CS 802 Advanced Research Methods in Computer Science
Department of Computer Science, IIU

Spring 2010



  1. Introduction: Problem and problem solving, Algorithms, complexity analysis etc.
  2. How to write algorithms: psedocodes (using elementary addition algorithm)
  3. Sorting algorithms
  4. Complexity Analysis of Insertion Sort.
  5. Asymptotic Behavior of Algorithms
  6. Asymptotic Efficiency of Algorithms: Formal and mathematical definitions and properties.
  7. Methods for Asymptotic Analysis: Tight bound, upper bound, lower bound etc.
  8. Comments on growth functions, bounding summations, recurrences, graphs, trees, etc.
  9. Dynamic Programming Technique.
  10. Basic Elements of Dynamic Programming.
  11. Applicability of Dynamic Programming.
  12. Chain Matrix Multiplication Problem
  13. Naive Algorithm the Problem
  14. Dynamic Programming Approach for the Problem
  15. Dynamic Programming Formulation for the Problem.
  16. Implementation of Dynamic Programming Rules
  17. Example: Chain Matrix Multiplication
  18. Recursive Implementation of the Problem
  19. Memoization
  20. Introduction: Polygons and Triangulations
  21. Minimum-Weight Convex Polygon Triangulation
  22. Correspondence to Binary Trees
  23. Dynamic Programming Solution for Triangulation
  24. Convex Hull Algorithms
  25. Convex Hull Problem and Approaches
  26. Determination of Extreme Edges
  27. Graham Scan Algorithm
  28. Running Time Computations
  29. Amortized Analysis: Aggregate Method and Stack Operations (multipop)
  30. Correctness of Graham Scan
  31. Comments on Problem Reduction
  32. Reduction Example: Use of Hull Algorithm to Sort.
  33. Conclusion: Some more comments on problem and problem solving, Comments on inductive reasoning, problem or statement formulation, two working examples.


Our Main Source:
  1. Thomas Cormen,  Charles Leiserson,  Ronald Rivest, and  Cliff Stein,  Introduction to Algorithms, McGraw Hill Publishing Company and MIT Press, 2001 (2nd Edition).



Midterm I April 14, 2010 4:30 - 6:15 PM
Midterm II May 27, 2010 4:30 - 6:15 PM
Final June 7, 2010 2:30 - 5:30 PM



Points Distribution


Quizzes (including question-answers)

30 %
Midterm I 10 %
Midterm II 10 %
Final 50 %













1111 100  100 19 60 71 B+
1313 100  100 32 61 68 B+
1929 100  100 37 45 58 B
1978 100 100 39 46 65 B
2222 100 100 25 48 65 B
3382 100 100 39 51 68 B+
6110 100 100 44 55 74 A
7860 100 100 41 52 55 B






