"Parkinson's Finding on Journals: The progress of science varies inversely with the
number of journals published."-
"All of the books in the world contain no more information than is broadcast as video in
a single large American city in a single year. Not all bits have equal value."-
Carl Sagan

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Electronic Journal Center at OhioLINK
OhioLINK - Electronic Journals by Subject
OhioLINK Research Database Quick Search -- Simple and advanced
search options available for numerous subjects, including following Databases.
-- Index and abstracts to engineering literature from international journals,
conferences, and reports. Includes or has links to full text. 1980 - present.
Computer Source
-- Index, abstracts, and full text of articles covering the latest information
and current trends in high technology. Includes or has links to full text
-- (1969-present) Most comprehensive bibliographic database for computer
science. The database provides abstracts and indexing to scientific and
technical journals and conference proceedings in physics, electrical
engineering and electronics, computing and control, and information
- MathSciNet
-- Index and summaries of articles and books on mathematical
research. Includes or has links to full text.
- Science Citation
Indexes (ISI)
-- provides access to current and retrospective
bibliographic information, author abstracts, and cited references found in
technical Journals. Updated weekly. 1980 - present.
EBSCOhost -- databases at OhioLINK offering journal titles
and full text articles. Restricted to OhioLINK users.
JSTOR Arts and Science Collection--
An electronic archive
Portage Library Consortium Database Access System --
EBSCOhost and other Data bases access. Kent Free Library
login required.
Extensive Full Text Search
(Scientific Literature Digital Library) at
-- Citation database that links papers in computer and allied sciences with
web and e-mail addresses of authors. Many of the citations are linked to the
full text.
Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies at U. Karlsruhe -- The
collection currently contains more than 1.2
million references (mostly to journal articles, conference papers and
technical reports, maintained by by Alf-Christian Achilles.
Computer Science
Bibliography at U. Trier -- Bibliography search for several CS
journals, conferences, books & series by author, title and more, maintained by Dr. Michael
- DoCIS:
Documents in Computing & Information Science -- free access to data
about documents in computing and library and information science.
E-print Network -- is a a gateway to over 12,700 Web sites and
databases worldwide of pre-publication drafts of journal articles (preprints),
scholarly papers, technical communications, or similar documents relaying
research results among peer groups.
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research sources. Full text access restricted to KSU users.
InterDock -- Directory of published proceedings.
Literature Information and Documentation System -- maintained by Gerd Herzog, DFKI GmbH, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence.
LNCS Conference Acronym Index -- lists all LNCS/LNAI/LNBI
conference proceedings volumes with access to full text.
Papers on
Computing -- index of State of the Art Papers on Computing.
Electronic Journal Center at OhioLINK -- Full text access restricted
to KSU users.
- Scirus -- The most
popular search engine for scientists at Elsevier Science.
Scirus and Google -- Compare Google and Scirus.
Citation Databases, Search Tools
& Digital Libraries
- Academic Press (AP)
- arXiv.org e-Print archive
-- Search in the Computational Geometry at Technical U. of Catalonia, Spain.
Bibliographic Database LEABIB at Technical U. Munich -- Contains
36000 citations from theory & foundations of computer science.
Cambridge University Press - Search for Journal articles
- Computational
Geometry Bibliography Search at McGill U.
Computer Science Database
Science Journals in E&S Library at Carnegie Mellon
- Computer Science Research Paper Search Engine
(CORA) -- Over 50,000 postscript text search with extensive cross
- Computing
Research Repository (CoRR)
Directory of Computing Science
Journals at SFU (Simon Fisher University)
- E-Journals Site Guide: a Meta
Source -- at U. of British Columbia.
Electronic Journals at NYU
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-- Free Journal & Magazine Article search.
Full Text Science Journals at
University of Georgia
- Home
Page Search -- Search for Personal Home Pages
of Computer Scientists
Bibliography Search at MIT -- Keyword search available.
Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society -- Scientific journal
which publishes original research papers in all aspects of computer science,
including modular software development, object-oriented analysis and formal
specification, robot control, and Web caching, mirroring, and searching.
Abstracts and full text available online, in English.
- Kluwer Online |
Search or browse
Journals -- searchable database for journals published by Kluwer.
Journals Virtual Library at Florida State
Math for Math | Pure Mathematics Journals with
Information Processing Letters information.
- Parallel
Numerical Algorithms -- List of Publications by Texas A&M faculty with
online text.
Preprints at
Institute of Mathematics, Germany
Browse Journals
Computer Science Journals
ComputerScienceWeb -- is an on-line platform offering full text articles
from leading computer science journals and integrated services to facilitate
your research in Computational Intelligence, Natural Computing, Computer
Applications, Computer Systems Organization, Computer Vision, Computing
Methodologies, Computing Milieux, Data, Information Systems, Hardware,
Software and Theory of Computation.
User Tips for searching
Portals at
Largest Free Full-Text Science Archive at Stanford U..
- SpringerLink
Search Geometry Literature Database -- Utrecht U., Netherlands.
- World Scientific |
- Zentralblatt MATH -- is the world's most complete and longest running abstracting and
reviewing service in pure and applied mathematics (theoretical computer
Technical and Research Reports
Bibliographies of Technical Reports of CS Departments at U. Karlsruhe
-- searchable
- Boston
University - Computer Science Technical Reports
Brown University Computer Science Department Technical Reports
CS Tech Reports at
Carnegie Mellon |
Online CS Techreports at other Institutions -- A listing with links to sites around the
world that have online computer science technical reports.
CMU SCS Technical Reports
- Columbia
Department of Computer Science Technical Report Archive
Computer Science Technical Reports --Free access
to more than 45,000 technical reports in computer science extracted from
nearly 300 sites around the world at U. of Waikato-New Zealand
Computer Science Technical Reports Archive Sites -- list of sites that
distribute technical reports
Computer Science Technical Reports in Japan -- Sony Computer Science
Laboratories Inc.
- Cornell Computer
Science Technical Report Collection -- Collection of Computer science
technical reports from
number of
participating institutions
Dartmouth Tech Reports
Free University of Berlin - Computer Science Technical Reports
IBM Research Reports - searchable index of research reports. Online
full-text version of recent reports and pointers to published material.
- Kent State Technical Reports:
ICM Tech
Reports |
Institute for Numerical Computation and Analysis
Transactions on Numerical Analysis
Langley Technical Report Server (LTRS)
- Leiden
University, Netherlands CS Technical Reports
NASA Technical Report Server (NTRS) -- searches the many different abstract
and technical report servers maintained by various NASA centers and programs.
NCSTRL Networked Computer Science Technical Reports Library --
(pronounced "ancestral") is a
worldwide, distributed digital library of computer science technical reports
from educational institutions.
Zealand Digital Library's Computer Science Technical Reports Collection -- A
searchable digital library that provides a full-text index to over 20,000
technical reports culled from the archives of over 250 university and research
institutions around the world.
Oxford Computing Lab Publications
- Princeton
University Computer Science Technical Reports
Programming Research Group technical Report - Oxford University Computing
Research Reports at Max-Palnk Institut für
Informatik, Germany
Research Reports, Technical Reports, Thesis edited by INRIA,
SRC Research Reports
- Unified
Computer Science TR Index at Indiana U.
University of Washington CS&E Technical Reports
Virtual Technical Reports Center U. of Maryland. -- International
Collection of e-prints, preprints, reprints, dissertations, theses, and
research reports of all kinds.
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