverse, having a variety of forms
diversion, distraction, pastime
divert, to turn aside from a direction
extrovert, one who is interested in others and his/her env. as opposed to self
inadvertent, not duly attentive; marked by unintentional lack of care
introvert, one whose thoughts and interests are directed inward
inversion, reversal, making opposite
invert, turn over, turn inside out
obverse, toward the observer
perversion, practice considered abnormal
pervert, to corrupt; a sexual deviant
reverse, away from the observer; turned backward
revert, change back, turn back
subversive, one who is intent on undermining/ruining things
subvert to overthrow, corrupt
versatile, capable of doing many things well or competently


VIA- way

deviant, differing from the norm
deviate, to move away from accepted standards
devious, deceitful, not straightforward
impervious, incapable of being penetrated
obviate, anticipate so as to make unnecessary
obvious, easily perceived or understood
trivial, of little importance or significance; trifling
via, by way of
viaduct, series of arches or spans used to carry road/railroad across a wide valley or other roads

