KSU Related
Beginners Guide
LaTeX Resources
- MiKTeX -- (pronounced
mik-tech) is an up-to-date implementation of TeX and related programs
for Windows.
- WinEdt -- editor and shell for
creating LaTeX documents on Windows.
Related Resources
TeX Resources
About IDVI -- A Java applet which can view DVI files.
Softlab -- Microsoft Word to LaTeX conversion and vice versa. Word2TeX and TeX2Word.
Download shareware versions.
FrameMaker Utilities -- Conversion between FrameMaker and LaTeX (both ways) and BibTeX
to FrameMaker. Source code in C.
HEVEA -- is a LaTeX to HTML translator. The input language is a
fairly complete subset of LaTeX2e, as well as the old LaTeX style and the output
language is HTML that is correct with respect to version 4.0. Binaries for
Linux, Solaris, Windows; Unix source kit requires Objective Caml. Free download.
html2latex -- A Perl script to convert a properly formatted HTML file into a
properly formatted LaTeX file.
- Hyperlatex -- it
will write a document that will look like a flawless LaTeX document when
printed and like a handwritten HTML document when viewed with an HTML browser.
Download available for GNU.
LaTeX2HTML or at
LaTex2HTML (ftp)
-- Converts LaTeX into HTML. The CVS development repository.
Documentation and source code (in Perl) with
LaTeX2PPT -- convert LATeX into power point slides
latex2slides -- Produces a set of HTML/JPEG slides from a LaTeX (or TeX) source
file. Documentation and Unix downloads.
Ltoh -- Customizable LaTeX to HTML converter by Russell W. Quong.
Written in Perl 5.00x, running under Unix.
Producing HTML and PDF with LaTeX
techexplorer |
documentation -- A Netscape and Internet Explorer plug-in for rendering TeX,
LaTeX and MML documents.
- Mathcad.com
-- free download of techexplorer for windows.
TeX4ht: LaTeX and TeX for Hypertext -- discussed in detail with download
TeXaide -- A special version of Design Science's Equation Editor that
generates TeX. Available for Windows 95, 98, 2000, Me, XP, NT 4.0 and newer:
free download on registration.
TeX4ht -- A highly configurable TeX-based authoring system for producing
hypertext which interacts with TeX-based applications through style files and
postprocessors, leaving the processing of the source files to the native TeX
TeXPort -- From TeX/LaTeX to WordPerfect or Word. Purchase Windows software
or conversion service.
TTH -- TEX to HTML translator. Download C source or binaries for most
operating systems, free for non-commercial use.
TtM -- TeX to MathML translator: translates from Plain TeX and LaTeX
into HTML including the equations in the form of embedded MathML. Windows/Intel
(purchase) and Linux (free) platforms. Interactive demo.
WP2LaTeX -- Converts WordPerfect 4.x, 5.x and 6.x documents to LaTeX 2.09
and 2e. Download executables for DOS (Real), DOS (DPMI 16-DJGPP), OS/2, Linux,
Sun Solaris, and Windows; full source code is also included, with documentation.
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