Motive - Shortest musical idea
Phrase - Delimited by a cadence
Period -
- Two consecutive phrases. The second having a stronger cadence. Antecedent - consequent
- A pair of phrases of similar length or structure in an antecedent-consequent relationship.
- Typically, the first phrase (antecedent) ends on the dominant and the second phrase (consequent) ends on the tonic.
- The relationship of the two phrases is often compared to a question and an answer.
Parallel Period - aa' A period in which the second phrase is a repetition, modified repetition, or a variant of the first phrase.
Contrasting Period - ab A period formed by two different phrases
Modulating Period - A period that cadences in a different key
Double Period - Two consecutive periods with an antecedent consequent feel. The second ending with an authentic cadence
Repeated Period - Repetition of the period with no structural changes - texture and octave might be different
Phrase group - 2 or more phrases without the antecedent consequent feel. For example two phrases that both end with the same type of cadence or a period with three phrases.
Sectional or Closed - If a section ends in the key in which it began with an authentic cadence or plagal), it is termed a closed section.
Continuous or Open - If a section ends with a half-cadence or in a different key it is termed an open section.